Christianity Matters


For those who fail, intentionally or ignorantly, or intentionally ignorantly, to grasp that the peoples of Earth are engaged in a fundamental, spiritual war for which there is no mechanism of compromise, it’s time to wake up.  I am sorry for the shock to which you may shortly awaken, but it is real and unavoidable.  Hinduism and the “Law of Karma” teach that life – and Earth itself – is a test of our individual spirits.  It also teaches, like Christianity and Judaism and virtually every other religious belief system, that there is an “afterlife” where the soul, or spirit, survives in some sort of relationship with God, the Great Spirit, Brahman… even with Allah.  Religiously, this belief – or hope – is nearly universal. 

Writings about humanity’s creation, evolution and ultimate destination go back for thousands of years… like the Bible, the Vedas, and tens of thousands of prehistoric paintings, drawings, hieroglyphs, carvings and traditions.  Some are quite detailed about the technology required to get to “heaven,” others about the spiritual mechanisms for the trip.  There is a path for everyone.

Sadly, it seems Prudent to say, millions of people have convinced themselves that religion is a hoax and since they have figured that out, the conflicts within and between religions have no connection to them nor impact on their lives.  They seem to believe that the only purpose of life and lifetimes is to find as much human comfort and pleasure as possible, and that the measure of “success” is the level of toys and pleasures accumulated before death, and by how much may be “left” to their descendants.  Basically, if they cannot see, touch, taste or feel something, it must not exist.  While “pragmatic,” that belief is not Prudent.

Lately the news is consumed by kinetic actions initiated by the Hamas terror organization and the reactions, using superior force and methods, by Israel.  We should all step back and review the far larger efforts, worldwide, to unseat religion and God, Himself.  The goal of global Communism is no less than the elimination of freedom and its conjoined relationships of individuals with God.  The “World Economic Forum” is clever at reducing all of life’s concerns to financial relationships, and so is Communism and the various layers of socialism that claim to be only sympathetic to the underprivileged.  Even churches, including the Catholic Church and the current Pope, have forgotten the difference between charity, which is guided by a spiritual willingness to sacrifice for others, and socialism, that steals the resources of others by police power, in order to distribute it to certain groups whose political support may be “purchased” by “government” benefits.

Charity increases spiritual awareness and purity of thought.  It may also serve to “balance” bad karma created by negative actions for which an individual is forever responsible.  The Christian Bible teaches the same lesson as the Hindu law of Karma: “…whatsoever a man soweth, so shall he also reap.”  In simpler terms we might say that one cannot “sow” socialism and “reap” salvation.  That is, people who tell themselves that socialist dependency is some wonderfully charitable work, are lying to themselves as they lie to everyone else.  Nothing good can come from a foundation of lies.  Communists and others who promote the separation of everyone from religious faith, including liars like the World Economic Forum, are attempting to take the place of a spiritual creator-God.  At the same time they propose to replace the freedom and responsibility of truth with the imprisonment of rules, such that following the rules eliminates the sacrificial blessings of responsibility.

The battles against honesty and truth are taking place daily in our schools, our government(s) agencies, our colleges and universities and in the houses of representation in municipalities, in states and in the federal Congress… as well as in Gaza, Israel, Lebanon and Iran and Davos, Ukraine, Russia, China and North Korea.  Ultimately, the goals coalesce into one: the demise of America and the destruction of Judeo-Christianity, itself.

America, amidst great pressure to do so – including federal grants – is setting aside God, Christ and the fundamental honesty of Old and New Testament teachings… honesty that permeates our legal and commercial structures, at least in their founding and design.  The apparent trustworthy nature of America and Americans enabled the U. S. to become the heroic savior of Europe with our soldiers welcomed and trusted.  We were able to expunge Nazism and Japanese militarism at nearly the same time.  Little did we know that strategic and domestic lying had become federal policy.  Indeed, over the next 75 years the American people were among the least-informed while foreign governments and news organizations reported to their populations information about what the U. S. was actually doing internationally.  The federal Congress also transformed during this period, to one of the least trustworthy bodies in history.

Do we, Americans, comprehend what has been done to our heritage?  What is still being done at an accelerated rate during the Obama and Biden administrations?  Freedom, free speech, freedom of religion, equal application of the laws and, ostensibly, honest representation of our interests through democratic (honest) elections, comprise our culture.  So do free enterprise and ownership of private property and the ABSENCE OF LIMITS OTHER THAN WILL, INTITIATIVE, CAPABILITY AND HONESTY from attaining wealth and status.  The basis of all of it is Christianity in its purest intent.  We have turned away from our culture.  We deny our beliefs and our individual responsibility to them.  We refuse to pass our culture on to our children while we abort hundreds of thousands of Americans every year, and then wonder how it is that children grow up to kill one another. 

Sometimes fortunately, the world reacts to or reflects the attitudes and actions of the United States.  We have a dominant ability to communicate, and we are open enough to broadcast, literally, the evils we practice or allow, the foolishness we practice or allow, and the foul ideas we teach, encourage and vote into law.  The world can watch Americans and their government lie about everything from COVID infections, so-called vaccines, climate change, “fossil” fuels, genders, elections, history and economics, wars and foreign policies.  Then other nations are amazed as emissaries from the U. S. attempt to lie to them while encouraging others to govern themselves like Americans!  At the same time, Americans are rejecting their own form of government (two exclamation points!!)

Many U. S. citizens try to find comfort in the diaphanous idea that underneath it all there are people in the federal administrative structure that are managing things and keeping us safe.  Yet, little by little, we keep finding out that the bureaucracy has been lying to the citizenry, too… while scraping away our freedoms regulation by regulation, un-legislated rule by un-legislated rule.  Is this our “culture?”  Is this what brave and courageous Americans have fought and died for since Lexington Green?

We can track the socialist, even Communist assault on the principles of America’s founding, but we don’t spend much effort to expose the simultaneous assault on religion, especially Christianity.  The decline of “Americanism” has paralleled the decline of Christianity and Christian education.  The adoption of multiple evils as sources of revenue for governments out-pictures our cultural decline with sad clarity, as does the maintenance of addictions and homelessness.

Few recognize the threat to our independence and sovereignty that is resulting from these trends.  With politics and elections trusted less and less and less, and crime left unpunished by those elected, Americans are more and more accepting of the election – or presence by other means – of a strong leader who will “clean things up.”  The dangers of imposing the states of emergency or martial law are not always recognized as things start to get “cleaned up,” but sidestepping the Constitution for whatever supposed benefit is the ultimate danger.  Ours is a Constitutional Culture, as it were, and that is best described as a society where people make the rules limiting their government(s).  It is dependent upon a level of integrity and statesmanship in our elected representatives at every level.  That system has broken down.

We are challenged, now, to restore the principles upon which we were founded and, just as crucially, to restore our moral practices and beliefs.  What forces can be applied to shift so many directions?  Individually, we can improve ourselves and there are hundreds of self-help programs that might assist.  But, what about the “sins” we have codified as “rights?”  Is there a role for government in undoing the rush to replaces rights with licentiousness?  Or, can our “governors” be made to shift commercial activity away from our Communist enemies?  More simply, can tax laws be redirected to encourage marriage and families?

Somehow, probably including amendment to our Constitution, we have to establish a cleaner, less-drugged, less-addicted, less-debauched society that stands not for the victimization of every practitioner of destructive behaviors, but for the very best humans can be and for a future of greatness, growth, innovation… and hope.

We cannot make it if we continue to allow our people to weaken themselves and our purpose.


You're ***tting me, right?
You’re ***tting me, right?

Amidst the anxiety, worry, fear and complete inversion of logic that comprises “Climate Change,” a sad failure of the heart is heard as gullible men and women who might create families, declare that they are afraid to bring children into this world which is doomed by the follies of pollution and fossil fuels.  It should be a mental thing, but it’s not: it’s a function of gullibility that is divorced from clear thinking.

America cannot survive gullibility.  Americans, more than citizens of any other nation, are OBLIGATED to study and understand the words, and the meaning of the words, and the philosophies supporting them… in our Constitution and other founding documents.  The United States of America – those are words, too, and we are obligated to understand them just as clearly.  Ours is a country with a role in history unlike every other.  “United” tells us that we are OBLIGATED to share common laws and moral guidance.  “States” tells us that our States are the structure of our nation, and our strength.  Ours is not a national government, it’s a federal one, yet every scrap of legislation that Congress passes EXPANDS national power over the states and the people, when it should be doing only what the states cannot do for themselves.  Words matter.  Whoever – or whatever – attempts to change the meaning of words is announcing its willingness to confuse the polity and steal our ability to discuss, reason and understand.

What American voters have allowed, so far, is an administrative bureaucracy that makes itself appear to be so important – so vital to our ability to remain fed and comfortable – that threats to its power or existence, even of tiny slivers of it, are tantamount to Hitler’s Nazism.  Minor interruptions, like temporary shutdowns until appropriations are approved by Congress, are described as imminent defaults on U. S. obligations and threats to every aspect of life from stocking grocery stores to providing health care and life-saving operations.  Worse, a government shutdown is racist, homophobic, transphobic and misogynist… and no one wants to be any of those things, let alone the whole country!

What illogical nonsense.  Yet, that is the definition of our “democracy,” today.  The “democracy” that we must impoverish ourselves to protect around the world, yet do our best to undermine, here, despite the fact that we are a Republic… that employs democracy.

Are your children gullible?  Possibly.  Once ideological teachers have taught our kids to believe untrue things, the pathways of gullibility are established.  If a first-grader believes the United States was founded upon racism in 1619, he or she can be led to believe that gender can be changed.  Pretty soon they’ll believe that their parents are a threat that cannot be told that their son or daughter is changing to daughter or son.  So, now it’s better to hide truths from parents.  We can’t survive gullibility.

Education, essentially dominated by government schools and unionized teachers and staff, is the fundament of culture and citizenship.  Along with language, math, geography, civics, science and a second language, the success of our nation requires that our children learn about our history, our founding, the ideas behind the Constitution and how it works, and basic economics.  Turning out students who cannot read – at huge expense – puts our nation at risk; filling their heads with untruths and radical theories of race and biology is the opposite of what parents – and our nation – need teachers to do.  Yet, as schools fail to educate, teachers’ unions dictate policies to management that increase costs, compensation and staffing while reducing accountability for teachers’ lack of results.  The incredible refusals to work and teach during “COVID” can never be forgiven.

Have we the intestinal fortitude to correct the direction and OWNERSHIP of our so-called “public” education system?  Can we place the management of public schools back into the hands of those we elect to manage them?  Or will we go to our graves with leftist, virtually communist teachers’ unions operating this huge fraction of our government for their own benefit… not for the advancement of our children?  Government employees should be severely restricted in their abilities to influence elections.  As it is, politicians charged with financial management of all departments rely on unions to get themselves elected.  They (the elected) then “negotiate” with unions for pay and benefits.  Those who are charged with representing citizens wind up basically representing only the unionized, public employees.  What a debilitating economic farce.  Will we continue this?  Or are there politicians with the courage to break it up and restore fairness, balance and honesty to our republican form of government?

We are $33 Trillion in debt.  Clearly the past 6 decades of “representative” government has failed to manage the people’s business.  We are on the path to insolvency and economic ruin when that day comes that other nations will refuse payment in dollars.  This is a system our “representatives” created in our name.  Now we have a poop-head as president who has invited SEVEN MILLION or more new welfare recipients, many of whom are actual criminals and terrorist threats to our nation, to our people.  Shame on him and shame on all of us who voted for him in 2020.  We knew he was a fool from his 40 years of history in the Senate and his 8 years as Obama’s V. P.  We knew he was a public policy and foreign policy idiot, yet we dutifully followed his party’s directions.  Now, we’re the fools.

Are we patriotic enough – still – to make wiser, more sensible, economically aware choices about who will represent us American citizens and who will be our President, representing all of us and our country?  Or, are we so gullible that we will again elect a caricature of a leader and toadies who claim to be our representatives?  How many of our Senators and “Representatives” are receiving money or gifts of some sort from China?  More than one, for sure.  Why do we re-elect them and then cede them power in their respective houses?

American citizens are the most powerful people on Earth.  We can affect both domestic and foreign policies of our powerful government.  Yet we continuously give up our unique rights in exchange for not being called names, and we continuously re-elect relatively ignorant and corrupt people to both state and federal offices – people who soon give up representing we, the People, and then learn to represent their personal interests by cooperating with other corrupt “representatives” who have learned how to steal, legally.  Whenever they actually face their voters, these worthies tend to represent the government to us rather than the other way around, explaining why this or that policy position that got them elected, cannot be accomplished.

Are we awake enough in 2023 to exercise our Constitutional rights and powers to put in place a legislature that will actually force the executive swamp to do the right things?  How is it that we couldn’t even get the border closed with a threat to shut down the government?  How is it that the Biden administration thinks it is “American” to force expenses upon the States in the breaking of federal immigration laws?  We ARE gullible, but, are we crazy?