How America Works

It is difficult to find an area of American culture, education, economics, race relations, security and, one might say, expectations, that is hopeful or uplifting.  The Biden administration seems to be creating threats in all these areas and in areas that are increasingly personal… like health.  The unsettledness seeping through the American people, even through Biden supporters, is going to manifest in other than political arenas – primarily economics.  Underlying all of it is the loss of Constitutionalism and trust, which many in the political business have decided to take advantage of for their own power and benefit.

There are many dangers to the Republic.  There are dangers to families, schools, students in particular, to our supplies of basic necessities, and to our ability – or willingness – to believe advice from any level of government.  With the corrupt connivance of tech platforms, there are dangers to truth, itself.  Can a nation that is unable to withstand Dr. Suess and must bury his books to “protect” fragile psyches, be trusted to raise children, at all?

The greatest and newest threat to integrity is the reaction of the United States, at many levels of “authority,” to COVID-19, the Chinese-spread, engineered coronavirus.  As of today, the misinformation / disinformation and literal tyranny surrounding the mis-named “vaccines,” developed in extraordinarily short time-frames, has reached its highest pitch.  Hundreds of thousands of employees in every sort of business, industry and professional service, are going to lose their jobs if they fail to accept the Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson anti-covid injections.  It appears that as the efficacy of these shots is revealed to be increasingly temporary and NON-protective from Covid-19, the harder the President and various agencies of government, including OSHA, are pushing, indeed, forcing workers to accept them, no matter their legitimate objections.

It turns out that one of the big lies about the injections, at least for Pfizer, is that no aborted fetal cells were used in the development of the shots.  In fact, there were such cells, sparking intense religious objections from many whose employers, private and government, are forcing the objectors to take the injections.  The penalty is their livelihood, religious objections be damned, so to speak.

To sugar-coat the threats involved in the “forcing,” there are constant claims of “safety” and “protection” conveyed by the injections.  More and more these claims are proving to be false.  Worse, the mountain of evidence of negative reactions to the shots, including over 16,000 deaths, is ignored and suppressed, even as approvals are rushed through the “FDA” to require the shots be mandated for schoolchildren as young as 5.

Across the country parents are raising strong objections at their elected school board meetings, to mandated mask-wearing and mandated injections.  Unfortunately, the reaction to this opposition (and to objections about Critical Race or Gender Theory) by the mendacious Biden administration and our odd Attorney General, Merrick Garland, is to assign the F.B.I., of all agencies, to investigate angry parents as if their concern about their own children were criminal.  It would seem Prudent to investigate treasonous actions by key people in the military rather than moms and dads.  To institute policies like these, a lot of lies have to be firmly held as either true or so crucial as to become policy regardless of fallacy.  These are un-American times.

Still, COVID has proven the perfect foil for proto-tyrants, and it takes a lot of lying to keep it going.  For example, the U.S. claims a total of 711,000 “Covid deaths.”  Unfortunately, due to financial pressures, virtually all primary reporters – mainly  hospitals, with government connivance – have overstated the numbers of deaths since Spring of 2020.  How much overstated?  At least 25% and possibly by as much as 50%.  Hospitals are paid more for treating Covid-19 patients.  Anyone who expires in hospital and who can be described as a Covid patient, will be claimed to have died “from” Covid-19.  Craven politicians, accommodating their only two motivations, imposed lock-downs, closed churches, stopped all sorts of family gatherings and prevented relatives from visiting patients in hospitals and nursing homes.

What are those motivations?  Re-election and avoiding blame.  “Making the tough decisions” helped the first, blaming “CDC” recommendations helped the second.  “Following the science” provided enough confusion to keep news on the side of the new tyrants.  That there was little science, in fact, supporting how the country dealt with Covid, and even less, now, supporting Biden’s un-Constitutional dictates on “vaccination,” simply makes clear, we hope, why federal structure and control must be replaced.

Covid-19, distributed for free by the Communist Chinese, is far along the process of destroying our democratic republic, our civil rights, health-care system and educational establishments, public and private.  First, inordinate fears of infection were used to bring suits in multiple states to change voting regulations.  Despite the clear instruction in the written words of the Constitution, Article 1, Section 4 (“The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing [sic] Senators.”) these lawsuits, brought by lawyers working for the Democratic National Committee and others, shifted voting to mailed ballots and extended voting periods, all to avoid “spreading” Covid-19.

A large fraction of Americans has been led to believe that BIG problems can be solved only by BIG GOVERNMENT.  Chief among these is so-called health care.  “We” think health care is a “problem,” (meaning that government is lurking in the shadows ready to take it over with “solutions” to the “problem”), when, in fact, it is a RESPONSIBILITY that each individual citizen is obliged to solve for him or herself and for his or her family.  Recognizing millions of potential customers’ responsibilities to stay well and seek licensed, knowledgeable services from health care providers when less than well or injured, health care providers would compete for those customers’ health care dollars by offering improved services, ever better response and invention and innovation to make “care” ever more successful.

Health-care customers could also “shop” for best providers and best prices, perhaps with licensed advisors… like buying stocks.  The “problem” lies in paying for health care, regulating quality of healthcare, assuring access to care in rural areas, and catastrophic medical costs.  None of these requires federal dominance of the entire system / industry.   It requires creative licensing and subsidies / incentives to assure access, and licensed professionals working for / advising individuals and families.  It requires transparency from and among providers, clear, advertised pricing, and the ability to negotiate with patient-oriented groups and their advisors.  It DOESN’T require politicians issuing threats and promises about personal responsibilities for their own advantage; nor does it require blanket policies for diverse individuals and circumstances.  Governments may serve as partners with individuals in playing its proper roles; government can be a partner when an individual or family is facing catastrophic expenses, by loaning money to that person or family.  That loan can be repaid over a lifetime by the person, his relatives, friends, mutual healthcare group, or religious, charitable or fraternal groups.  Decision-making will be left to those who care, who are also able to negotiate and understand the costs and the invoices for the services and products to be consumed.

Keep in mind, that despite all the claims of “fighting for working families,” our favorite congress-people have managed to pretend to do OUR BUSINESS and OUR BUDGETS over the past 60 years and put us nearly $30,000,000,000,000 IN DEBT!  With all the skim that disappears into the maw of bureaucracy to control where and to whom all those dollars flow, is the federal waste machine where the future of health care, OUR HEALTH-CARE, should be entrusted?

If you believe in government health-care as better than private, you will, unfortunately, believe that socialism is “better” than capitalism, the greatest current lie.  In fact, capitalism is a whole lot better than the economic mess we function under, now.  When communists point out the flaws of “capitalism” that will be improved by socialism, they are easily able to poke holes in the unequal distribution of wealth that our mendacious governors have allowed to replace practical, opportunity-based, Christian-ethic limited, free-enterprise capitalism that was integral to America’s founding.  Americans, generally, should have the wisdom to disassemble our globalised, government-monopoly, over-licensed and regulated business model that is inhibiting success for millions of citizens.  We must do better and stop accepting outright lies from government tax hyenas and regulators.

To whom can we turn when virtually every agency of government, from the President on up, is un-trustable?  The only “institution” in society that must deal with reality and truth every day and with every customer/client, and that is largely untainted by government shenanigans, is small and independent business.  No other group is committed to LESS regulation and MORE freedom than the millions of small businesses and the business owners and workers who go to work every day.  As an adjunct to them are the hundreds of chapters of service clubs comprised of mainly small businesses and their key employees.  These are they who focus on needs and marshal resources from non-government sources, and who deliver solutions to points of need from the heartfelt desire to serve.  These are the motivations that need to expand throughout society in order to restore America.

Small businesses are where the best Americans work and produce.  Statesmen and women who will fight for their own, their employees’ and their customers’  interests, not Amazon’s, or Apple’s or Communist China’s.

Small businesses, UNITE!  Or, cries to that effect.  Can the best of America regain power, or shall we succumb to professional politicians and national-scope organizations that prefer to play ball with impersonal, largely un-American federalized forces whose answer to problems is ALWAYS TO TAKE MORE FROM THE PRODUCTIVE CLASS?  Small businesses must form, in effect, our own “party,” based on defense and re-empowerment of our founding documents.  America, AWAKE!


“The Border is closed.”

President-in-name-only, PINO, Joe Biden, day by day, confounds Americans.  Americans who intend each morning to fulfill the obligations of motherhood and fatherhood, who intend to see that their children are educated and advanced just a little, along their paths to balanced, successful adulthood, and who intend to perform their best at work or service, providing for their families and communities, are assaulted by ideas foreign to our culture and to our fundamental legal, moral beliefs.  Some of these are freshly minted, like the attempt by Attorney General, Merrick Garland to criminalize parents objecting to some of the crap being taught to their children, most particularly a parent whose daughter was raped at school by a boy claiming an identity that “allowed” him into the girls’ room where the attack occurred.  As this father was being arrested for yelling at the local school committee who had participated in covering-up the attack due to their agenda of promoting “trans-genderism” ideology, the committee members, the Superintendent and the principal of the high school claimed the attack was unknown to them!

Normal citizens find this hard to process.  We grew up trusting our public schools, entrusting our children to them for 5, 6 or 7 hours a day.  When did we have to become fearful of everything they do?

Some of what assaults us is several months old and only lately reported upon by even some of our “media” who typically ignore issues that don’t fit within their own agendas, as untoward as the concept of agenda-driven news, is.  When did we have to become skeptical of everything our “news” sources tell us?  One of these issues is immigration.

Most of media – and the high-tech censors like Google, Facebook and Twitter, don’t allow coverage of the illegal actions of the Biden administration at the southern border.  Millions of Americans are unaware of the ongoing crimes Biden, himself, has caused.  This odd man has proclaimed that a constant flow of “immigrants,” illegal, unvetted, often disease-ridden entrants, is a source of strength for the United States.  His reasoning: he was the grandson of Irish immigrants and look how great he turned out!  What a scurrilous dope.  His party engineered an illegal, fraudulent election to make sure he got certified for enough electoral votes to put that party and its socialist benefactors into power. Lie upon lie upon lie.  And they lie about the illegal entrant invasion that they have CREATED.

We have laws, including laws that limit and control immigration.  The disingenuous President swore, on January 20th, that he would “take care that the laws be faithfully executed,” among his other responsibilities and obligations, not least of which by any measure, is “to the best of (his) Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”  None of what he promised during that inauguration has been fulfilled: he lied, outright, to the American people.  In particular, on the matter of Immigration, Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution he has sworn to uphold, there is a clear directive to the “United States” nation, as follows:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Pertinent to the time of the writing of the Constitution, the term, “Invasion” applies exactly to the organized breaching of our defined borders, including the borders of States, by hordes of non-citizens who have NO LEGAL RIGHT TO OCCUPY any portion of those states.  Now, not only has Mr. Biden directed the Border Patrol and ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, to NOT ENFORCE the laws that define those agencies, but he has marshaled military and domestic transportation systems to distribute the flood of illegal aliens across the nation – without consultation with States’ governors – and, interestingly, significantly into states that typically vote Republican.  One is justified in wondering why that would be so.

Surely it wouldn’t be to distort the voting patterns in favor of Democrats, would it?  Despite the occasional admission of this being the purpose of rampant illegal entry, no real American, sworn to “uphold” the Constitution of the United States, would ever sink so low as to disrupt the rights, freedoms and safety of U. S. citizens, or steal their income and wealth as the result of illegal entry, would they?  Say it isn’t so.  You’d be lying.