Aside from violent politics and anti-Americanism, there are even larger forces at work, and psychologies behind or in front of them, that are shaping the World.   Politics, which has caused these forces to build strength, can barely affect them, now.  Every four years we become hotly exercised over “who will lead the free world,” but the crucial differences we perceive between candidates, are rarely so significant that they will materially impact the inexorable forces already underway.  “It’s the economy, stupid.”  Even James Carville had little understanding of what he had actually said in 1992.  It is the economy… of the world.

Even the mighty United States is barely able, now, to chart its own course, economically.

It is an interesting game, for some, to dredge up what a nickel used to buy compared to today, or what used to be a “damn good weeks pay” for 60 hours of labor.  We created the mis-named “Federal” Reserve System in 1913 to supposedly prevent the excesses and crashes of the banking system, and populated the member banks with the same thieves who had helped crash the economy more than once, but who also finally came up with the right price to purchase Congress’ acquiescence to the Federal Reserve act.  Supposedly the penalties of interest costs would keep Congress from spending beyond its means.

That worked wonders. 

The flaw was and is that there’s no profit to be made without a loan being lent.  Lending to business isn’t profitable enough; big profit comes from lending to countries – especially this one.  There simply needs to be enough crises to justify deficit spending.  That works, too.

An ounce of gold sells lately for nearly $2,000.  In 1932, before FDR stole Americans’ gold by law for $20.50 an ounce, it sold for 1/100th as much.  In other words, in fewer than 90 years the purchasing power vis a’ vis gold declined by 99%.  FDR adjusted that ratio by declaring that gold cost $35 an ounce now that the government owned it, and picked up a few billion dollars with which to “fix” the depressed economy.  Controlling the price of commodities is a useful tool in controlling people.  Many commodities define the whole economies of nations.  Oil, for example, finances several, like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Russia and many others.  How belligerent they are towards their “enemies” is often tied to the market price of that single commodity.

Kings and Emperors are bought and sold on some continents for oil, gold or diamonds.  The companies that own or control those commodities, or their banks, are international these days, and tied to any nation only for tax advantage rather than for any sense of tradition or patriotism.  Indeed, the money system is virtually global, not national.  That’s our money, as well.  It’s the economy, stupid.

But the problems that will swamp virtually every nation are global and non-national.  So-called “national” banks form a web of global management – financial management, financing governments.  Our own “Federal” Reserve sits at that table, not at ours.

Global financiers are not like other people.  Their outlook on life is divorced from money worries, mortgages, keeping tight schedules or shopping.  Tailors or dressmakers come to them, employees / servants obtain food and prepare it and clean up after meals.  “Average” people are nearly an alien species to them, useful only for work and taxes.  Morally they are not bound by our concepts of right and wrong: actions are either profitable or not profitable, which is to say, good or bad, including wars… the sides don’t really matter.

For pastimes, nothing is out of reach… or bounds.  Tales of extraordinary sexual pleasures and the worst imaginable, even orgiastic parties, gatherings, have surfaced.  Who can stop them when they practically own everything?  Politicians like to join them.  There is an animal attraction to “forbidden” pleasures in a non-judgmental arena, one that only religious and honest people will resist or avoid.  The “lords” of money have a lot more to say about how and how well the population of this planet will live than any elected official, much as we’d like to believe otherwise.

Of financial national powers, only the United States has the potential to constrain or reverse the utter control by shadowy international oligarchs.  That brings us tremendous opposition from sometimes unexpected quarters.  For oligarchs, socialism is an easier system of governance to deal with.  Both abject fealty to money and socialism / communism are anti-religious, “satanic” forces.  Western civilization became dominant thanks to Judeo-Christianity, no matter how many fools passionately deny it.

Our economics are based on money as a form of barter: value for value.  This is ultimate fairness and helped form the fundaments of our legal contracts in all areas of interaction, not just financial.  Honest, enforceable agreements – contracts – have been crucial for the growth of economies and for the creation of a middle class and upward mobility for those willing to work hard enough or intelligently enough.  The United States was made strong by virtue of fundamental honesty in our economy and in our business AND social “contracts.”  The Bible requires those ethics.

Yet we need look no further than our astronomical debt to see that our own nation is not nearly as “independent” as we’d like to think.  Every dollar of debt is a measure of slavery; every dollar of tax is a loss of freedom.

The alert observer can see how most countries are in alignment financially.  Those that are not are outliers and not likely to create substantial profits for bankers.  The moment they are so likely, loans start flowing in for development of various kinds, never least of which is of natural resources.  Lately the largest source of such loan-debt-control actions is China.  Are they independently seeking hegemony, or acting in concert with the global banking oligarchy?  We’ll never find out by asking them: they are communists and dis-information is an automatic defense of their utterly secular “infallibility.”

A small example of the control of governments and people by banks, can be seen here in Washington.  When the Federal Reserve was created – by bankers – the legislation allowed it to “lend” money that did not exist, to the government.  What a terrible tool to hand to bankers; what a far more terrible tool to hand to politicians.  In a single Act politicians created both a choke-collar on the American people and a PRIVATE bank that owns the levers of economic power just relinquished by Congress through the same Act.  When the Chairman of the “Fed” testifies to Congress, he or she doesn’t come to learn what financial policy should be, but to partially inform our elected representatives how things financial are going to be.

Covid-19 and recent actions of the “Fed” should make this clear to those with eyes to see.  Following a questionable lockdown of most businesses the Congress was impelled to provide expanded “unemployment” funds and various bailouts, small and large, including forgivable loans to small businesses… TRILLIONS of dollars worth.  Where did the Federal Reserve obtain that money, an American taxpaying citizen might ask?  Where?

Thin air is where.  Sitting behind desks the 17 governors of the Federal Reserve agreed to write the world’s largest fraudulent, un-backed check, drawn on an account with barely 5% of the funds on deposit for which the check is written.  Well, that’s OK, it’s legal.  Orwell was right: debt is prosperity.  That same “Board of Governors” just voted to keep interest rates close to zero for at least another year.  While we might celebrate this good news, it exposes its own threat to the nation: these same private bankers can later vote to raise interest rates, obligating the elected Federal government and its elected representatives, to pay those higher rates.

Wait just a minute, baab-a-loo, baab-a-loo, it says in the Constitution that only the Congress can initiate “bills” of “Appropriation” including, as stated in Section 9 of Article I, “No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account….”  Yet here is the so-called Federal Reserve Bank able to impose financial obligation upon the country by agreement among 17 largely unknown private bankers, and not by the Congress.

If the “Treasury Notes” that the Federal Reserve “buys” with thin air are good instruments of obligation, why can’t the Congress simply authorize the printing of “money” without paying interest to anyone?  It’s the same “full faith and credit of the United States.”  What an awful position for an earlier Congress to put itself and the nation into.  What a dramatic reform and sanitization of government for an imminent Congress to perform: nationalize the Federal Reserve, a creation of the Congress in the first place.  It’s all a matter of the value of United States dollars – the U. S. should control it.  Indeed, we should no longer be beholden to international financiers.  The fact that Americans still have sufficient power to restore our true independence is why international socialism keeps attacking our system, processes and the Constitution, itself.

Can we see where this is happening?  Well, the federal Reserve was created; the dollar was separated from gold or silver backing; the dollar was shifted from U. S. currency to Federal Reserve Notes; the act of voting has been made looser and looser, with barely managed voting lists despite Federal law to the contrary; vote harvesting has been allowed; vote-by-mail has been suddenly instituted due to questionable fears of Covid-19, promising severe electoral confusion on election night; our own census has been prevented from asking about citizenship status, confusing further the apportionment of representation in Congress; and, not to overlook, leftists, communists (BLM and others) are rioting, vandalizing and burning and promising more if their candidate doesn’t win or the wrong person is confirmed to the Supreme Court.  The Left never rests.

This election year there is a knife-edge election.  The virulent left has read some marijuana leaves and discerns that the time to strike is 2020.  Thanks to President Obama the concept of compromise is gone from politics, and the freedom to actually display socialist beliefs is absolute.  The left judges that there are enough ignorant, mis-educated young fools to swing the direction of history toward socialism and communism.  Electing a virtually socialist government (anyone who is counting on Joe Biden to maintain a “centrist” direction is in immediate need of deep therapy) will effectively dissolve the United States as an independent, freedom-based, democratic republic.  The consequences will touch every one of us.

The concept of value for value, mentioned earlier, is vital to our commerce and contracts and a constant restatement of honesty in our dealings with one another.  But it also underlies our basic justice system, and requires that punishments should fit the crimes invoking them.  In both commerce and individual transactions we have slipped far away from value for value.  Our currency is backed only by our confidence and an international finance system that is willing to accept dollars in trade for commodities, a system under great international pressure for replacement.  Trust in the fundamental honesty of the United States’ government is what supports dollars as measures of value for the rest of the World.  That and the taxing power of Congress.

We are also slipping, precipitously, far down from the pinnacle of even-handed justice that guarantees our survival as a republic.  Laws governing “hate crimes” for example, shift investigations and charges from wholly evidentiary to semi-subjective, politically correct charges.  Laws that are passed under duress to satisfy threats of violence, to suggest a year 2020 example, also indicate how far we are willing to diverge from actual justice to “justice” as defined by seditious insurrectionists.  What can the future of “blind” justice possibly be?

If we are prepared, because of an onslaught of Marxist-inspired lies about crime events, and in thrall of weak politicians who have come to believe in the foggy utopianism of socialism, to relinquish truth-based, evidence-based justice, and to relinquish complete control of our weakened finances, then we deserve to lose America.  Loss of an independent United States will lead to the end of Western civilization and the demise of Judeo-Christian ethics-based culture.



We live in interesting times… and dangerous.  Living in our nation are, incredibly, thousands of parents who managed either through active inculcation of an utter hatred of the United States by their children, or of white people, or of capitalism, or of Christianity or of anyone who is succeeding within our system… or of all these aspects of “Western civilization,” or through utter disregard of what their children were being taught by socialist, even Marxist teachers and/or college professors.  However the hate-filled mindset was acquired, it took a lot of work over many years of formative growth.

No one is born with such distorted emotions, ideas, hatreds.  Hatred takes a lot of energy – much more than love or even acceptance or tolerance.  It doesn’t get developed by accident.  Educating innocent children into modes of hatred needs planning and programming.  A single mistake or poor choice of words won’t cause virulent hatred.  One must be guided to belief of the worst possible injustices and that those who commit said injustices are going without punishment or “justice.”  Takes intentional work.

So to all you parents and educators (terms used loosely), you succeeded beyond your wildest dreams… or beyond your vapid ignorance.  Your offspring have become active, hate-filled “enemies of the state,” so to speak, and enemies of thousands of innocent individuals and businesses and those employed by or served by those businesses.  Some are arsonists or simple (term used accurately) thugs, rioters, vandals and racists of the worst order.  Congratulations.

Some of these knuckleheads think they are “Marxists.”  This single claim indicts their ignorance better than any litany of sociopathic acts.  Marx was a virulent racist and anti-Semite, and a Satanist of sorts, who hated religion – sound familiar?  Are your kids talking like this?  Are they caught up in “protesting” police brutality against hundreds of innocent, unarmed young black people?  Do you, parents, have the foggiest idea of what in Hell your own children are doing?  How unfortunately sad.

Some blacks have abandoned processes built into our legal and political systems.  They have also accumulated abundant hatreds for “white” society for, primarily, economic, welfare-fueled reasons.  These same are susceptible to the lying blandishments of Marxists, that the miracle of social justice may be realized only by destroying capitalism and the hated white power structure with it.  We can start with burning down local businesses.

At the same time, burn those hated police who are all racists ready at the drop of a hat to kill an innocent black man.  Seeking social justice will never succeed while police are defending the capitalist, white power structure.  We must defund police departments as we demoralize them and make them quit.  Concentrate on ultra-liberal cities where politicians already agree with us.

Failed parents of America, your sons and daughters, mostly white it turns out, are maximizing the useless college educations you sacrificed for, by helping Black Lives Matter tear down your standards of living, destroying the business you own or work for, if not your house, itself.  Sounds like a big fat “L” in the loss column.

A presidential election isn’t going to fix this racist, corrosive mindset – no election is.  But, an election, the very next and imminent one, can make it a Hell of a lot worse.  Your vote matters.

Joe Biden is not a candidate for president, nor is he a “shoo-in,” as some might hope, but he is a shoe-HORN, able to slip the actual next president – currently known as Vice-Presidential candidate, Kamala Harris – into office when she doesn’t actually fit very well.  If Biden, that erstwhile “moderate” bag of partial memories, does manage to win in November, a countdown will commence: how many weeks, if not days, until he is declared non-compos mentis and eased into retirement as a hero – the public servant who never gave up the fight for the average guy, the middle class, the working families.  Thanks, Joe, so sad to see it end this way; don’t let the iron gate onto West Executive Avenue hit your ass.  There are pools ready to start selling squares on November 4th.

Kamala Harris is not like the other children: she’s a communist at heart, and a nihilist, ready to tear down our democratic republic and all of the practices and ethics of western civilization.  Sound familiar?  She agrees with “Black Lives Matter,” the Marxist organization, not the lives of black people that matter as much as any other.  She is remarkably fluid in her stated beliefs, which is how she got to where her rock-hard beliefs could place her in the White House.  Your vote, and your innate suspicions, matter.  People don’t really like her fluid nature very much, as could be seen in her paltry support in the primaries for president.  George Soros likes her, and here we are.

Anyone who likes or accepts support from George Soros is anti-American and deserves a vote from no one who loves this country.  Lots of Democrats – and Antifa, and Black Lives Matter – solicit his financial support; they’re fellow travelers on the hate-America-train.  Soros is an international socialist, using his mysterious billions to foment anti-freedom movements in dozens of countries.  He never rests.  Like others on the left, including our strange Democrat bedfellows, he doesn’t recognize the legitimacy of a “NO!” from any plebiscite, election, ballot question or referendum; “NO!” simply means “later.”

Any democratic or judicial decision against the far left is simply an instruction as to how the same goal may be achieved with an alternate fight; any such decision in favor of the left, may never be questioned by anyone.  Heads, we win; tails, you lose.  Your vote matters.

Donald Trump and a relative handful of allies AND YOU, are the only patriots standing in the way of the most foul socialist takeover the world could experience.  There is no one to our west who will send troops to restore our freedom.



In Methuen, Massachusetts a young woman is trying to prepare for a very early death.  It’s not her fault; she’s done nothing wrong in her nearly 27 years.  Indeed, from the very first she has been a bright, delightful person, quick to learn, quick to love pretty much everybody.

Inside her genes, however, something is not the same as most people’s.  She can’t fight off dysfunctional cell growth.  Her first cancer arrived when she was about 6, it’s not completely certain when, but she had been complaining of “back pain” for months before her mom finally got her to a “pediatric gastroenterologist” whose connections at Tufts Floating Hospital for Children found and diagnosed neuroblastoma.  There can be no worse day for a mother, unless it’s the one approaching inexorably, almost exactly 20 years afterwards.

That’s a short dash, 27 years.  In between those dates were 5 big battles with cancer, excellence in school, swim team, graduation from High School, excellence in college that included trips to New Orleans to help repair Katrina-damaged homes, trips to England and Ireland, visit to Paris through the Chunnel, Graduation from Wheelock College, Masters degree through Merrimack College, friends’ weddings, even one she coordinated, a trip to Peru and Machu Picchu only to run headlong into the fifth cancer struggle, now stretching into the last.  Loving teaching, early childhood and special needs, was not enough.  There never will be the full-time teaching position of which she dreamed.

How does one prepare for death?  I don’t know.  My good friend, Tony Fusco, prepared for his when an undiagnosed tumor in his brain stem proved inoperable, impossible to biopsy and ultimately fatal.  I got to sit with him the last Sunday afternoon before he re-entered the hospital to try some other treatments multiple neurologists had only the faintest idea might help.  I’d brought some nice scotch thinking we might enjoy a sip together but his gag reflex was so impaired he dared to sip only water.  It was a good afternoon and I expected he’d be home again.

When the only option of a feeding tube was offered, Tony realized – decided – that it was a tube too far: no further treatments, thank you.  His world shrank to a room at a beautiful hospice facility that was always busy with visitors and family.  He had a huge heart; it took a couple of weeks for it to go to sleep.

Clearly he’d prepared for the end.  He was 71.  At his funeral I told him that I knew where to hide a flask for when I’d join him on a porch where he now lived, where we could enjoy a sip and analyze the world situation.  He was a year younger than me.

How does one prepare at age twenty-six and three-quarters? Without an abiding religious faith it is hard to imagine.  She believes in God, but hasn’t had a lot of religious education.  I try to explain, but it is uncomfortable, certainly it was a year ago when the lung cancer appeared.  It represented a third kind of cancer, and her tiny body could tolerate no chemotherapy.  They operated and radiated, but the treatment was still a variation of repair and destroy with the overarching hope that the cancerous cells might be killed before the patient, herself.  Her breathing hasn’t been very good – or comfortable – since then.  Within a couple of months lesions were found in multiple places: brain, bones, pancreas and more.  Now at Dana Farber, they’ve radiated as many places as possible and she’s been taking an oral chemo pill with side effects.  It tended to slow down the growth, but never stopped it and now isn’t slowing it much, either.

There’s only one door open to her… to a place where the weaknesses of her body will no longer be a problem – a place where her health will become perfect.  One needs a reason to hope in order to contemplate passing through that door, alone.  Observers might say that she has no choice so “…she just has to deal with it.”

What does that mean: deal with it?  If one has any trust in God it should be clear that trying to pass through when angry and bitter is probably not the right approach.  One school of thought is that when you pass you’ll find exactly what you believed you’d find.  If that is a fade-to-black scenario, and hopeless, then that is what it will appear to be.  I believe that there is an eventual judgment, an audit if you will, of how well your tests were passed – tests you knew were coming when you agreed to accept the lifetime just ending.  Your “you” or your soul, may or may not have aced everything.  The life just ended may or may not be the last one you need to make your ascension, but Redemption is the unfailing lesson of the Bible.  It doesn’t make sense that in the matter of life and death itself, that the opportunity to redeem oneself would be absent.

For the soul, the agreement to accept a new life that includes the needed tests, is the greatest act of love expressable.

Another path of spiritual guidance says that not only are we responsible for our un-passed tests, or “karma,” but also for our reason for being, our “dharma.”  Both are part of judgment.  The more aware we are while on this side of that door, the more likely we are to meet and exceed the reasons for this life.  Life is not a knife-edge: Hell on one side and the gift of Heaven on the other; it is a path made broad by our free will.  The choices we make have meaning.

When someone passes very young, there has been little time to make bad choices, which is to say, few sins have been committed.  At the same time, few opportunities have presented for passing tests.  Maybe a life that ends in youth is lived sacrificially so that those around you can pass their tests.  Living that life is your test: a unique expression of love.

From the limited, somewhat fuzzy understandings of a human lifetime, this is my most comforting perception of the young lady’s life: one of sacrifice.  Neither I nor anyone else on this side of the door is privy to the purposes of the lives of others, and barely able to grasp the meanings of our own.  Still, this observer has recorded no imperfections in our young patient’s life. 

Is she comforted thereby?  Does she perceive the success of her life?  Or does she feel she’s been punished or singled out for “bad luck?”  I try to tell her to not fall into those ideas, but to approach the door with an open heart and mind, accepting of the possibilities of immense love on the other side.

Something she has earned.

Orwell was right

We live in an age of what is called, REASON.  Supposedly we have become so very smart that there is no longer a need for faith in any God or gods, no need for superstition or even wishful thinking.  We have the handmaid of reason: SCIENCE.  No one can confuse us with un-testable “mumbo-jumbo.”  We can rely on science, and science is based on evidence, experimentation and repeatable observations.  No mysteries for us; all of our beliefs and decisions are science-based, evidence-based, expert-based.  Since we aren’t all scientists or mathematicians, EXPERTS hold an important place in our reason-fed society.

Yes, we still honor some religious leaders and we still respect the ancient founders of religions… well, some of them: the ones that science can prove actually existed.  And we still revere the great teachings of these ancient religion-founders… at least the ones that science can prove were actually taught by the scientifically-accepted founders.  Reason teaches all of us that questioning the fables that surround Mohammed could result in damages or death.  Muslims not only believe but take offense, too.

In any case, we don’t have to accept the mythologies of other religions, especially Christianity, until science confirms them.

Science, one can easily see, is connected intimately with TRUTH.  This makes so much sense that reasonable people think that science and truth are obviously the same thing.  Basing our decisions, our votes, our very governance on truth will certainly avoid a host of problems that derive from lies and myths and false ideas.  We’ve seen a whole lot of that in our political history.  The political movement that is based on truth, evidence and science is unquestionably the one to follow and support.

Truth, however, has proven elusive, science notwithstanding.  How can this be so?  People who believe in science and truth would never lie, would they?  The fly in that ointment is that science, during its best efforts, can only approach truth.  Truthful scientists never claim to understand absolute truth; science is the quest for truth.  Granted, there are a lot of things scientists are pretty sure of, sometimes so much so that very little additional research is done on those matters.  But, every day, and particularly when a new disease is encountered, there are more questions than answers, and scientists are generally very careful to not proclaim answers that may soon be rendered untrue.  Lies can creep in.  Well, there are advantages to lying, as humans have learned, and this truth has found its way into political planning and campaigns… and even into science.  Who knew?

The basic difference between individual freedom and responsibility as a governing philosophy, and all the other governing models, is that the alternatives to freedom can only gain ascendancy by convincing people of lies.  The greatest of these is the fundament of what we know as socialism: that controlled people will be MORE free if they can shuck off the burdens of responsibility, merit, attainment and, interestingly, religion.

The above is a bold claim.  There had better be some proven truth that backs up such a claim.  All that defenders of freedom have is the history of socialism since it appeared.  It always fails and, in every case, manifests the deaths of millions of people it controls in order to install ever-“purer” forms of the revolution that installed socialists into power.  Only then will the planned future the people were promised, be possible.  Unfortunately, socialist regimes never run out of enemies of the “people” who are preventing the completion of the revolution.  This is due, in no small part, to the inability of planned economies to produce sufficient productive surplus to finance the growth and improved standards of living necessary to serve everyone and defend the nation.  There is always too little surplus to destroy debt – also known as “investment in the future” – as well.

Eventually, socialism consumes all of its people’s money and a lot of other people’s money.  This, unfortunately, is where the United States is, now.  We have swallowed a lot of socialist bull-bleep and find ourselves $27 Trillion in debt.  As we argue over Covid-19, our time is spent expanding the socialist aspects of government, and expanding that debt.  Fortunately, there is still enough freedom in the American system to encourage and allow substantial productive surplus.  In theory our economy can destroy that debt.  Unfortunately, we are politically unable to stop outspending our productive surplus… socialistically.

Truth exists, known or not, and science, if honestly applied, will keep approaching it.  The rest of us will, according to those so enamored, keep running our lives, our personal economics and our government accordingly.  That scenario is superior to how we do those things, now.  It’s because of competing belief structures.  Truth… reality… is dashed on the rocks of belief every day.  Worse, we seem to be able to consider COMPETING TRUTHS!

A perfect example is the current fascination and promulgation of trans-genderism.  Our august politicians have created legal structures around the theory that believing in transgenderism makes it true, or real in some way.  It is not, of course, although the feelings – emotions – that cause someone to deny the responsibilities of his or her biology are certainly real.  Yet those who oppose encouraging transgenderism are held to be “deny-ers” and literally on the wrong side of the law.  The same happens with socialism and anti-Americanism.  Both modes of belief are replete with untruths and distortions so skewed as to be utter lies.  Yet their adherents believe their “facts” (beliefs) are true.

There is no compromise.  We have cleverly talked ourselves into legislating official defense of competing “truths.”

Politicians, elected mayors, governors, district attorneys, certain presidential and vice-presidential candidates and more, defend anarchists’ “right” to riot in proclamation of their “truths.”  It’s a stretch, and illegal.  The destruction of civil rights now defends civil rights of certain others.  These same bemoan the “fact” that the Trump administration failed to follow “the science” at the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis.

And so, the left has managed to weaponize truth.  Once abortion was converted from ending the life of a baby to promoting the lives of women, we were solidly on this path.  Our tax dollars pay for much of it and the wealthiest people and corporations in the world “donate” huge sums to subsidize the only movements who ACT on hatreds, and who promote the destruction of America and of the idea of America.

What is wrong with this picture?  What is wrong with us?


Hatred, anyone can see, is imPrudent.  In some circumstances one can understand anger, as when a person of color appears to have been mistreated or, God forbid, killed by police for no good reason.  Obviously his or her family has good reason to be angry in such a case.  His or her friends have a “right” to be angry, too, one could allow.  “Justice” is the correct call… in every instance, but lately by some process that translates into destruction of American culture and political existence.  How? Prudence wonders.

It takes a long-term plan, a lot of work… like a political campaign, and money – it takes money.  People are not born haters, we must be carefully taught.  Part of our social troubles… or dissolution, is our tendency to paint with broad, angry brush strokes.  It used to be if an Irishman were inebriated it was because “…those Irish are all drinkers.”

If an Italian pulled a fast one on you, then  “… those Italians are all like the Mafia.”

Frenchmen are all great lovers and they all have mistresses.  Scotsmen are cheap.  Germans are all rigid and militaristic.  Used-car salesmen are all liars.  There are dozens of similar generalizations.  These are prejudices.  They seem not so bad when applied to ethnic or economic distinctions… not nearly as bad as for racial distinctions.

Yet there are people who judge whole “racial” groups based on prejudice from anecdotes and half-truths and expressed hatreds, as well as from official, legal special treatments, real and perceived, based on popularized, but largely meaningless racial victim-hood.  In this sense, government is the worst offender for dividing populations by so-called, “race.”

“Blacks are too stupid to do…” whatever was in question.  “You can’t depend on Chinamen.”  “White people are racist white-supremacists.”  Almost everyone is guilty of some form of “group-think.”  That is, that individuals may be understood by virtue of their “group identity.”  This is diametrically opposed to the ideals of the Constitution.  In the ostensible American system, everyone is equal under the law.  Therefore, laws should be written for individual application, not racially or ethnically or for any other “group” connection.  Color-blindness is a virtue for a free people.

Governments, for the most crass, self-serving (politician) reasons, have proven themselves incapable of resisting group-identity codification.  They attempt, and intend, to garner votes by doing favors legally, legislatively for various groups, undermining the greatest strength of our Constitutional republic.  What a crappy way to damage one’s own nation.

These largely inaccurate distinctions are an easy building-block for generating hatred for groups, and, by natural distillation, for individuals within that group.  Automatically, that hatred is reflected back on the originating group and its individuals.  Great, great restraint and moral strength is needed to resist an easy slide into hatred and prejudice.  Religious teaching helps here, particularly Judeo-Christian teachings and the Bible.  It is instructive that those who would tear down the Constitution and the family-centered culture it protects, are doing their damnedest to dissolve Christianity, too.  Rainbow flags weren’t enough.

Where does the money come from to pay rioters, BLM agitators and Antifa thugs… busing or flying them around the country, covering living expenses and raising funds to bail them out if arrested while looting, committing arson, assaults and an occasional murder?  Is it surprising that, literally, Democrats provide it?  Millions of dollars flow from Democrats and Democrat-supporting corporations like Apple, Amazon, Nike, Microsoft and others who donate multiple millions to various Black Lives Matter-connected foundations and others.  Other Democrats donate and encourage others to donate money to bail criminals out of jail.  Why would people on the Left do such a thing to their own country?

It is what leftists do.  We are no longer contemplating the arguments of left-of-center liberals as to how we can organize America better for everyone.  We are watching socialists and avowed “Marxists” of all colors who are organizing total disruption – first of cities, by rioting and grabbing “reparations” for the “community” by looting and burning, then states by confusing and changing a perfectly good voting system, and ultimately the United States, again by confusing and changing voting procedures to reduce election certainty, and by destroying faith in our system of government by distorting economics and the justice system… possibly by stealing elections.

Back to “justice.”  In MOST instances, the offending police officer or officers are dealt with properly and prosecuted as he or they should be.  Some are in jail.  But not all are appropriately sanctioned, and anger toward a closed, obscured process is well justified.  What should relatives and friends do to seek real justice?  Here’s the list that lately is providing popular choices:

Protest loudly and publicly in large groups, vilifying all police.

Throw stones and bricks at police who are trying to maintain order during the protest.

Burn a police car

Burn a store or restaurant near the site of the use of excess force by the offending officer(s).

Bring in Antifa and BLM to rile up ever larger crowds.

Shoot explosive fireworks at police.

Pull down or deface a statue that honors someone few if any in the crowd know much about.

Assault, or worse, whoever is wearing an article of clothing that offends somebody in the crowd.

Force police from one of their buildings and burn it down.

None of this, obviously, generates “justice” for the victim of a perceived crime, but spreads INjustice across the lives of as many people as possible.  How does this bring even a sense of justice to the family of the original victim?  Maybe our erstwhile leaders could institute something like the following:

First, legislation that requires police agencies to provide a comprehensive, public report no later than 5 days from the date of the questionable incident.  This report could not include any statements of judgment that could distort other legal actions or suits.  The same legislation should include a strict limit of, say 20 or 30 people who are permitted to stage a protest during those 5 days; more than the right number would be apprehended and fined.

Political leaders would call for a 5-day cooling-off period and offer such help as would be accepted to the family of the “victim.”  No public funds could be diverted to any advocacy groups not related directly to the family. This process, however, must be free of admissions of any guilt or responsibility by the municipality or agency before the public report is made.  During the 5-day waiting period groups could apply for permits for demonstrations to follow the waiting period, that may or may not be granted in some form.  Beyond that, demonstrators will be strictly contained and arrested for actions outside of the parameters of issued permits.  Public safety and the civil rights and private property of others are paramount.

Being “really angry” is no excuse for rioting or stealing things or setting fires anywhere.  Municipal leaders: WAKE UP!