Tag Archives: China


How we deal with national problems need not, in all cases, be nationally.  A large fraction of our national weakness has resulted from the least-efficient mechanism in the country – and the most expensive – the federal Government in its thousands of permutations, assuming responsibility for local and intensely personal problems and discomforts.  These would include things like food, education, employment, housing, and sexuality… not to mention the nature of household appliances and pronouns.  We are becoming weaker as a people and weaker individually, as we wait for unrelated bureaucrats and disingenuous politicians to make us comfortable.  Only in the past 30 years, or so, have we begun to recognize that every bit of comfort has come at a loss of freedom.  Let’s move forward.


Every nation must deal with immigration.  It’s an outgrowth of the “greener-grass” syndrome.  People in many countries live in economic and political systems that are pretty crappy.  Often there isn’t enough food or the government is mean to people.  Many of those countries are led by dictators or communists of various shades of red, leaving the residents not very happy.  Eventually some of those people do what it takes to move to some other country where the political and economic “grass” is greener… or prettier… or less crowded.  All countries, including those that people leave, have laws – or fences – to control entry, which means not crossing their border until or unless the new country actually thinks it might be good to let the foreigner across that border.  Every country does this: controls and guards its border, mainly because one never knows when a foreigner might try to steal from the new country or from its people or, worse, try to do harm to the new country or to its people.

So, every country on Earth controls its borders, umm… except for one: Ours, the U. S. of A.  Interestingly, ours is one of the freest and the most blessed with food and blessed with the idiocy of perpetual welfare.  How would a relatively modern, successful country like ours, ever select a leader who would not defend its borders?  It is a conundrum.  Our current leader, chosen according to legend by 80 Million of his fellow citizens, has actively subverted the laws – and the fences – of his country resulting in the unbridled entry of more than 5 Million strangers from 100 other countries (or more), a million of whom sidestepped the polite greetings of the so-called “Border patrol” staff so that they could enter in secret, perhaps with less than honorable intentions toward their new country.  What an odd “leader” our country is entrusted to.

Let us hope every voter with the opportunity is able to choose a far, far different leader so that our country’s border will again be protected and guarded.  It’s a simple thing.


Drugs can heal or injure or kill.  These 3 options are true for both licit and illicit drugs.  In concert with the problems of immigration, tons of illicit drugs cross the unguarded border we just discussed, and they definitely injure and kill the legal residents of this country.  Our erstwhile government, hired to protect us, the citizens, has failed to solve the problem of mind-altering and often deadly drugs for, well, virtually forever.  But, under current leadership and the inactions of our bureaucratic “deep state,” the swath of death such drugs have wrought has reached new depths of death and failure.  One wonders why this particular national problem has proven insoluble.  Our national government reflexively tries to force the solution to deadly, destructive drugs back upon individuals and localities, while grasping onto personal problems that earn votes and the continuation in power to make them national ones.  Someone is not being honest with the citizenry.

Over the span of 9 years or more, America sacrificed about 55,000 of its young men and women fighting Communists in Viet-Nam.  We have agonized over the waste of those young people for the 50-plus years since we pulled out.  Lots of lies and untruths were told to the American people during that botched conflict, yet we persevered until there was nothing left to fight for, and we left.

Drugs kill between 60,000 and 100,000 young people EVERY DAMNED YEAR nowadays – mostly due to fentanyl that comes through Mexico, our “friends” to the south.  The victims don’t need the Defense Department to ship them overseas to be killed; overdosing can be accomplished close to home… sometimes in the home. 

Fentanyl is fairly easy to make from its constituent chemicals, benzylfentanyl and 4-anilinopiperidine and our other “friends,” Communist China sells large quantities of those chemicals to Mexican cartels.  Toluene, an easy chemical to obtain, they don’t need to import.  “Fentanyl” is 100 times as potent as morphine in its ability to react with pleasure receptors in the brain, so a user must be very, very careful as to dosage.  Its other effect is suppression of breathing, and a user certainly wouldn’t want to end up like George Floyd, late of Minneapolis.  A deadly dose, even for a man as big as the late Mr. Floyd, is about the volume of one shake of salt on some food – very, very careful.  Unfortunately, most users of drugs, particularly drugs of questionable origin, are somewhat stupid.  Tens of thousands smarten up every year, right before they stop breathing.

A president, especially one elected due to his immense popularity with some 80 Million of his fellow citizens, would go out of his way, at least a little bit, to guarantee that they or their offspring would be safe from the ravages of illicit drugs like fentanyl.  It’s the least he could do for the millions of people who loved him so much, once.  It turns out that that President is more enamored of the one-point-something Billion friends he has in China, dwarfing the paltry crowd who “voted” him in.  So, he has done less than nothing to stop the flow of illegal drugs or illegal aliens across our once-guarded border.  Indeed, his actions have facilitated both of those illegal border-crossings, and here we are.  Parents and lovers who are mourning the loss of loved-ones to fentanyl and other “southern” drugs, are advised to never forget who their President cares about least.

Drugs could be stopped, but not one plea-bargained case at a time.                                               (See: https://www.prudenceleadbetter.com/2016/05/15/drugs-and-governance/)

It would be refreshing to hear a campaign speech that included the protection of the American people as a key promise.  It would elicit many Prudent votes, particularly if the death penalty were revived for drug distributors.


Recently, as in 3 years ago, a “new” coronavirus swept across the planet.  A lot of people died as a result, but not always from that virus, COVID-19.  We’ve talked about this, but the virus is not the biggest damage-causer.  The presence of COVID yielded a massive loss of rights and freedoms – un-Constitutionally – and changed the relationships among individuals, health-care providers and institutions, and changed the relationship between the federal government and individuals.  We who are plagued with short memories, owe it to ourselves and to our descendants, to keep alive the abuses Americans have been subjected to and why the new relationships must be reversed in law.  Lately we have heard the CDC and the NIAID branch of it, try to walk back the directives they issued during the “pandemic” that cost many their jobs, licenses and even lives.  Governors, school systems, public agencies, even branches of the military created executive authorities and powers to direct the actions of individuals because they were “following CDC guidance” or “following the science” as imaginatively defined by people like Dr. Anthony Fauci who claimed to “represent” science.  People like to think that “doctors,” including Phd’s, are “scientists,” but many are followers of others.  For medical doctors, with the brutal intrusion of federal governance into health care, many are employees, now, and they can be fired by the institutions that they turned to for stability and protection, if they don’t kow and tow.

Police and fire departments forced trained members to accept the experimental injections or lose their jobs; military branches forced members to accept the shots or lose their position, despite the investment in training and skills.  Teachers were forced to accept the experimental chemical injections on the same basis.  People were forced to get the injections or forego normal exercise of their rights of movement,  assembly or commerce.  Almost none of what was imposed on us, free, sovereign, Americans, was Constitutional.  Those who were questioned on these actions used various claims of ignorance by citing the “CDC” advisories as their authority to restrict freedoms.  Ostensibly, thanks to active fear-mongering by government entities, that same CDC and NIAID (Fauci) and ignorant media (to the point of marshalling hatred against those who disagreed with the fear… mixing it all up with “racism,” lack of “equity” and even “white supremacy” as reasons that people questioned “the science”) COVID was such a threat that states of emergency were justified and people could be arrested or economically destroyed for opening their businesses.

To be Prudent, most of “science” touted during the dark medical age of 2020 through 2022, was bogus.  Real science was often put forth and literally suppressed by government and media working together to protect a single narrative, and those actions killed tens, if not hundreds of thousands of Americans who would have survived COVID relatively easily had less harmful treatments been allowed early in their infections.  In some cases, those alternative treatments worked in very late stages of infection, but it took a contentious legal battle to obtain them.  Hundreds of thousands.

Science is not a place or even a consensus, it is a process.  Stopping investigation, data analysis and experimentation by claiming “settled science” or similar baloney, is as anti-science as can be.  That’s what the “great” Anthony Fauci represented throughout.  The entire National Institutes of Health – NIH – should be disassembled and reconstituted in a way that will improve health and longevity, not the bottom lines of pharmaceutical companies.

The only legitimate role of government in our democratic Republic is to be a partner in the health, safety, advancement and prosperity of its citizens.  Consider what it is, in fact today, and recognize why Prudence indicates that these should be revolutionary times.


The world is awash in dollars including the trillions we create through productive enterprise in our own economy, those we create through productive enterprise in other countries, the “air-dollars” the FED creates for us at re-election times, and the dollars created by foreign banks and enterprises.  Lots and lots of dollars.  The “air-dollars” have been tolerated by Saudi Arabia and other OPEC nations (OPEC being largely a creation of Henry Kissinger and the American oil industry) and nearly every other nation in the world since Nixon closed the “Gold Window” of the Treasury in 1973.  Simultaneously we guaranteed to protect Saudi Arabia and its oil markets and they agreed to market oil only in dollar denominations.  People who wanted oil, and many other traded products, were happy to accept dollars in payment and just as often would sell their goods in terms of dollar values rather than their own currencies.  The need to maintain “exchange rates” with all other currencies and the dollar, gave rise to incredibly lucrative currency speculations that have been not only a financial lever but a political one, as George Soros and others can testify.  So many dollars.  Every one is a bill – a bill against American productivity, and each must eventually be paid with something valued by the holder.

Many in power today seem to view the ocean of dollars as something that will be tolerated forever, and, further, that our incomprehensible debt – over 32 Trillion, now – can be “mentalized” as opposed to monetized.  That is, we will eventually be able to talk our debtors out of worrying about it or even wanting it paid back.  Without grasping what their attitude means, many people just roll their eyes when asked about how we will ever deal with our national debt?  Since it can’t be dealt with now, the best thing is to not let it worry us too awfully much, and let someone worry about it in the future.  Apparently, since we have made ours the largest single element of worldwide debt, all other nations should realize that if our debts are called the world will be worse off without an independent United States… so there: deal with it.  That’s some convenient mentalizing, but it’s not likely to work.

Until 10 or 15 years ago, the majority of nations accepted the dominance of the dollar as a trade-off for stability and extensive military aid from the U.S. to the more than 150 nations in which Americans were posted to protect or stabilize smaller countries facing politically crappy enemies.  Militarily, the U.S. had established a global empire that benefitted itself in both trade and influence, yet also cost it more than its own productivity could afford, hence the enormous debt being tolerated.  But tolerance isn’t love.  There was and is nothing about our past relationships that will inhibit smaller countries from accepting “help” from Communist China, our sworn enemy.  Part of China’s all-dimensional war against the U.S. is the unseating of the dollar as the global currency of trade.  If we lose the “petro-dollar” advantage other nations will quickly decide to not accept payments of international trade obligations in dollars.  One hopes that some one of the geniuses who brought us to this point of astronomical debt, is working on how the U.S. of A. is going to survive as an independent entity without the petro-dollar economy to sustain it.  Voters should ask politicians this question.

Fellow Prudentialists will appreciate the growing, unique responsibilities of U.S. citizenship, ignored or un-taught only at our peril.  Let’s move further.


America is mired in at least 39 or 390 serious problems, but we’ve dealt with only 4 of those we’ve Prudently identified.  Time is short.  We must continue.


Those who have submitted, mentally and emotionally, to the “green” cult, are uniformly opposed to so-called fossil fuels on the premise that carbon-dioxide is going to ruin Earth’s climate and cause the demise of civilization and of life, itself.  That CO2 is the prime “green” component of the solar-driven oxygen cycle upon which all life depends, seems not to affect their thinking.  Those same are virulently opposed to nuclear energy, the cleanest, least damaging source of electrical energy currently available.  Something doesn’t make sense.

Green leftists always reference “Chernobyl” as the end of the argument against nuclear; if that fails, “Three-Mile Island” is expected to shut-up any pro-nuclear stragglers.  Both of those supposed examples of what’s wrong with nuclear power plants, are non-sequiturs.  Chernobyl, in particular, is an example, but it’s an example of how NOT to build a nuclear pile and of how NOT to run and maintain it.  Rather than condemn the natural process of nuclear fission, opponents should correct their opposition to the technological stupidity the Soviet Union rewarded.  Chernobyl would have been a big nothing had it been designed and built like, well, Three-Mile Island, actually.

Chernobyl was, technically, not in a containment structure as nearly all nuclear plants outside of the USSR were.  That is to say, the weaknesses of the design and overall misunderstanding of the processes at various states of operation of their graphite pile reactors, make the Chernobyl-design power plants risky for mistakes and accidents under the best of circumstances.  A long list of nuclear accidents at those plants was finally made public after the investigation into “Chernobyl” was completed.  Some engineering traditions should not be permitted to operate or build nuclear plants.

Still, nuclear power plants have so many inherent advantages that it is foolishness to avoid making use of the continuously-improving technology that goes into their design and construction.  The largest deterrent to nuclear power is fear, often fed by reference to bad technology, like that employed in Chernobyl-design plants and methods.  New series III and IV plants are smaller, modular and 5 to 10 times safer than Three-Mile Island era plants, including passive safety systems.  They’re also much less expensive to build and license.  And, they are clean in both product and operating lifetimes up to 60 years and in eventual decommissioning costs and impacts.  There is no “all-electric” future without massive, weatherproof generating capacity like what nuclear can provide.


Ours is a highly specialized and competitive global economy.  Both commodities and finished products must move from points of origin to points of consumption; this is not going to change no matter how many “community gardens” are created, and it won’t change despite all efforts to go “carbon neutral,” either.  Some tasks must be performed.  Daily there are millions of them.  Reducing the efficiency of completing those millions of tasks places huge burdens on society, the economy and on freedom.  Forcing wholesale changes on how transport is performed… without a more efficient way to do it, is risky at best and foolish by definition.

We are in the midst of a green revolution, and we have been for over 100 years.  From time to time wisdom has been applied through government regulation that has sped up the process of becoming more efficient and therefore cleaner in our consumption of energy to get materials and people moved from place to place.  Increased mileage standards is one example, and automobiles are far cleaner and more efficient than ever, today.  On the other hand, there are far more cars on the road than ever – in virtually every country – causing ever more gasoline, diesel and lubricating oil to be consumed while propelling substantially more “transport” per gallon or quart, and overall.  For green evangelists there has been no progress at all – things are oh, so terribly worse because people insist on private, self-directed transport, and reject, for the most part, “public” transportation: too many cars, too many people driving cars.

Bad government, bending to the political pressure of “green” acolytes, responds by forcing people to pay for and to switch to public conveyance, and then fails to render it clean, comfortable or safe.  Worse, public transit doesn’t go to every place where people need to go, and it never will.  Government then considers how to force people to go to where public transit does go, imagining “model” communities that may never exist.  There are clean, electric alternatives, but so much money and political force has been committed to “public transit” that alternatives are now less likely to be considered than if government went back to being wise, again.  [See: https://www.prudenceleadbetter.com/2017/07/20/a-home-on-the-beach/; or https://www.prudenceleadbetter.com/2016/07/10/automotive-economics-and-freedom/.]

Battery magic seems to many, especially to “green” proselytes, to be cleaner than those awful carbon-based fuels; we should all shuck our internal combustion engines and switch to battery-powered vehicles.  Bad government is listening to them and is virtually forcing car manufacturers to make more magic cars and fewer reliable ones.  The ads are impressive.  Batteries, themselves, are dirty products to make, both physically and politically.  A person changing from gasoline or diesel to battery power has to drive upwards of 60,000 miles before the ecological cleanliness of an “electric” car starts to improve upon that of an internal combustion model.  The only advantage of lithium-ion battery-powered cars is that the filth of mining and tailings, processing and effluents, unsafe mining (including child labor) and ecological disruption and pollution… well, it all happens in other places, out of sight of “green” Americans and others.  Right in our neighborhoods things are pollution free!  Forcing indigenous people off of their ancestral lands in South America is meaningless to us: they’re not OUR indigenous people about whom we care very deeply… very, very deeply.  Improvements to Communist China’s manufacturing base and our long-term dependence on it for parts and replacement batteries, should keep China from ever damaging relations with the United States… so that’s good, too.

No matter how much cleaner internal combustion engines become, it is – and will never be – clean enough; only perfection is barely adequate in the business of planet-saving.  So, in partnership with an entirely anti-American regime, the “green” (actually Red) movement has twisted our economy to the point of throwing away phenomenal manufacturing and servicing skills and technology, as well as discarding remarkably and increasingly efficient electric generation in favor of windmills and Chinese solar panels.  Soon, there will be millions of used cars rusting away as planet-saviors force the end of internal-combustion cars and trucks and the adoption of battery-powered replacements, while limiting the number of “licenses” to sell gasoline… or refine it… or transport it, making continued use of gas or diesel power a little more awkward and unreliable than even severely limited-range electrics are and will continue to be.

Ultimately, (see “only perfection” in the preceding paragraph) owning and driving personal vehicles will become so troublesome that only grossly expensive “public” transportation will be able to provide a modicum of mobility.  Personal freedom and sovereignty that Americans have invented the technological means to enjoy, will be lost forever.  After that there will be millions of battery vehicles that no one wants or can sell, and will find difficult to recycle.  Everything will be approaching perfection.


For many nearly forgotten reasons the United States of America has for over 230 years been the most attractive nation and place for people from every nation to emigrate to.  Americans, themselves, no longer understand (or are taught) why this could possibly be.  Today education appears to include – is compelled to include – every tawdry mistake anyone in our history ever made.  Worse, to complete a communistic circle, the effect of those mistakes is to absorb and render null and void, every great idea and action of those same people.  The net effect of this twisted lens of American history is to grow up blaming your country for every problem in the world, rendering the existence and founding of it indefensible.  As a result, fewer and fewer people do defend it… at least from inside the country… even as more and more people flee their home countries and sneak into, well, HERE.

Actual sovereign nations, however, have laws to govern and, basically, restrict entry to their jurisdictions.  Nations are defined by their borders.  The United States is defined by both borders and ideas of freedom and individuality – not by groups or identities, but by individuals, individual responsibility and equality under the law for – every – individual.  For the past 65 years or so, we have turned our backs on our unique and majestic ideas, and dispersed the gold of citizenship as millions of people who don’t want to become Americans flooded to the insides of our borders.  

Barack Obama was the first president who actively modified immigration practices if not policies, to try to change the demographics of the United States.  Democrats had been dreaming of pushing white America into the minority category since Teddy Kennedy, an avowed socialist (and idiot).  They couldn’t get it rolling any faster during the Clinton administration, but things started moving under Obama.  He was probably the first president who seriously does not like the United States or its Constitution.  Trump, obviously, was an unexpected speed bump in the race to change races.  Biden, on the other hand, knows only two speeds in that race: “flat-out” and “stupid.”  Some FIVE MILLION illegal aliens from over 100 countries have walked in to the U.S. since the 2020 votes were “certified.”  About a million of those never even checked in with the Border Patrol, preferring to sneak in with various subterfuges planned, including serious drug-dealing and, for some hundreds or thousands, terrorist crimes.

Biden is hard to pigeon-hole.  A patriotic observer is hard-pressed to declare him merely sloppy or foolish, when the very next day he might be presented with greater evidence of Biden’s treason toward his own nation.  Breaking, or failing purposefully to enforce U. S. laws, which enables the entry of enemies to our nation, is exactly what President Biden has been doing since taking office… and it’s treasonous.  That treason has come in many flavors, primarily these two: entry of those seeking to execute criminal activities including terrorist acts, and entry of those transporting deadly narcotics with intent to distribute.  That fentanyl kills 10’s of thousands of Americans – mostly young men, but certainly not exclusively – one would think might wake up Americans to the crime of making its importation easier!

The importation of people is also a crime.  Mexican cartels, who control drugs across Mexico and across the U. S., have found a new billion-dollar industry in the trafficking of people into the U. S., especially, by a factor of 10, since the Biden administration took office.  For all of the cooperative police work – DEA work – between Mexico and the past 5 administrations, the flow of drugs, now including abundant fentanyl, has not slowed.  Where there once were 5 or 6 cartels there may be 15 operating in every Mexican state and every U. S. state, as well.  They’ve become more violent in Mexico, causing record levels of homicides, destroyed families and widespread official corruption.  At the same time, with the cooperation of Chinese chemical suppliers, they are partners in at least 100,000 deaths in the U. S. from fentanyl overdoses.

President Biden commits treason against his own country in other ways, often by providing “aid and comfort” to our enemies.  It’s subtle, but definite… well, subtle except for scuttling Afghanistan.  According to sworn congressional testimony, Biden demanded immediate withdrawal despite the advice of military advisors, including the abandonment of Baghram Airbase and more than $7 BILLION in weapons, ammunition, aircraft, including some high-tech personal and tactical hardware.  The Taliban, of course, has never been an ally of ours or friendly toward America or Americans in any way.  They’re enemies, Joe, you dope.  And we armed them to the teeth, abandoned real allies to danger and death at the hands of the Taliban.  We could have retained Baghram and much of our equipment, and we logically should have regardless of costs.  So, militarily, why did we do things the way we did?  What on Earth was the headlong, damned stupid rush?

It seems Prudent to realize that we abandoned all of our work because China wanted us to.  China didn’t want us to maintain a base so close to their border.  China is happy to see us shoot ourselves in the foot – it saves them the trouble.  They have invested many millions into the Biden family; our retreat was a return on investment by a factor of a thousand percent.  When we look at all the players and pressures involved in 20 years of U.S. actions in Afghanistan, only the U.S. acted like an idiot, against its own interests.  Treason, thy name is Biden.

When China is invited to “help” the United States eliminate drug abuse, and elections are “temporarily” suspended to get a handle on “crime,” it will be too late to rid ourselves of the gaggle of assholes from the Obama and Biden regimes.

So many words and only 3 more issues discussed.  Prudence says stop here, wait for the next.


Illicit drugs you will enjoy….

The accumulation of derogatory information about the origin of COVID-19 and the supposed “vaccines” rushed into production and forced upon billions of people across the world, argues for some Prudent discussion.  We’ve been repeatedly told about how “COVID” caused the deaths of “a million” Americans.  It’s more complicated than just that terrible number.

For some weird reason, the United States has yet to hold China responsible for the pandemic.  We keep doing billions of dollars of business with China, we treat China with kid-glove diplomacy, and we drop key internal defenses against Chinese influence within our universities, elections and social media.  No rational country would act this way, so why are we acting irrationally?  Money?  Is that it?  Did you know that China actually established its own POLICE STATIONS (supposedly to monitor Chinese nationals) in New York and elsewhere?

Do you ever hear a statistic of how many people have died or been debilitated by the mRNA vaccines?  No?  It is Prudent to wonder why that is so.  Are the deaths of young, not infirm, but healthy young children and young adults, any less tragic than deaths from COVID?  There are thousands, after all.  Debilitation includes permanent heart damage that has stopped sports activity in its tracks and lifelong heart weakness.  Is this other epidemic simply the price that a society must pay for the greater good?  What good is that?  Wealth transfer?

Those who take the “side” of the so-called mRNA vaccines are convinced that they miraculously saved the lives of millions of people.  That is a statistic that can’t really be quantified: we can’t prove what didn’t happen.  Oddly, though, when COVID was its most virulent, in 2020, there was no “vaccine” available, yet in 2021, when people were lining up by the millions to get the injections, twice as many people died “from COVID.”

Needless to say, money skewed those deaths and statistics, too.  Hospitals were compensated for treating COVID patients, more for providing Remdesivir (which also killed some victims) and more for use of ventilators on patients… then still more for every COVID death in hospital.  Unlike virtually every other epidemic/pandemic, NO OTHER TREATMENT OPTIONS WERE PERMITTED!  Despite widespread evidence of lives saved and mitigating effectiveness of Ivermectin in various combinations with analgesics and supplements, one of the safest drugs ever discovered, doctors who prescribed it were chastised and restricted to the point of losing hospital privileges and even licensure.  AS IF COORDINATED, there erupted a monolithic defense of mRNA vaccines as the only “treatment” approved, and a virulent disapproval of all alternatives.  Is that how influential big Pharma’s money is throughout our medical establishment?

To make matters ever so much worse, governments imposed vaccines on various groups, professions, industries else workers would lose their jobs – jobs deemed heroic prior to vaccine availability.  Civil rights were tossed out the window in favor of vaccine mandates, while adverse effects of the vaccines themselves were suppressed.  Gone was the right to “informed consent” by the coerced, since the vaccine makers had made claims of effectiveness based on poor test samples and, in crucial cases, NO TEST SAMPLES… just claims.  There was no real information about the “vaccines” that could provide the “informed” part.

Throughout 2022, as “vaccinated” came to mean the first two shots and some number of booster shots, the niggling reports of adverse reactions to mRNA injections became a flood, including an abrupt spike in sudden adult deaths among the 25 to 59 year old demographic – the healthiest segment.  Morticians and pathologists were reporting numerous instances of long, rubbery blood clots among deceased, vaccinated victims.  Young men, even into their teens, were dropping dead during sporting events or while in training – reports from our and several other countries.  Other reports involved pilots, who are monitored constantly for fitness, and even military personnel, also in the healthiest years of their lives, all vaccinated by mandate.

One doctor Prudence interacted with, upon hearing how the injections were being called “clot shots,” immediately proclaimed that COVID itself caused clots “orders of magnitude” more frequently than the miraculous mRNA injections, which, sadly, is simply not true.  She, like many others “in” the medical industry, believes that the mRNA shots are a miracle that has saved millions of lives.  That is what they are supposed to believe.

There are numerous instances of patients’ families going to court to force hospitals to treat their loved-ones with something besides ventilation and Remdesivir.  In many cases the hospital would force them to physically take the patient somewhere else to avoid being treated in ways that institution had declared to be the “protocol,” for COVID, often in lockstep with “CDC” recommendations and “FDA” rules against Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.  Doctors who knew of the effectiveness of alternate treatments were forced out of those hospitals and even lost their licenses.  Today, the CDC and FDA are trying to claim that they offered only “suggestions” and that neither ever forced anyone to choose certain treatments or deny them.  What a load of crap.  These are still the “authorities” in medicine.  We haven’t even mentioned Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Tony Fauci is a case study in “deep statism” all by himself.  He worked for the National Institutes of Health for more than 53 years, and as head of the national Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) for the last 38 of those years.  Over that span his federal salary rose to well over $400,000 – more than the President or anyone else in federal employ is paid.  He may have been worth every penny.  However, in addition to salary, many of the staff within NIH agencies, including Mr. Fauci, presumably, are allowed to collect “royalties” from pharmaceuticals and treatment protocols developed directly from research and laboratory testing financed by the NIH budgets.  Fauci has strongly denied any “investment” in, for example, the mRNA injections, but his declaimer about royalties paid to personnel is rather indistinct, although he tosses in that none of its royalties were “paid to (him).”  That doesn’t apply to numerous other products his NIAID helped to develop.

Perhaps Fauci’s greatest impact is achieved through research grants, in the many millions, ultimately billions, of dollars.  We can see this impact in the microcosm by following the money the NIAID granted to a subcontractor, “Eco-Health Alliance,” for whom there existed no compunction about financing work in the Wuhan, China, Institute of Virology.  Despite the highly revered – and paid – Dr. Fauci’s denial before Congress, Eco-Health Alliance was funding so-called gain-of-function research on the SARS-2-CoV virus.  There must have been some good reason to encourage and fund that work.  Money, perhaps.

It turns out that the University of North Carolina obtained a patent on the SARS-2-CoV virus protein.  This is not possible, according to patent law referring to biological “inventions,” unless… unless the molecule or protein or cell has been engineered.  That is, one cannot obtain a patent on a naturally occurring life-form.  Even more interestingly, our own “CDC,” a federal agency (the Center for Disease Control) had already obtained a patent (which they petitioned to keep confidential) on the SARS-2 virus!  That virus had to be engineered, also, in order to be patented, and not merely isolated.  Wait a minute!

Dr. Fauci and others had determined that the SARS virus had certain useful qualities, perhaps as a biological vehicle for delivering certain biological materials into humans?  Certainly there was something about that virus that made it worth engineering.  And engineer they did, except the “they” got laundered through a favored sub-contractor who did business with the Wuhan Institute.

When the virus broke out of the lab – which reason and evidence make clear – it was the engineered version, made more infective in humans through “gain-of-function” engineering.  “They” call it research.  Who doesn’t like scientific research?  Trust the science, right?  The Chinese Communists, never known for telling the truth, tried to deflect on the source of COVID-19, as they distributed it across the planet, by claiming that it came from the U. S. military.  There was, very unfortunately, more truth to that claim than Americans want to admit.  Our own National Institutes of Health and its NIAID under the careful guidance of the renowned Anthony Fauci, began the chain of processes that resulted in the pandemic/plandemic we blame for millions of deaths and trillions of dollars of economic destruction.  What a string of crimes.

But the disease enabled a huge lurch toward one-world socialist government, and our own president-regular-guy, Joe, is following along with his own trans-national delusions.  He is happy to sign over American sovereignty in matters of health, American citizenship, gun-control, freedom of movement and financial manipulation.  His outlook is shared by the World Economic Forum and the United Nations, particularly the W.H.O., who have lied about COVID-19 fairly steadily to protect China.  No wonder today’s Democrats hate Trump and “America First” so much.  The patriotic, America-loving observer would, Prudently, expect that “America First” would encompass “Americans First,” as part of the philosophy.  It would seem that the HEALTH and well-being of Americans ought to be way high up in the purposes and priorities of the politicians we elect and overpay with that reasonable expectation.  These so-called “vaccines” and related mandates appear to be the exact opposite of “Americans First.”

Recently the less-than-honest CDC expanded its “recommendations” for the “emergency use” injections of poorly tested mRNA gene therapies, to children as young as 2 years.  No mother has been able to make an informed decision – able to provide “informed consent” – for the administration of these odd chemicals to their innocent offspring.  That is because no mother has the information about what the “vaccine” does to her child’s body, heart, brain, ovaries immediately or over time.  Neither Pfizer nor Moderna nor Astra-Zeneca has publicized what each does know about adverse reactions to the shots.  There are, literally, well over 200,000 such events, including thousands of deaths.  ANY other “vaccine” would have been pulled from the market after several hundred serious adverse effects. 

ANY other epidemic/pandemic disease would have had every feasible treatment thrown at it, as well.  None has ever been restricted as COVID-19 was, as to what drugs might be administered to counter the infection.  Did you or someone you know lose a friend or family member to “Covid?”  Was he or she “treated” with ventilation and/or Remdesivir?  Estimates of how many Americans died of Covid, in fact, run to one million; estimates of how many might have been saved with banned treatments, primarily Ivermectin and key nutrients, run to HALF!  500,000 deaths that deserved more than one attempt to prevent them.

And, there is far more useful advice for prevention of harm from Covid-19, than taking more doses of mRNA shots, that for many people are a far greater risk of injury or death than Covid, itself.  Put that in your 5-year-old… and hope for the best.


The Gang’s All Here

There are many forms of conspiracy of which average citizens have some inkling or suspicion, despite, or perhaps because of the concerted mendacity of government officials and agencies, including our military bureaucrats.  Particularly since the Biden administration took control, world politics and military relationships have become more dangerous, more conspiratorial and far more difficult to control, let alone understand.  Naturally, Americans are much more nervous and feeling isolated, as we probably should.  With China encroaching on our spheres of influence and on numerous allies like Canada, Columbia, Panama, African nations and Europe, itself… even Hungary, the “world” seems to be ganging up on the U. S.

This is a rather abrupt turn of events.  One has to wonder if it’s all a matter of incompetence and lack of understanding, or if key power centers in the U. S. are executing a plan.  Can these questions be answered?

  1.           Was Covid-19 a strategy or unfortunate accident?
  2.           Is the widespread “legalization” of very dangerous marijuana and the      onslaught of lethal drugs flooding our neighborhoods, just wretched capitalism or an element of intentional weakness that makes sense to some people?
  3.            Is the attack on Ukraine part of an “approved” plan by globalists to weaken NATO and the U. S.?
  4.            Is the “attack” on oil and gas in the U. S. part of the same plan?
  5.            Where did the basic plan to expand “transgenderism” among grade-schoolers originate?
  6.            How is it that major hospitals suddenly coordinated with the LGBTQ+ agenda and public schools to begin performing transgender mutilations and sterilizations?
  7.            Is the pressure to give virtually everyone from age 5 and up the modified RNA injections part of a larger objective of weakening individual freedom, lower general health and possibly population control?
  8.           Who, or what country(ies), actually benefits from the dramatic changes in  U. S. monetary and immigration policies?
  9.           Who, or what country(ies), benefits from election fraud?
  10.  Who, or what country(ies), benefits from soft-on-crime policies in major cities?
  11. Who, or what country(ies), benefits from high inflation in the U. S.?
  12. Who, or what country(ies), benefits from restricting food production – reducing fertilizer use and sequestering productive acreage?

These are all rather sad questions to be able to posit.  How could so many negative policies suddenly descend upon our nation and people?  Can they all be parts of tragic, unavoidable coincidences?  Or, could they be coordinated from… well, somewhere?  Someone?  Some group?

Can we put much credence into the idea that Joe Biden, a man whose mental state requires guides and “handlers” at all times, actually believes in what he says or does, or that he thought up the set of policies he has put into action?

Or, God forbid, but not an impossibility, is it possible that leftists/globalists in the United States’ “deep state” have considered the evolving relationships and power of Red China, the problems and responsibilities of American freedom and nationalism and the blandishments of the World Economic Forum in terms of a financial control model of vastly smaller populations, and decided that the only answer to the possibilities of wars and nuclear conflict is to throw in with the W.E.F. and establish a global government able to negotiate with, and even coerce China into coexistence?  Perhaps systemic treason has been sold to the oligarchy as salvation.


NATO potato

Prudence observed, recently, that 2022 would be “the” year.  It would be the year that is the fulcrum of history, thought Prudence Leadbetter, and every passing hour appears to confirm that prognosis.  Not only is it a mid-term election year in the United States, but war has broken out in Europe, Canada briefly descended into fascism over Covid vaccine mandates, and China could finally decide it’s a good time to smash Taiwan.  Why should Putin have all the fun?

Americans are going to have their first opportunity to balance the scales after having allowed a most questionable election to install the worst administration in a long lifetime.  There are many questions as to what the consequences of current events may ultimately be, and people have a right to ponder the hundreds of possibilities.  Let’s consider a few.

How long and how large will the Russo-Ukraine war be?  In one view, the best result is a quick victory for Russia and Vladimir Putin.  That will stop the fighting and provide some satisfaction for the Russians, probably stopping their adventurism.  On the other hand, the Ukrainians are not interested in being part of Russia, again, and are fighting ferociously for their land, families, homes and neighbors.  Europe and the U. S. are belatedly providing ammunition, supplies and armaments to Ukraine to whatever degree they can be transhipped to a nation at war for its life.  Without a doubt, the take-over of Ukraine is not proceeding, for Putin, as he intended.  This has made him less rational; he has placed his nuclear forces on “high alert.”

Had the first desired scenario worked out: rapid collapse of the Ukranian government and surrender of Ukranian forces in a few days, perhaps with Zelenskyy fleeing in fear, then Russia could clamp down on Ukraine, start making nice with its NATO neighbors and the world would adjust, amidst grumbling and sputtering, to a new reality.  Putin would be left stronger inside Russia and on the world stage.

However, the second, more dangerous scenario may be playing out.  That is that Russian brutality must increase to the point of war crimes, if not already there, and even if successful in crushing Ukranian resistance, Russia is left a pariah nation and Putin, if he retains power in Moscow, will lose face and influence and any semblance of trust around the world.  Russia will be sanctioned by loss of trade, particularly in oil and gas, weakening it nationally, and possibly reducing cooperation with bordering republics.  NATO will be strengthened.  Amidst this messier turn of events, Putin might do something really stupid… something that draws the United States into direct conflict.  God forbid.

Another question;  Will Democrats attempt even more blatant election fraud to hang onto power in the 2022 midterms?  Despite the inability to prosecute any of the most questionable results, an inability built into the distributed nature of Presidential elections, there are many questions, including Constitutional ones, that no court, including the Supreme Court was interested in hearing, about the conduct of elections in 2020.  Nor did any state want to reverse its certification of electors when that would place them on the ”outs” with a new administration controlling the flows of dollars to state budgets.  It can all be “blamed” on the fear of Covid-19, but the extra-legal changes to voting practices in 2020, were THANKS to Covid-19, not fear of it.

That 2020 experience should be instructive to Americans: the Democrat Party is willing to subvert both standards and laws to retain its hold on power.  The desperation they felt in the face of a most-likely re-election of Donald Trump and his exposure of the deep state bad actors who participated in the attempted destruction of the Trump presidency, was enough to encourage that party to attack election laws in many states, permitting vote-by-mail and unlimited absentee voting, vote harvesting and numerous other weakenings of voter identification.  There is evidence of international electronic connection to voting machines that were, ostensibly, not legally internet connected, and within that illegal action, evidence that foreign actors created blocks of votes that were “dumped” into the electronic records of key states when it became obvious that Trump’s majority would be larger than they had planned to overcome.  They got away with it and Biden’s electors were certified.

What, then, are Democrats prepared to attempt in November of 2022?

Next question:  Will China seize on Biden’s weakness to attack Taiwan in 2022?  Despite its obvious use of Covid-19 to weaken other nations, China is not yet the pariah it should be, internationally.  Many countries are beholden to China for “development” loans they have “paid off” with grants of industrial, raw-material, or military access to their resources, land or coastlines.  Many western leaders are becoming richer through Chinese-led corruption, the greatest of which is the Biden crime family, followed closely by Nancy Pelosi’s husband and Mitch McConnell’s wife.  Hundreds of millions of Chinese dollars enter the U. S. political arena through universities, non-governmental organizations, various non-profits and relatively direct political contributions through straw donors.  Politically, America is compromised.  It is a Chinese strategy that is well-known and well-ignored by our “elites” and the political class.

Does China believe the time is right to move on Taiwan?  We’ll find out, probably around Labor Day.  They, and Democrats, will perceive that crisis as politically positive for Democrats.  God forbid.

Will there be a banking or currency crisis in 2022?  The question hinges not only upon the long-term desire of Russia, China and Saudi Arabia and others to unseat the U. S. dollar as the universal and reserve currency, but also on the oil and gas global trade – something in which President Biden has severely weakened the U. S. position and influence.  It’s almost as though he intended to damage the U. S. economy in as many ways as possible.  Be that as it may, trade dollars, or “petro-dollars,” in practice, became the standard for international conversion for most trade.  This status has also made it possible to create dollars (of DEBT) whenever the U. S. felt like it, which, since the Great Society began, followed by Nixon’s closing of the gold conversion “window,” in 1973, is virtually every budget year.  The government used to borrow in times of war or depression, only – during actual crises, in other words.  However, since the federalization of welfare, there has been a “crisis” nearly every year. 

The U. S. has “borrowed” something over $30 TRILLION dollars, since then, without ever attempting to pay it back.  In return we have seen fit to act as the world’s policeman and foreign-aid piggy-bank.  With the fall of the Soviet Union and general maintenance of stability in global trade and relative peace, sort-of, for the U. S., the rest of the world went along with America’s debt creation and erosion of dollar-value, and our de-facto empire, but the system has grown tiresome and the U. S. has grown less reliable.  Plus, in our soft-hearted / soft-headed immorality, we have gained many enemies that we refuse to recognize or even describe, many of whom are unmoved by stable trade.  Indeed, some have brought America to virtual surrender regardless of the hundreds of billions of military dollars and thousands of lives we have “invested.”

Fewer nations trust us as allies than did 50, 30 or even 10 years ago, possibly than did even 4 years ago.  Precious few will defend our economy when China and others decide to pull the plug on the dollar.  What will that mean?  To start, look at the labels on things you buy.

Many of our vegetables and fruits come from other countries, for example.  If the international standing of the U. S. dollar evaporates, what will we use to buy that produce?  If South and Central American nations, New Zealand, Southeast Asian nations start to require Chinese renminbi for trade, where will we get some to trade with?  Buy them with our own dollars?  Why would China want them?  Sell some gold to China?  Sell some, ahhh… what, to China?  Land???

The U. S. has been acting like an international social-service agency for decades.  This has fitted with the leftist view because it weakens the dominance of the U. S. A.  We have agreed, repeatedly, to buy products to help smaller, poorer nations.  We have agreed to offshore manufacturing to, mainly, China, but also to several other nations, including in Europe.  We’re such nice, friendly folks.  Now, we haven’t sent fast-food “manufacturing” to other countries, so maybe we could trade hamburgers for our fruits and vegetables.  Eh, probably not.  French Fries, maybe.  In our dense “wisdom,” we have already sold off a lot of farmland and food processing to China.  That sounds smart.

Much of America’s power is wrapped up in our position in the global banking system.  Most nations store their gold in New York, for example, with international transactions performed on handcarts between vaults a few yards apart.  Most currency exchange rates are based on the U. S. dollar, secondarily on the British pound sterling, a remnant of the British empire’s dominance prior to World War One.  This works because every nation relies on dollars for international trade, a remnant of American dominance after World War Two.  The final remnant of dollar-dominance harkens back to the final closing of the gold window in 1973.  America had been willing to sell gold to multiple other nations at the then-current exchange rates with the dollar (“redeeming dollars” held by other nations), but we were running out of physical gold.  Enter the “petro-dollar.” 

The U. S. made a deal with the House of Saud that Saudi Arabia would sell oil contracts with other countries denominated in dollars.  Other OPEC nations had to go along.  Several ramifications manifested.  One was/is that most nations needed to have dollars in order to buy oil, the most widely traded commodity.  Because of a high trust level in the honesty of U. S. institutions – including banks, like the Federal Reserve – countries held dollars as part of their reserves.  This “soaked up” a lot of dollars and helped/helps maintain the international value of the dollar.

The U. S., however, effectively flaunts the benefit of having other nations hold and trade in dollars, by creating debt for its own domestic purposes.  This ramification exposes the fraudulent nature of American governance over the past 50 years or so, and now amounts to more than $30 TRILLION, with no end in sight.  This one process threatens U. S. sovereignty and fiscal stability more than any other.  Another ramification is the frenetic speculation in currency exchange rates.  By trading in currency “futures,” countries “forced” to hold petro-dollars are able to hedge against dollar fluctuations, but the net effect is to weaken the dollar to keep commodity prices low (oil, natural gas, wheat, corn, rice, soybeans, pork, beef, steel, chicken, etc.).  It also makes American manufactured products relatively expensive, helping to encourage manufacturers to off-shore production to lower-cost countries, hurting American labor and other economic segments, and driving up the need for Americans to buy products from overseas.  So long as other nations need to have dollars to obtain energy and other commodities, they will accept dollars in payment for their manufactured goods.  What if that stopped?  Can you imagine astronomical price increases?  Rates like 100% per year or more?

Life would change.

Financial gurus have been predicting an economic “reset” for years, and the unseating of the U. S. dollar is its basis.  Yet, politically, we continue to borrow and spend as though the rest of the world will put up with American mendacity forever.  What the Hell is a debt ceiling, anyway?

Very soon, Russia will complete its Ukraine travesty, simultaneously emasculating Europe and NATO, and China will then finalize its move on Taiwan.  What “sanctions” do the Biden administration expect to use to counter that move?  Whether sanctions or real military resistance, China always has the leverage over American debt, and will happily move to unseat the dollar, completing its own elevation to dominance in the world.  At that point the U. S. will be unable to AFFORD to defend itself, an unforgivable circumstance.  Would we turn over the keys to the country in a Rose Garden ceremony?  Do you think we’d go nuclear?  Do you think our progress on transgender equity in our military services enhances our deterrence?

Americans have elected, re-elected and re-elected, sometimes 15 times or more, the same scoundrels who have become wealthy in office while plunging the country into unheard-of debt.  That debt is on us, everyone, not on those we’ve elected, because they have done that deed in our name.  And we have rewarded them for it.  Can we possibly turn our eyes away from the truth and expect life to go on with borrowed funds forever?  Do we think it’s too complicated for us poor rubes to figure out?  One day those debts (loans) will be “called” when that move can do the most damage to us.  Of all the weaponry, research and advantage we have allowed our enemies to steal, the greatest threat is the one we created for ourselves, and that just to keep certain liars in power.  Shame on us.  Maybe this will abruptly change in 2022 when Republicans take over from the Democrats.  If you have evidence of such being likely, please share it widely.

Amidst the wholesale weakening of the United States nation since Trump left office, we are suddenly facing the one alliance we have long hoped would never manifest: China and Russia, and in combination with China’s long-term economic attacks (including organized theft of technology and advanced research), now a combined, hot, military threat.  Most Americans, automatically sympathetic towards the suffering Ukranians, are mostly blind toward the imminent threat of Chinese military action.  This is upon us while the Biden administration has halted the momentum toward strengthening the U. S. military.  God forbid that our country face its second existential threat while the fools in this administration are in charge.  Our national independence and sovereignty could be lost in a week, if it comes to that.


There is no solution or resolution to the new racism America is “enjoying” in 2021, unless we dramatically change course in multiple key areas: Education, Religious freedom, Health care, Monopoly capitalism, Municipal government, Police theory, Government budgeting, Taxation, Border integrity, Cabinet-level policies, Judicial theory, FBI/DOJ practice, Foreign policy, and, if current events allow, a few others.  What constitutes this “new” racism?

To leftists the new racism is the same as the “old” racism, and, given that definition, is the “fault” of the descendants of “old” racists, back to 1619, if not earlier, like 1492, maybe.  But, it’s not the same, is it?  The United States has painfully advanced from white slavery of non-whites over a span of 200 years, in no small part due to the advocacy and non-violent protest-education that led to the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and Affirmative Action in all of its misguided intentions.  The process cost many blacks in beatings and even deaths as the tentacles of “KKK-like” racism tried to cling desperately to the old ways and old hatreds.  As a nation we have rejected those old ways legally, officially, judicially.

Unfortunately, under Lyndon Johnson, we created, simultaneously with the new legal civil rights platform, a federalized welfare structure that has most efficiently deconstructed black families and black success.  As Johnson described the bill-signing, he remarked, “I’ll have those niggers (sic) voting Democratic for generations.”  To that degree he was completely honest, unlike most of his political career.  In fact, federal responsibility for family support is the basis of the “new” racism.  Since federal checks follow, there has been a distinctly muted effort to reverse federal welfare despite decades of evidence of its worst corrosive effect: fatherless children.

The coincident weakening of religious teaching, especially of Christianity, even if only one day a week for a couple of hours, is a second, very large factor eroding our Republic.  Our Constitutional system of, ostensibly, limited government, has worked, and can work, ONLY if the individuals who ratified the Constitution and who swear allegiance to the nation it defines, are honest, morally straight and responsible to themselves and their families.  Without that quality of citizens, the U. S. of A. will not survive for long, something global leftists are working for.

U. S. leftists seem to be working for the same thing.

We cannot make much progress toward a more honest, more moral nation while the Congress and the bureaucratic state are the most influential liars.  Here and there are some Representatives or Senators who appear to be somewhat honest, but they cannot stem the mendacity tide.  Now Capitol Hill has joined its lies with the White House’s extraordinary disingenuousness, leaving honest citizens with nowhere to turn.  The history of the 46th president’s public positions is disturbing enough; his abrupt change of beliefs – if that’s what has happened – is more concerning.  Mr. Biden became a self-made Manchurian Candidate, yet lots of confused Americans are cheering him on.  He has also adopted the new racism as he claims to be “uniting” the country.  Most people who are really strong for Biden, are also those who were taught to hate Trump the most.

While Biden dissembles on virtually everything, especially on domestic and foreign policies, Trump, for all his braggadocio and embellishment – mostly to enhance his own image – never lied about policies he would pursue.  There’s some difference.

The new racism isn’t aimed at “solving” racism.  The new racism is simply a crass, cynical tool for social destruction.  White liberals… and brown liberals, actually think that by forcing whites to “admit” to racists attitudes and to berate one another for our unthinking, “systemic” racism, that every American will finally, regardless of ALL other efforts since our founding, become anti-racist.  Since the underlying premise is false, most of what is said about it is also false.  Racism is normal.  What is not normal, or acceptable, is twisting normal suspicions into hatreds, unjust actions and, sadly, illegal actions.

America is founded on PERSONAL responsibility and personal morality.  Our freedoms are INDIVIDUAL, not grouped.  As John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people”. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

If for no other reason, Socialism’s first goal is always to separate people from religion and faith in God, thereby making government far more necessary to maintain order in society.  Scottish historian, Lord Tytler, is reputed to have said the following:

“The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependence back into bondage.”

Books have been written on that very same theme.  Some describe the phases differently, seeing a shift from liberty into a society dominated by “high priests, experts and judges.”  In America’s case, Prudence can describe that phase as beginning about the time of World War II, simultaneous with the rise of data digitization.  Many of the “high priests” were now identified – since Roosevelt – with government types, the bureaucratic state and academia.  Then, with the foul-minded president, Lyndon Baines Johnson, the explosion of regulation swamped the ability of individuals to manage their own affairs, their own families or their own businesses.  Leftists, as part of the long, long march toward the emasculation of the United States and its eventual demise, saw doors opening throughout the 1960’s through which they could insert levers to separate Americans from the traditions that made the U. S. the strongest nation in the world, and the leader among nations.  Separating us from our traditions has reached a fever pitch.

The new racism is similar in purpose to the old racism: keeping one group down and unable to affect the freedoms… or whims, of the dominant group.  But, it’s not the same.  The new racism defines groups not simply by skin color or other immutable traits, ethnic origin and the like, but by politics and economics; in other words, according to the tenets of Karl Marx.  Lo and behold, the loudest agitators for the new racism are, in fact, Marxists.  Many who join hands and voices with them are oblivious (one hopes) to the Marxist kernel.  Like Joe Biden and some other Democrats, they repeat indefinable phrases like “social justice,” “equity,” and “systemic racism.”  The only “systemic” anything is adherence to the founding documents like the Declaration of Independence and the ratified Constitution of 1789, the principles enumerated in the Northwest Ordinance, the Bill of rights and the best of Amendments to the Constitution.  These same are the targets of the new racists: our Marxist brethren in “BLM,” most colleges and universities, the public education industry and unions, and the most “progressive” leftists in the Democrat party.

The simple view is that the new racism is anti-white, but it is even more virulently the enemy of blacks and other minorities who agree with whites or even any white, singular, based on what that white person THINKS.  The new racism is based on hatred, not fear of difference or even economics, per se, although the current economics has to be destroyed in their view.  Everyone who thinks he or she can state agreement with “Black Lives Matter” loud enough to be safe from their racism (Marxism), is deeply confused… for they are Marxists.  And, they seem proud of that and, evidently, proud of their ability to use racism against the white majority.  The latter requiring a special version of hate.  We who are sympathetic to the plight of some minority citizens must be vigilant that we aren’t digging the grave of the United States with BLM shovels.

Along with the never-ending political hatreds associated with (ostensibly) slavery, today’s professional racists have gathered up the LGBTQ “community” as if those people were another “race” as well, equally discriminated against and equally prevented from pursuing happiness.  The theory doesn’t hold water, of course, but it’s good politics… for both groups.  The fear and guilt elicited by “Black Lives Matter” has enhanced the influence of “LGBTQ” demands far beyond simple numbers would indicate.  White liberals can chastise themselves for almost anything brought to their attention.

“BLM” and other communist types don’t seem smart enough to have decided on the 2020 election year as the year they could shift the conscience of a nation using lies about racial animus among police.  There are no statistics that support their hollow claims; indeed, they support the opposite.  Trump, maligned for more than four years, was making progress on many fronts including the economy, defense of our borders and foreign policy.  All indicators showed his popularity soaring and that he was likely to cruise to a resounding re-election.  It would take a confluence of negativity to stop his momentum.

Democrats threw everything at him, including the kitchen sink and a baseless impeachment and he was still holding a substantial polling lead heading in to 2020.  Moreover, his efforts were starting to dig deeper into the “deep state,” the depths of which few had grasped.  The left and subservient media had to unsettle the American people and change the landscape enough to revamp all voting practices so as to mask the “greatest voter fraud operation in our history,” as Democrat candidate Joe Biden, himself, described it.

Enter Covid-19.  There appears to be some history, including funding, between the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, under the direction of the renowned Dr. Fauci, and the Wuhan Laboratory for Viral Diseases.  One might naturally question the value of researching “bat” viruses, but, far, far worse, why would an American lab PATENT the SARS2 coronavirus after having “engineered” it sufficiently that it was no longer a natural life form, which is legally unpatentable?  And then, why would that same NIAID lab transfer the research to Wuhan when it appeared the American lab was skirting the laws against working with potential bio-weapons?  Finally, why would China aggressively spread the “new” or “novel” coronavirus around the world at the beginning of 2020?  Covid-19, in the eyes of this old conspiracist, was part of a perfect storm damaging the first non-deep-state President in a generation… and his nation, at the primary benefit of China, itself.  What a horrible thought, given the history of civilization as a panoply of conspiracies.  One would be stirred to question why any hint of “conspiracy” regarding the past 60 years, or so, is so abruptly shut down and ridiculed.  Perhaps the anti-conspiracists protest too much.

Is the new racism a conspiracy?  Since there is evidence of the most horrible coordination of bad events, it seems feasible.  Proof?  Not so much, but when multiple enemies of the same man and movement are at the hearts of multiple attacks against him… and us, one is entitled to wonder.  Still, Americans are not used to such speculation; we have grown soft in our expectation of good in most people – even politicians.  It is too much to digest the possibility that multiple anti-American forces worked together in our Covid-besmirched year of Marxist terrorism.  To see that year end with a clearly questionable election, marked by the unlikeliest set of anomalies benefitting one candidate, has, at last, caused many Americans to go, “Hmmnnhh.”

In 2007 we were not a racist country.  Since then one party and one global, leftist movement has worked tirelessly to turn us into one.  They have had some success.  May God forbid they have any more.


          Your quick rejection of voting problems has made me think… your comments and views always do.  I consider you an inherently honest person in that you are true to your beliefs.  Truly, that is the only measure of honesty that humans can apply.  Reality is dashed on the rocks of belief all the time, for everyone.  About the highest level of human honesty that we can obtain occurs where believers maintain a rational skepticism about everyone’s beliefs, including their own, and then constantly examine bits of information that don’t perfectly fit belief structures. 

          One must also be prepared to alter beliefs when new facts require it.  This would be wonderful in a generic sense, but some beliefs are already based on hard reality and should not be questioned.  An honest discussion might ensue at the end of which the questioner of reality-based beliefs should change his or her own.

          Many beliefs are perceived by their holders to be unassailable, such as matters of faith, including moral codes and things spiritual, and honesty as a functional reference, itself.  Evidence for such things varies from historic to emotional to community-shared beliefs as evidence.  Arguments, even in historical realms are unrewarding, threatening and worth avoiding.  But beliefs derived from more recent news: incomplete facts, unproven evidence (in the mind of the recipient) deserve some continuity of skepticism until reality can be more firmly grounded in support or disproof of outside opinions not personally experienced.  I believe that you are more liberal in political views than am I and of a different faith, yet we respect one another’s views enough to change our own if either might reveal bits of reality to the other.  I try to be an honest conservative and you are an honest liberal; I voted for George McGovern, after all.

          And so, evidence is the key to any discussion about political shenanigans, one of the least honesty-based areas of argument in human history.  But, even here, there is reality, however difficult it may be to pry evidence from the hands of those who may be the perpetrators of voting irregularities, which is where it all resides.  At the very least I trust you can agree that there is some evidence of voting anomalies in the 2020 elections (plural; there being 50 state elections held on the same day).  In opposing virtually every charge of voting irregularities, media observers, not quite exclusively patisan, immediately state that “You have no proof of fraud.”  This is true in a definitive sense since, again, all the hard evidence is in the possession of those who are being accused of perpetrating or allowing said irregularities; there is abundant circumstantial  evidence, however.  In most cases of civil crimes, circumstantial evidence constitutes “reasonable suspicion” and grand juries have little else to go on unless there is sworn testimony that tends to support the circumstances of possible criminality, from which indictments often derive.  Correct me if I misunderstand that.

          There is a trap for many when considering political  crimes.  “It’s just politics as usual.”  “This has been going on since Tammany Hall.”  “It’s nothing new; charges were leveled in 2016 so it’s just tit for tat politics.”  A crime is a crime…                             (ref: http://www.prudenceleadbetter.com/2020/12/26/admirable-crimes/ )               and we are all besmirched if crime is not sanctioned in a nation of laws, not of men… and women.

          Judgment is twisted when hatreds form part of beliefs, and there are hatreds on all sides of the 2020 elections.  These are guarded against firmly by honest observers… and debaters, and certainly, we hope, by judges, attorneys and sworn public officials.  They are embraced by those who fail to meet standards of honesty, and they’re out there.

          One could posit a scenario, based on the past 4 years of unrelenting attempts to politically destroy President Trump, having failed his removal by those means, that the unfulfilled hatred for Mr. Trump by the Democrat Party and the “deep state” denizens, would be concentrated on guaranteeing that Trump lost re-election.  To do so required controlling the results in 5 or 6 states, only – the states Hillary was counting on and didn’t nail down in 2016.  Attempting to effect a guarantee meant organizing hyper-partisans in only a few cities or counties: just a few parts of those few states.  Given this hypothesis, is there any evidence that indicates such a plan may have been put into play?

          Why, yes, yes there is!  Like what, the skeptical questioner asks?  Are there unusual patterns of vote counts in historically strong Democratic counties, cities or even precincts?

          Georgia being on everyone’s mind, right now, let’s look there.  Georgia’s voting and tabulation procedures have vulnerabilities, as do most states’.  To generate a “certified count” for any single vote to be part of the count (assuming a legally-cast vote, disregarding temporarily deceased voters, out-of-state – non-resident voters, or “harvested” absentee votes), the ballot is first marked by the voter and scanned into an electronic file/database: safe so far.  Absentee ballots, assuming each is marked by the legitimate voter who requested it, enter the system through a different “door,” but once scanned are also converted to specific pieces of data, safely entered. (A large number of ballots were mailed without a corresponding request, hopefully to be destroyed by the honest voter or person who sees it first.  Some voters received more than one with slight variations in the addressee name.  If there were a desire to skew the votes, floating quantities of unrequested ballots would be a simple way, particularly where a state has not purged its voter lists for years.)

          So, vote intentions are converted to sacred data, one could say, which data is deserving of every possible protection and maintenance of accuracy as humanly possible.  Each represents the most fundamental civil right we have.  For weeks, absentee, mail-in and in-person early votes have been accumulating, each to be converted to a sacred datum.

          Once counting is completed in each precinct / polling place, the compact flash cards holding the images from each “machine’ (scanner-computer) are physically driven by courier to a drop-off point for that jurisdiction, be it a precinct, city or county.  From there they are escorted by police to the central tabulation center for the larger jurisdiction-County.  Again, assuming that every ballot has been marked and recorded in the name of a legitimate voter, the data are still “safe,” one is assured by elections officials.  Unfortunately, signature verification on mail-in and absentee ballots turned out to be a haphazard process in Georgia, largely unmonitored.  For mail-in ballots, it was essentially ignored, according to sworn witnesses.

          Up to this point the data are passed from machine to machine with no opportunity to manipulate the totals.  However, once at the tabulation center, poll workers could exploit wide open vulnerabilities in “RTR” software, including deleting batches of votes, creating batches or replacing batches with new ones.  From these tabulation centers across the state, the data is then sent to the SCYTL system that reports totals to the Secretary of State and to the Edison data aggregators who report to the media.  If fraud has occurred at the input side or at the tabulation center, it is that fraudulent data that is being reported and relied upon by the Secretary of State and by the media.  Is there evidence of these potential frauds?

          A team of data analysts looked at only the numbers and the patterns of changes in vote totals along the timeline of the count.  Different counties had similar problems and anomalies, most peculiarly sudden NEGATIVE vote movements.  That is, in a system that increments  votes as reported, there appeared huge decrements of Trump votes.  In Gwinnett county, for example, Trump had 29, 391 votes to Biden’s 17,218, reported at 9:11 PM.  Eight minutes later, the report was exactly switched, and Trump had 17,218 while Biden had 29,391, a decline of 12,173 for Trump, an identical gain for Biden.  Trump ostensibly lost Georgia by only 12,670 votes.

          In Putnam County one of those odd “decrements” erased 5,935 votes from Trump – gone altogether.   Dougherty County saw 17,650 Trump votes disappeared.  Dodge, Daltrey and Fulton Counties, together, saw some 30,000 votes removed from Trump.  These are changes: negative vote counts, that cannot happen in an election tabulation that sees votes increasing (incrementing) in varying quantities for all candidates as totals come in.  How much cleaner it is for all concerned if the machines are programmed, or intruded upon over the internet, to change totals – plausible ignorance of everything.

          In Fulton County (Atlanta) the Elections Director, Richard Barron, announced that of 113,130 ballots counted at one point, over 106 THOUSAND had been adjudicated due to some sort of errors in the scanning/reading of them.  The problem with adjudication is that the original ballot image is replaced with a new one, and the original image-data is lost forever.  During adjudication the “vote review panel” evaluates the ballot and imputes the voter’s intent, and then enters the new information in replacement of the original.  This is a great way to defraud voters and send corrupt data downstream for publication.  This was a greater than 94% error rate.  The logs from past elections show rates in the 1% or less range; THE LOGS FROM 2020 ARE MISSING.

          More glaring, and perhaps more understandable, are anomalies in vote ratios.  In most instances, historically, vote ratios of 75%/25% are considered outliers and cause for investigation.  This year in Georgia, DeKalb County showed 94 polling places where votes came in at 90% or greater for Biden, a statistical impossibility.  Fulton County had more than 150 polling places at 90% or more for Biden.  These patterns are anomalous with regard to ANY past presidential elections, and exceed results for Barack Obama in 2008.

          There is testimony, lots of it.  Those who have come forward are not all Republicans, as if being one meant an inability to tell the truth, and they all have sworn affidavits about what they observed.  Many testify to active harassment and intimidation whenever they tried to question obviously questionable votes.  Votes by mail, for example, whose ballots had no corresponding registered voter on the qualified voter list, were still counted and challengers were intimidated for suggesting a challenge.

          Some 138,000 mail in ballots were received ostensibly from people who had moved out of state, yet were counted without question.  It is not possible that 138,000 former Georgia residents are all duplicitous; much more likely it is that these names were known from careful data mining over many months prior to the election, and purposely voted by third parties who knew the voter rolls were not “cleaned” of these ineligible voters. 

          The famous video of the Fulton County State Farm Convention center shows how observers and press were removed from the center at about 10:30 on the false premise that counting was done for the night.  Once they were gone 5 remaining employees resumed counting without observers (illegal) and continued for almost 2.5 hours.  In that time they scanned more ballots than the winning difference (12,670 statewide).  In short, more than 200,000 votes are questionable in the Georgia election.  Exorbitant vote totals from just a handful of counties – totals that exceed all previous voting patterns and statistical probabilities – overcame Trump’s substantial lead during the early morning hours, including “Biden spikes” similar to those in 4 other battleground states.

          It is interesting that EVERY single anomaly in vote patterns and in illicit handling of ballots, and every batch of ballots of dubious origin (including photocopied ballots being scanned and stacks of hundreds of pristine, just-Biden votes) benefited Joe Biden.  None benefited Trump which, statistically, if honest errors or “glitches,” some percentage would have.

          Additional circumstantial doubts are raised by unusual differences between Biden totals and Democrat Senate candidates’ totals in the same key swing states.  Pew Research did polling of likely voters in both parties, who overwhelmingly agreed that they would vote for the Senate candidate of the same party whose Presidential candidate they would likely vote for – not 100%, but close, as is the historic pattern in all presidential elections.  Oddly, Biden polled 69,000 more votes than did Senate candidate, Greg Peters in Michigan.  Compare that to Trump’s difference of just 7,131 over John James in the Republican party.  Trump’s is a “normal” differential; Biden’s is 10 times that.

          More striking is Biden’s outpolling of Senate candidate John Ossoff (the scheduled 6th year senate race) by 95,800 votes, 117 times Trump’s difference of just 818 votes over David Purdue.  Both cases reflect huge quantities of Biden-only votes where no down-ticket choices were made, a very unusual pattern that happened, apparently, only in the “swing” states.

          Does any of this constitute the “evidence” or the “proof” that media pundits keep asking for or denying the existence of?  Those inclined to believe such an effort to guarantee Trump’s loss is possible, are likely to think it is, albeit not quite courtroom “quality.”  Those inclined to dismiss Trump as never classy enough to sit in the oval office, or who may hate Trump for whatever reason, would naturally deny that anything besides Trump’s lack of civility, crude language and embarrassing Tweets were required to secure his defeat.  In fact, every aspect of Trump’s campaign, political operation and instincts, and every aspect of historic precedent, numeric, social and cultural indicators… every aspect except just one, Biden’s apparent vote totals in 6 states, predicted a massive Trump landslide.  How is it that every predictor of election outcome was wrong for the first time – in some cases for 150 years – and wrong together?  That the Biden vote totals were such outliers in the political history of the United States, should at least increase skepticism regardless of partisanship, especially given the near lack of a campaign on the part of Joe Biden.

          Donald Trump gained more than 10 Million votes compared to his 2016 totals.  By itself this fact should guarantee his win.  Historically, such a resounding increase has meant re-election.  But, miracle of miracles, not this year.  Obama, himself, won in 2012 with 3.5 Million FEWER votes than in 2008.  Biden actually received fewer black votes than Obama did everywhere in the United States EXCEPT in the relative handful of cities and counties where ALL the anomalies occurred and from where all the questions derive.  Such a pattern deserves some scrutiny, even more so when EVERY anomaly benefits only one candidate.

          Okay, enough of this.  There are just a couple of final points you should consider.  One is that through a couple of obscure corporate steps, a Chinese investment house, UBS Beijing Co., Ltd. owns Dominion voting systems and, through side connections, Smartmatic software, both of which companies have taken part in election fraud in several countries prior to our elections.

          The other is that the CCP funds and guides a huge voter registration campaign under the Chinese Progressive Association in San Francisco, whose head brags of his coordination with the Chinese consulate.  China has made no secret of its preference for Biden as president.  Trump is the first president to resist the Communist Chinese in 50 years.  The Biden family is deeply enmeshed with Chinese investment companies tightly connected to the CCP.  Biden in the Oval Office is our worst nightmare.  The people he has suggested as his appointees to cabinet and other positions all seem to be globalists who are “soft” on China.  God save us.

          I don’t believe that anyone using Dominion voting systems has any idea what the actual democrat vote totals were on November 3rd (28 states and most of their counties) or else has chosen Dominion precisely because the machines are easily programmed to slice or switch votes.  There is evidence of both capabilities.  God forbid.

          I urge you, as an American citizen, to review this video:



UPDATE:  The events of January 6th are gruesome to watch and heartbreaking.  Every true conservative hates them, especially Trump’s urging people to go to the Capitol and his son’s encouraging adoption of the tactics of the left.  “To what end,” we cry out, Mr. President?  Stopping the inevitable? 

          To be suspicious of very suspicious actions and irregularities on November 3rd, is Prudent.  There was a point in Mid-December where the vitriol about what appears to be coordinated fraud should have simply stopped.  It was time to be cool and to continue such legal challenges as remained.  It was time to listen to cooler voices.  It doesn’t mean that Trump needs to concede; his refusal is understandable, believing as he and many others do. 

          It does mean that January 6th could have easily been avoided.  A terrible miscalculation, Mr. Trump.  That would have been real leadership of a movement that had the potential to expose the rot in Washington.  It will be a while before conservatism can wield as strong a lever again.  Certainly it must.  The nation won’t withstand much further drift leftward; China’s tentacles are already inverting and subverting our highest ideals with the active connivance of many politicians.  Money and re-election are their compass, regardless of source.  For shame.

          “Globalism,” tightly enmeshed in banking and Wall Street, is antithetical to a Constitutional republic.  Some prefer to ignore this truth and its consequence, because working with it makes them wealthy or temporarily powerful.  When the ideas of America crash down, many of those who are helping may escape the new order; many hundreds of millions will not.


The encroaching divide of America into “Constitutionalist” and “Socialist” camps, is proceeding apace.  At no time in our history has the nation and its culture been so threatened, not even at the time of the secession of the Confederacy.  Then both “North” and “South” shared nearly all moral beliefs and religious ones, economic practices, and the honesty in contracts that underpins our ability to cooperate as a civilization.  The exception, alone, was on the matters of slavery and racial differences and prejudice.

Wrenchingly, courageously, the slavery error has been solved.  During the civil War, reconstruction and segregation, the nation held together and made progress on virtually all fronts, including for the economic success and educational advancement of non-white peoples within the United States.  Black families were strong and growing stronger all the way through “Jim Crow” laws and post-war awakening and struggles, as was the nation as a whole.  This, only because the moral values and their religious underpinnings were widely shared across all strata of American society.

Today, not so much.  The first 60 years of socialist, globalist intrusion had paved a path but few were taking to it… at least until Lyndon Johnson took over from JFK.  Under the guise of “fulfilling Kennedy’s dream,” the Great Society was foisted on a relatively balanced government, federalizing welfare for “the poor” and “minorities,” mainly blacks.  Johnson’s famous prediction, “…I’ll have those n***ers voting Democrat for 100 years” exposed the cynical plantation-mentality of Johnson’s Democrats, and the base, gutter-snipe qualities of Johnson, himself.

At the same time Johnson plunged the U. S. into a meaningless war… er, U.N.-sanctioned conflict, in Viet-Nam, that split the nation politically and for the first time, split youth from parents.  With the advent of drugs and drug-infected music, the revolution was under way:  “the Sixties.”  Nixon was our last attempt to reign in alien culture, and they got rid of him in the most politically destructive way.  Meanwhile, welfare was corroding black families and dissociating old morals from “modernity.”  Feminism aggressively began to destroy both manhood and motherhood and education commenced to dissolve Christian thought as rapidly as new socialist-trained and unionized teachers could be installed in supposedly “public” schools.  Clever lawyers, psychologists, judges and justices found ways to parse common sense and conscientiousness into never-imagined “constitutional” rights.

Even so, with Ronald Reagan’s election patriotic Americans were renewed in belief in the “American Way:” that together, with right leadership, Americans could restore the nation they loved and pull back from the rot that was slipping past common sense everywhere.  We even vanquished Soviet Communism without a nuclear war; “History is over,” pundits declared.  Even Bill Clinton seemed rational for a while as his Alinskyite wife plotted “communitarianism” and socialized medicine.  Rational people seemed to be back in control of our freedom-loving destiny.  But the left never rests.

Gore almost pulled it off.  The Democratic party was, haltingly, inquiringly trying not just voting for the temporarily deceased, but here and there, voting for the imaginary.  Bush stopped them in Florida and waltzed into the September 11th attacks.  For a few hours the congress was unified and appeared to be patriotic.   We’ll be damned if some backward Islamists are going to attack us on our home turf!  That’s OUR job, after all.

Americans still largely believe that we can “fix” things.  Problems are solvable and resolvable in fair and rational ways or, as we’ve shown the world for 300 years, with technical skill and innovation.  Along the way we have spread wealth to more poor people than any other society on earth or in history.  But, we’re slipping:  concerted efforts to change our shared beliefs have taught millions of us to distrust and even hate, our own nation.  The most effective poison?  Charges of racism… and hateful or just confused racism, itself.

The source of these changes is Marxism-socialism.  Those of you who are not willing to correct the flaws of poorly regulated capitalists, and who believe that distorting history and historic figures will somehow make life better in 2020, should step away from the next planned “protest” and consider your own role in the destruction of the best system yet devised for the betterment of the most lives possible.  To reach back to the only governing system that has NEVER succeeded to replace the Constitutional democratic republic that always has, is to prove yourself a fool.  Please wake up.

Nevertheless, the plan to divide and dissolve the United States is working.  States are now practicing what then-future Confederate states employed prior to secession: “nullification.”  With “Sanctuary” status being self-declared by cities and states, the federal system is under assault.  Politically useful illegal immigration is used as a “humanitarian” reason to disavow proper immigration regulations and restrictions, while still accepting federal welfare payments to even illegal recipients.  To date, the political will to stop this trend and restore primacy of federal law over international border control, has not been found.  Division.

Covid-19 has played neatly into the hands of socialist control-agents.  Economic and religious lock-downs both fit their innate desires to impose superior ways of living and doing than those chosen by free citizens.  Dictating how many free citizens can buy the services and products of other free citizens is a reach of executive whim that would seem impossible in an individual-freedom-and-responsibility, Constitutionally limited governance system.  Yet we have acquiesced to it rather sheepishly.  But, not everyone, by a wide margin.  Division is the greatest impact of the 2020 lock-downs.  Disease-prevention is a far-distant secondary effect.  The United States and China are the only major industrialized nations still hampered by this misguided theory.  The United States, ostensibly a “free” nation, is the only one damaged by it.  Division.

The tools of division are mostly forms of lying, whether about the efficacy of Covid lockdowns or of switching America’s high-energy-density economy to a low-energy-density one based on sunlight and windmills, or of “systemic” racism or tremendous racial progress and tolerance.  Those who would divide us are, practically speaking, anti-Christian and anti-Judaic.  Those who would divide our peoples wish most of all to divide us from our past… at least from the good parts.  In their views all that came before right now is so rotten as to be worthless, including the people and philosophies that created it.  Their Marxism is the only true philosophy (religion) and there shall be no other religions before it.

One wonders if they ever listen to the things they say.  Do you?


Aside from violent politics and anti-Americanism, there are even larger forces at work, and psychologies behind or in front of them, that are shaping the World.   Politics, which has caused these forces to build strength, can barely affect them, now.  Every four years we become hotly exercised over “who will lead the free world,” but the crucial differences we perceive between candidates, are rarely so significant that they will materially impact the inexorable forces already underway.  “It’s the economy, stupid.”  Even James Carville had little understanding of what he had actually said in 1992.  It is the economy… of the world.

Even the mighty United States is barely able, now, to chart its own course, economically.

It is an interesting game, for some, to dredge up what a nickel used to buy compared to today, or what used to be a “damn good weeks pay” for 60 hours of labor.  We created the mis-named “Federal” Reserve System in 1913 to supposedly prevent the excesses and crashes of the banking system, and populated the member banks with the same thieves who had helped crash the economy more than once, but who also finally came up with the right price to purchase Congress’ acquiescence to the Federal Reserve act.  Supposedly the penalties of interest costs would keep Congress from spending beyond its means.

That worked wonders. 

The flaw was and is that there’s no profit to be made without a loan being lent.  Lending to business isn’t profitable enough; big profit comes from lending to countries – especially this one.  There simply needs to be enough crises to justify deficit spending.  That works, too.

An ounce of gold sells lately for nearly $2,000.  In 1932, before FDR stole Americans’ gold by law for $20.50 an ounce, it sold for 1/100th as much.  In other words, in fewer than 90 years the purchasing power vis a’ vis gold declined by 99%.  FDR adjusted that ratio by declaring that gold cost $35 an ounce now that the government owned it, and picked up a few billion dollars with which to “fix” the depressed economy.  Controlling the price of commodities is a useful tool in controlling people.  Many commodities define the whole economies of nations.  Oil, for example, finances several, like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Russia and many others.  How belligerent they are towards their “enemies” is often tied to the market price of that single commodity.

Kings and Emperors are bought and sold on some continents for oil, gold or diamonds.  The companies that own or control those commodities, or their banks, are international these days, and tied to any nation only for tax advantage rather than for any sense of tradition or patriotism.  Indeed, the money system is virtually global, not national.  That’s our money, as well.  It’s the economy, stupid.

But the problems that will swamp virtually every nation are global and non-national.  So-called “national” banks form a web of global management – financial management, financing governments.  Our own “Federal” Reserve sits at that table, not at ours.

Global financiers are not like other people.  Their outlook on life is divorced from money worries, mortgages, keeping tight schedules or shopping.  Tailors or dressmakers come to them, employees / servants obtain food and prepare it and clean up after meals.  “Average” people are nearly an alien species to them, useful only for work and taxes.  Morally they are not bound by our concepts of right and wrong: actions are either profitable or not profitable, which is to say, good or bad, including wars… the sides don’t really matter.

For pastimes, nothing is out of reach… or bounds.  Tales of extraordinary sexual pleasures and the worst imaginable, even orgiastic parties, gatherings, have surfaced.  Who can stop them when they practically own everything?  Politicians like to join them.  There is an animal attraction to “forbidden” pleasures in a non-judgmental arena, one that only religious and honest people will resist or avoid.  The “lords” of money have a lot more to say about how and how well the population of this planet will live than any elected official, much as we’d like to believe otherwise.

Of financial national powers, only the United States has the potential to constrain or reverse the utter control by shadowy international oligarchs.  That brings us tremendous opposition from sometimes unexpected quarters.  For oligarchs, socialism is an easier system of governance to deal with.  Both abject fealty to money and socialism / communism are anti-religious, “satanic” forces.  Western civilization became dominant thanks to Judeo-Christianity, no matter how many fools passionately deny it.

Our economics are based on money as a form of barter: value for value.  This is ultimate fairness and helped form the fundaments of our legal contracts in all areas of interaction, not just financial.  Honest, enforceable agreements – contracts – have been crucial for the growth of economies and for the creation of a middle class and upward mobility for those willing to work hard enough or intelligently enough.  The United States was made strong by virtue of fundamental honesty in our economy and in our business AND social “contracts.”  The Bible requires those ethics.

Yet we need look no further than our astronomical debt to see that our own nation is not nearly as “independent” as we’d like to think.  Every dollar of debt is a measure of slavery; every dollar of tax is a loss of freedom.

The alert observer can see how most countries are in alignment financially.  Those that are not are outliers and not likely to create substantial profits for bankers.  The moment they are so likely, loans start flowing in for development of various kinds, never least of which is of natural resources.  Lately the largest source of such loan-debt-control actions is China.  Are they independently seeking hegemony, or acting in concert with the global banking oligarchy?  We’ll never find out by asking them: they are communists and dis-information is an automatic defense of their utterly secular “infallibility.”

A small example of the control of governments and people by banks, can be seen here in Washington.  When the Federal Reserve was created – by bankers – the legislation allowed it to “lend” money that did not exist, to the government.  What a terrible tool to hand to bankers; what a far more terrible tool to hand to politicians.  In a single Act politicians created both a choke-collar on the American people and a PRIVATE bank that owns the levers of economic power just relinquished by Congress through the same Act.  When the Chairman of the “Fed” testifies to Congress, he or she doesn’t come to learn what financial policy should be, but to partially inform our elected representatives how things financial are going to be.

Covid-19 and recent actions of the “Fed” should make this clear to those with eyes to see.  Following a questionable lockdown of most businesses the Congress was impelled to provide expanded “unemployment” funds and various bailouts, small and large, including forgivable loans to small businesses… TRILLIONS of dollars worth.  Where did the Federal Reserve obtain that money, an American taxpaying citizen might ask?  Where?

Thin air is where.  Sitting behind desks the 17 governors of the Federal Reserve agreed to write the world’s largest fraudulent, un-backed check, drawn on an account with barely 5% of the funds on deposit for which the check is written.  Well, that’s OK, it’s legal.  Orwell was right: debt is prosperity.  That same “Board of Governors” just voted to keep interest rates close to zero for at least another year.  While we might celebrate this good news, it exposes its own threat to the nation: these same private bankers can later vote to raise interest rates, obligating the elected Federal government and its elected representatives, to pay those higher rates.

Wait just a minute, baab-a-loo, baab-a-loo, it says in the Constitution that only the Congress can initiate “bills” of “Appropriation” including, as stated in Section 9 of Article I, “No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account….”  Yet here is the so-called Federal Reserve Bank able to impose financial obligation upon the country by agreement among 17 largely unknown private bankers, and not by the Congress.

If the “Treasury Notes” that the Federal Reserve “buys” with thin air are good instruments of obligation, why can’t the Congress simply authorize the printing of “money” without paying interest to anyone?  It’s the same “full faith and credit of the United States.”  What an awful position for an earlier Congress to put itself and the nation into.  What a dramatic reform and sanitization of government for an imminent Congress to perform: nationalize the Federal Reserve, a creation of the Congress in the first place.  It’s all a matter of the value of United States dollars – the U. S. should control it.  Indeed, we should no longer be beholden to international financiers.  The fact that Americans still have sufficient power to restore our true independence is why international socialism keeps attacking our system, processes and the Constitution, itself.

Can we see where this is happening?  Well, the federal Reserve was created; the dollar was separated from gold or silver backing; the dollar was shifted from U. S. currency to Federal Reserve Notes; the act of voting has been made looser and looser, with barely managed voting lists despite Federal law to the contrary; vote harvesting has been allowed; vote-by-mail has been suddenly instituted due to questionable fears of Covid-19, promising severe electoral confusion on election night; our own census has been prevented from asking about citizenship status, confusing further the apportionment of representation in Congress; and, not to overlook, leftists, communists (BLM and others) are rioting, vandalizing and burning and promising more if their candidate doesn’t win or the wrong person is confirmed to the Supreme Court.  The Left never rests.

This election year there is a knife-edge election.  The virulent left has read some marijuana leaves and discerns that the time to strike is 2020.  Thanks to President Obama the concept of compromise is gone from politics, and the freedom to actually display socialist beliefs is absolute.  The left judges that there are enough ignorant, mis-educated young fools to swing the direction of history toward socialism and communism.  Electing a virtually socialist government (anyone who is counting on Joe Biden to maintain a “centrist” direction is in immediate need of deep therapy) will effectively dissolve the United States as an independent, freedom-based, democratic republic.  The consequences will touch every one of us.

The concept of value for value, mentioned earlier, is vital to our commerce and contracts and a constant restatement of honesty in our dealings with one another.  But it also underlies our basic justice system, and requires that punishments should fit the crimes invoking them.  In both commerce and individual transactions we have slipped far away from value for value.  Our currency is backed only by our confidence and an international finance system that is willing to accept dollars in trade for commodities, a system under great international pressure for replacement.  Trust in the fundamental honesty of the United States’ government is what supports dollars as measures of value for the rest of the World.  That and the taxing power of Congress.

We are also slipping, precipitously, far down from the pinnacle of even-handed justice that guarantees our survival as a republic.  Laws governing “hate crimes” for example, shift investigations and charges from wholly evidentiary to semi-subjective, politically correct charges.  Laws that are passed under duress to satisfy threats of violence, to suggest a year 2020 example, also indicate how far we are willing to diverge from actual justice to “justice” as defined by seditious insurrectionists.  What can the future of “blind” justice possibly be?

If we are prepared, because of an onslaught of Marxist-inspired lies about crime events, and in thrall of weak politicians who have come to believe in the foggy utopianism of socialism, to relinquish truth-based, evidence-based justice, and to relinquish complete control of our weakened finances, then we deserve to lose America.  Loss of an independent United States will lead to the end of Western civilization and the demise of Judeo-Christian ethics-based culture.


And on the other hand…

Prudence has worked for 2 weeks on a response to the Democratic convention.  It is a topic that has piled up words faster and deeper than any other… and it’s not finished.  Whether it’s ever posted is a question.  Who on Earth would read it?

So, a lighter analysis of 2020 politics is in order.  Might be fun.

There are two distinct sets of philosophies vying for power in this presidential year – no news, there.  Summed up, one is generally in favor of our constitutional system of distributed power, installed as governance for the first time in 1789; one is in thrall to ultimate government control over the economy and not just the economy, but control over individuals: how they live, what medicines they are permitted – or MUST – take and how they educate their children and about what.

One recognizes that America succeeds within a culture that is worth strengthening and imparting to succeeding generations; one appears anxious to displace American culture and replace it with race-based socialism.  What has this to do with each of us?  Whichever philosophy wins the 2020 election is going to have a direct impact on the lives of many – not all, but many Americans.  It will also affect the lives of millions of people in other countries.  There aren’t many election decisions when that is true.  Why will it be so?

In the event that Trump is re-elected, and we do, historically, tend to re-elect presidents if they have not failed economically, primarily, but not always… in that event there are significant risks to both our culture and our economy – affecting most of us, but not all.  The forces arrayed to stop Trump in his first term will not have given up.  If anything they will be more sharply aimed with greater destructive intent.  It is sad but Prudent to consider the possibility that he will be assassinated.  His determination to undo the deep state and eventually the economic oligarchy has not abated, and will be sharpened, as well.

The upset to our culture will be significant, much like the Kennedy assassination that began a long process of distrust of government and the decades of sex, drugs… and rock-and-roll, but I repeat myself.  It opened the door to Johnson, the Great Society’s 60-year erosion of our family-centered culture, and led to the Viet-Nam War and to Richard Nixon, whose removal from power changed politics – and the media – forever.  It is impossible to predict the upheavals that would follow an assassination, but none would be positive from a Prudent point of view.

Trump’s re-election is perceived as dangerous by many, and will expose him and his family to danger.

If, on the other hand, Biden is dragged across the finish line in November, there are significant risks to both our culture and our economy – affecting most of us, but not all.  The radically left forces that have grasped the philosophy of the Democrat Party will be vindicated even as they celebrate their relatively cheap victory over tradition and constitutionalism.  Elements of the “Green new Deal” will be proposed for legislation almost immediately, as will proposals on how to pay “reparations” to some amorphous group of non-whites.  Green energy, so called, will be sold as an infrastructure plan; money in the defense budget will be diverted to pay for part of it.  “Climate change is an existential threat.”

Sexual aberration will be further codified and given taxpayer support for any treatments or operations needed.  Laws defending sexual identities and how everyone must accommodate them, will become more strict and widely enforced.  Public safety and policing in general will be softened, and sanctuary status allowed where municipally claimed or, God forbid, state-claimed.  The nullification of federal laws will become rampant.  It is hard to predict whether rioting and anti-capitalist / anti-white destruction of urban centers will continue.  Those who have permitted it in 2020 will also feel vindicated and their anti-Americanism rewarded; it’s possible.

Should Trump win and survive, there are positive changes he will promulgate, and among these are immigration enforcement and the eradication of “sanctuary” status everywhere.  There is the distinct possibility that riots will continue, but Trump will feel vindicated by re-election, and will more readily impose states of emergency or even martial law to stop them firmly.  This is a danger to everyone should martial law become acceptable for solving policing problems.  At first it will be welcomed, but it is at least extra-legal and a terrible precedent and habit.

The reactions of China, North Korea, Iran and, interestingly, Pakistan to the re-election of Trump, are hard to pin down.  Xi Jinping of China hates Trump for constantly calling out China over the Covid virus release, if not for several other reasons.  His desire is to embarrass Trump so as to put him in his place, as it were.  Xi naturally perceives his China as destined for global hegemony and sees Trump as his biggest impediment.  Trump must lose face for the world to recognize China’s ascendance.  This could take the form of North Korean provocation to near hot war with China’s declaration of support for North Korea including full military force, forcing humiliation on South Korea and the United States.  Many alliances will be strained or broken if Trump backs down or appears to.

Pakistan, particularly with the conclusion of a much anticipated “peace” treaty with the Taliban in Afghanistan, may be encouraged, again by China, to resume clandestine and, perhaps, direct operations against India.  All 3 states are nuclear armed.  China has had hot incidents with India, most recently in 2020.  It could serve China’s interests to see India tied down in the mountains of Kashmir, and to see the United States take India’s side.  This would provide opportunities for China to act aggressively elsewhere.  Whereas Trump has moved from treaty to agreement with abandon, re-making trade and other agreements to benefit the United States as he wished, in his second term he will be severely tested by China.

What would world leaders do with Biden in the White House?  He has shown himself willing to bribe and take bribes from other countries, as has his “buddy,” Obama.  He has supported softening relations with China for decades.  Would he suddenly be tough?  Doubtful.  He has shown himself unwilling to denounce “Black Lives Matter” or the rioting in several cities.  He appears to like top-down directives from government and would lock down the economy a second time if “experts” told him to.  The only bold moves he has described for his administration have concerned climate change and the green new deal… plus raising taxes.  For middle-class Americans, the Biden agenda, distorted by socialists, is unpleasant to contemplate.

As George Soros, evil globalist, recently stated, “The 2020 election will affect the entire world.”  Be Prudent when you vote.