Tag Archives: transgenderism

Orwell was right

We live in an age of what is called, REASON.  Supposedly we have become so very smart that there is no longer a need for faith in any God or gods, no need for superstition or even wishful thinking.  We have the handmaid of reason: SCIENCE.  No one can confuse us with un-testable “mumbo-jumbo.”  We can rely on science, and science is based on evidence, experimentation and repeatable observations.  No mysteries for us; all of our beliefs and decisions are science-based, evidence-based, expert-based.  Since we aren’t all scientists or mathematicians, EXPERTS hold an important place in our reason-fed society.

Yes, we still honor some religious leaders and we still respect the ancient founders of religions… well, some of them: the ones that science can prove actually existed.  And we still revere the great teachings of these ancient religion-founders… at least the ones that science can prove were actually taught by the scientifically-accepted founders.  Reason teaches all of us that questioning the fables that surround Mohammed could result in damages or death.  Muslims not only believe but take offense, too.

In any case, we don’t have to accept the mythologies of other religions, especially Christianity, until science confirms them.

Science, one can easily see, is connected intimately with TRUTH.  This makes so much sense that reasonable people think that science and truth are obviously the same thing.  Basing our decisions, our votes, our very governance on truth will certainly avoid a host of problems that derive from lies and myths and false ideas.  We’ve seen a whole lot of that in our political history.  The political movement that is based on truth, evidence and science is unquestionably the one to follow and support.

Truth, however, has proven elusive, science notwithstanding.  How can this be so?  People who believe in science and truth would never lie, would they?  The fly in that ointment is that science, during its best efforts, can only approach truth.  Truthful scientists never claim to understand absolute truth; science is the quest for truth.  Granted, there are a lot of things scientists are pretty sure of, sometimes so much so that very little additional research is done on those matters.  But, every day, and particularly when a new disease is encountered, there are more questions than answers, and scientists are generally very careful to not proclaim answers that may soon be rendered untrue.  Lies can creep in.  Well, there are advantages to lying, as humans have learned, and this truth has found its way into political planning and campaigns… and even into science.  Who knew?

The basic difference between individual freedom and responsibility as a governing philosophy, and all the other governing models, is that the alternatives to freedom can only gain ascendancy by convincing people of lies.  The greatest of these is the fundament of what we know as socialism: that controlled people will be MORE free if they can shuck off the burdens of responsibility, merit, attainment and, interestingly, religion.

The above is a bold claim.  There had better be some proven truth that backs up such a claim.  All that defenders of freedom have is the history of socialism since it appeared.  It always fails and, in every case, manifests the deaths of millions of people it controls in order to install ever-“purer” forms of the revolution that installed socialists into power.  Only then will the planned future the people were promised, be possible.  Unfortunately, socialist regimes never run out of enemies of the “people” who are preventing the completion of the revolution.  This is due, in no small part, to the inability of planned economies to produce sufficient productive surplus to finance the growth and improved standards of living necessary to serve everyone and defend the nation.  There is always too little surplus to destroy debt – also known as “investment in the future” – as well.

Eventually, socialism consumes all of its people’s money and a lot of other people’s money.  This, unfortunately, is where the United States is, now.  We have swallowed a lot of socialist bull-bleep and find ourselves $27 Trillion in debt.  As we argue over Covid-19, our time is spent expanding the socialist aspects of government, and expanding that debt.  Fortunately, there is still enough freedom in the American system to encourage and allow substantial productive surplus.  In theory our economy can destroy that debt.  Unfortunately, we are politically unable to stop outspending our productive surplus… socialistically.

Truth exists, known or not, and science, if honestly applied, will keep approaching it.  The rest of us will, according to those so enamored, keep running our lives, our personal economics and our government accordingly.  That scenario is superior to how we do those things, now.  It’s because of competing belief structures.  Truth… reality… is dashed on the rocks of belief every day.  Worse, we seem to be able to consider COMPETING TRUTHS!

A perfect example is the current fascination and promulgation of trans-genderism.  Our august politicians have created legal structures around the theory that believing in transgenderism makes it true, or real in some way.  It is not, of course, although the feelings – emotions – that cause someone to deny the responsibilities of his or her biology are certainly real.  Yet those who oppose encouraging transgenderism are held to be “deny-ers” and literally on the wrong side of the law.  The same happens with socialism and anti-Americanism.  Both modes of belief are replete with untruths and distortions so skewed as to be utter lies.  Yet their adherents believe their “facts” (beliefs) are true.

There is no compromise.  We have cleverly talked ourselves into legislating official defense of competing “truths.”

Politicians, elected mayors, governors, district attorneys, certain presidential and vice-presidential candidates and more, defend anarchists’ “right” to riot in proclamation of their “truths.”  It’s a stretch, and illegal.  The destruction of civil rights now defends civil rights of certain others.  These same bemoan the “fact” that the Trump administration failed to follow “the science” at the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis.

And so, the left has managed to weaponize truth.  Once abortion was converted from ending the life of a baby to promoting the lives of women, we were solidly on this path.  Our tax dollars pay for much of it and the wealthiest people and corporations in the world “donate” huge sums to subsidize the only movements who ACT on hatreds, and who promote the destruction of America and of the idea of America.

What is wrong with this picture?  What is wrong with us?

National Conversation

The divisions between parties and people appear wider now than at few other times in our nation’s history.  Well, what about the Civil War, you are screaming, those divisions cost us so much blood and treasure and hatred?  Surely nothing compares to that!  Besides, that was about SLAVERY, you privileged white hater, and nothing could ever compare to that… so there.

Well, I am duly chagrined for suggesting otherwise, and soundly disreputed for any other opinions or ideas I might ever deign to utter.  Or type.  Of course, it is not I who equates every movement to undercut Judeo-Christian morality and more, with the struggle for “racial equality.”  There are fools and worse, allied with those with hate-filled desires to rip apart America and her premises, who not only are able to deny that Jews have been treated even worse than so-called African-Americans, and that the “Holocaust” never happened, but who are tickled to prosecute the piece-meal holocaust that’s happening now.

Where so-called Christians supposedly caused all prior offenses against human rights, the new holocaust(s) are the work of so-called Muslims and their fellow-travelers who, while decrying beheadings and the like, and any other desecration of civilized life, actually wish the so-called Muslims success in the tearing down of Israel and, better, the United States.  After all, there are still people able to make decent lives in “the West” who don’t embrace so-called trans-genderism, and that is equivalent to all oppressions that have gone before!

Why, there are those who aren’t fully on board with the new homosexualities, anti-sexualities, a-sexualities and parentless child-rearing.  Imagine.  Their oppressions are every bit as oppressive as the inhumanity of slavery.  We’re all down for the struggle, my brothers.

Blacks have a solid point.  Whites of many shades historically dominated blacks with greater technologies, and enslaved them.  That’s historic fact.  But it’s not the only historic fact, a truth that many modern blacks are unable to consider.  It is also true that the United States is the only society where people with brown, black and somewhat-black skin coloration, some of whom are actually related to black people who were slaves, are able to disrupt the daily lives and economics of millions of their fellow citizens on the basis of slavery having been a rotten thing for our ancestors to have done to their ancestors, some of them.

It is the only nation where currently angry blacks are mad at currently confused whites about rotten slavery that is no longer practiced, lo these 160 years.

Blacks do not agitate against slavery in England despite it having been the English who introduced the slave trade to the colonies, except for the French slaves in the Carribbean, and the Portuguese and Spanish slaves also brought to – and taken from – the new world.

There is virtually no mention of American blacks’ hatred for blacks in Africa who practiced slavery, themselves, as part of the spoils of conquest, and who sold people into the holds of slave ships and who have taken more advantage – murderously so – of other blacks to this very day.  The struggle stops at the water’s edge.

Only the United States deserves this wrath and militant demands for reparations.  Modern people who practice slavery in other parts of the world are of no concern to modern so-called African-Americans who build careers out of hating modern whites… in the United States.

Interestingly, “African-Americans” who come to “America” on their own tend to integrate and succeed economically without much concern about the rottenness of slavery two centuries removed.  Non-Blacks from Africa may not call themselves African-American however.

So, we have a conundrum.  The United States has undertaken to right the wrongs of history more than any other nation or society – a thousand times more.  The United States has fought to make opportunities available to every race and class more than any other nation or society, and paid mightily of its treasure to ease the plights of the poor, homeless and hungry – a thousand times more than any nation in history.  Yet, black-on-white hatred is increasing… here.

There are reasons for this, and facts, I’m sure.  Thousands and thousands of facts, and reasons, and motivations and political gains, about which I have many opinions.  But there will be no “national conversation” on race relations until someone or lots of someones can answer the question: why is this agitation occurring HERE, and nowhere else?