Category Archives: Biden

vaccina, vaccina

Let’s go, Brandon!

The most misunderstood word in the world in 2021 is “vaccine.”  Thanks to the internationally criminal actions of Communist China, there has developed a world-wide effort to “vaccinate” virtually everyone who has not perished from COVID 19.  President Trump, a person who knows how business works and how changes in regulation can influence business success, also provided seed money to Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson to jump-start development of vaccines against Covid-19.  He and others called it “Warp Speed.”  Little did he realize the nature of the corrupted cesspool that “big pharma” and the federal government’s health agencies: CDC, NIAID, NIH and the multitude of agencies that provide forms of payment for health service, like Medicare, Medicaid, HRSA and HCFFA… and many others, had created.  Making sure that everything this band of worthies desires to sell to Americans and others is actually “safe” and “effective” for the purposes for which it is intended, is the ostensibly “independent” agency, the “FDA,” now mainly staffed by former “big Pharma” functionaries.

To everyone’s delight, Project Warp Speed worked; all 3 multi-billion-dollar, global companies, produced viable injections that everyone calls “vaccines,” and in “record” time – given that most actual vaccines require years of careful testing and review by our careful overseers of the public health, mainly the FDA. Hmmnnh…

While not vaccines, the three companies’ injections do produce temporary resistance to COVID infection such that the disease usually won’t progress to severe levels and fewer victims will require hospitalization, or, at least, not lengthy  hospitalization.  Definitely a plus, however imperfect.  Harder to explain is the two-year suppression of actual treatment of the disease with drugs known to reduce the ability of COVID to overwhelm the body’s defenses while it figures out how to fight the infection off, resulting in natural immunity.  Indeed, some perfectly safe drugs, anti-parasitics like Hydroxychloroquine in combination with zinc and other chemicals, and Ivermectin, that are widely used around the world and among our own Congress members, have been rendered nearly illegal to prescribe, and if prescribed, often not provided by pharmacists regardless of “doctor’s order.”

True vaccines impart a protein mapping to the immune system that is relatively permanent.  Chicken pox or Rubella or Polio, for examples, if encountered years after vaccination, will trigger a rapid response by one’s body.  Vaccination created a specific type of T-cell that “maps” to a specific pathogen should it enter the bloodstream.  These cells are reproduced normally such that there are always some present after vaccination.  If the pathogen enters the bloodstream these cells trigger production of B-cells created to attack the pathogen molecules or cells, as well as increasing the numbers of the specific T-cells.  Together with “custom” macrophages that can “digest” a disease invader, neutralizing it while alerting the body to recognize similar invaders, our immune systems keep us alive, literally from birth and even before.  Successful vaccination is a wonderful medical advance.

The various types of “RNA” manipulator-injections that Pfizer and other manufacturers like to call “vaccines,” (a comforting term) do not create any “cell-memory” that will recognize future infections.  They work by stimulating cells to create “spike proteins” that are similar to COVID-19 spike proteins: billions and billions of them.  The immune system, in turn, is stimulated to attack and remove these proteins.  If one is infected within, say 3 or 4 months after receiving the injection, the immune system will simultaneously remove COVID proteins and serious infection consequences MAY BE avoided.  The COVID protein, itself, however, does not trigger an immune system response to fight off a COVID infection nearly as rapidly as it fights off other pathogens.  This fact is part of the magic of bio-engineering an animal virus so that it can infect humans most efficiently.  This engineering took place in Wuhan Virology Laboratory, a project of the Chinese Military, partly funded by the NIAID (National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases), where Dr. Anthony Fauci is the head worthy, watching out for us.

Since the modified RNA injections don’t “map” any T-cells, and because the human body continuously tries to rid itself of foreign proteins in the bloodstream, the effects of the very expensive “vaccine” shots wears off to a point of uselessness after about 4 months or so.  “Booster” shots, also expensive (you may think they are free, but we are all paying for them through our largely socialized health care to the tune of $150 to $200 Billion so far) are therefore needed to regain some level of resistance to serious infection, which will again prove temporary.  What a money-maker!  Create enough fear, make it political rather than scientific, force everyone to accept the injection whether he or she needs it or not, and watch your stock-option wealth multiply.

“Well,” leftists say, “who could possibly not need this wonderful vaccine?”

Let’s group them.  Young people up to age 24 or 25, is a large group now being forced to accept the injections through extortion, an ugly, anti-liberty process.  Even if they have paid for college they aren’t allowed the “value” of the education they’ve contract for.  Colleges have changed the terms of the contract ex post facto: no injection – no entry to classes or even the campus.  Younger children, who have been bounced from pillar to post with “remote” learning and mask mandates, don’t need the shots since the disease called COVID is of virtually NO THREAT to them, as statistics bear out.  Neither are the older youth through college age much threatened by COVID.  In these age groups there is greater threat from bad reactions to the injections, of which there have been thousands, including deaths and disabilities.

Next group is everyone who has had and recovered from COVID, more than 50 million of us, for they have natural immunity, now shown, scientifically, to be 5 to 10 times more effective against COVID than any of the existing injections.  In fact, forcing these folks to accept the shots carries a greater likelihood of a bad reaction than if they had not developed immunity.  Making them do so is downright stupid.  There are lots of leftist-influenced people, hitherto fairly decent folks, who will swear at you if you refuse the injections regardless of the validity of your refusal.  They call the un”vaccinated” “anti-vaxxers,” which is really, really bad, except they aren’t refusing an actual vaccine, so what is the berater’s point?

Then there are a host of other people who have medical conditions that are logical reasons to not risk the injections no matter how happy someone else might be if they did.  Why should they lose their jobs and freedoms for not accepting an unproven injection of RNA-modifying chemicals?

So where is this whole, unscientific, politicized, faux-medicine tyranny taking us… us Americans who formed a more perfect union and constrained the government with the Bill of Rights?  Will we devolve into Australia?  Who knew that beneath their outward geniality Australians had been itching to go Fascist all this time?  That society is falling apart as rational Aussies grasp that their small-g governors are out-of-the-closet Nazis.  The same kinds of governors in the U. S. of A. are less well perceived as a dozen crises unfold at the same time, dividing citizens’ attention.  After all, who knew that Joe Biden, of all people, was a left-wing-shit-turned-tyrant?  Who knew that he had such a grasp on medical science that he would attempt to impose a nationwide injection mandate?  Aside from 72 million Trump voters and the people at the upper levels of the Democrat Party, Xi Jianping and other leftists, who actually knew?

There are treatments appearing just as the bloom is fading on the so-called vaccines.  Merck has one and now, Pfizer.  They are expensive enough to be approved against COVID.  The off-label treatments, despite their effectiveness, were very inexpensive and the wholly-owned worthies at the CDC, NIH and others in the alphabet soup of money-holes, could not allow any of those to challenge the panic-necessity of the injections.  Their side-bosses who controlled Pharma’s grants to these agencies were counting on the multi-billions flowing from the shots.  What’s a few hundred thousand bad reactions, some debilitating, and the 17,000 or so deaths from the injections really mean in the grand scheme of things… the grand life-saving miracles of erstwhile “vaccines,” after all?

Interestingly, back when the FDA and others were independent, rigorous and non-political, there was a pandemic called the Swine Flu, which name was changed to “H1- N1” to protect the pork industry.  H-1 and N-1 refer to certain proteins that define this strain of influenza as unique.  In 2009 a vaccine for H1–N1 was developed and tested specifically on infants.  Some serious reactions occurred during the study period, including about 50 deaths.  The manufacturer pulled the product from study distribution: 50 deaths, not 17,000.  H1-N1 is also a “coronavirus” by description.  To date there has not been a very successful vaccine against natural coronaviruses.  The gain-of-function engineering done in Wuhan, China, makes a highly effective vaccine somewhat more difficult to create, since “COVID-19” is so highly transmissible, even in the presence of any of the current stable of injections.

Novavax, another pharmaceutical powerhouse, is claiming that its “nanotechnology” has created a COVID vaccine that is immunogenic – like an actual vaccine is supposed to be – which none of the current shots are.  One wonders if this new approach will be delayed and resisted by those who appear beholden to Pfizer, J&J and Moderna.

One wonders if any development will ever get Biden’s boot off of the necks of Americans.  If “Lunch-bucket Joe” ever does anything that is good for the American citizens he is sworn to protect, it will be the first time, and an accident.


“The Border is closed.”

President-in-name-only, PINO, Joe Biden, day by day, confounds Americans.  Americans who intend each morning to fulfill the obligations of motherhood and fatherhood, who intend to see that their children are educated and advanced just a little, along their paths to balanced, successful adulthood, and who intend to perform their best at work or service, providing for their families and communities, are assaulted by ideas foreign to our culture and to our fundamental legal, moral beliefs.  Some of these are freshly minted, like the attempt by Attorney General, Merrick Garland to criminalize parents objecting to some of the crap being taught to their children, most particularly a parent whose daughter was raped at school by a boy claiming an identity that “allowed” him into the girls’ room where the attack occurred.  As this father was being arrested for yelling at the local school committee who had participated in covering-up the attack due to their agenda of promoting “trans-genderism” ideology, the committee members, the Superintendent and the principal of the high school claimed the attack was unknown to them!

Normal citizens find this hard to process.  We grew up trusting our public schools, entrusting our children to them for 5, 6 or 7 hours a day.  When did we have to become fearful of everything they do?

Some of what assaults us is several months old and only lately reported upon by even some of our “media” who typically ignore issues that don’t fit within their own agendas, as untoward as the concept of agenda-driven news, is.  When did we have to become skeptical of everything our “news” sources tell us?  One of these issues is immigration.

Most of media – and the high-tech censors like Google, Facebook and Twitter, don’t allow coverage of the illegal actions of the Biden administration at the southern border.  Millions of Americans are unaware of the ongoing crimes Biden, himself, has caused.  This odd man has proclaimed that a constant flow of “immigrants,” illegal, unvetted, often disease-ridden entrants, is a source of strength for the United States.  His reasoning: he was the grandson of Irish immigrants and look how great he turned out!  What a scurrilous dope.  His party engineered an illegal, fraudulent election to make sure he got certified for enough electoral votes to put that party and its socialist benefactors into power. Lie upon lie upon lie.  And they lie about the illegal entrant invasion that they have CREATED.

We have laws, including laws that limit and control immigration.  The disingenuous President swore, on January 20th, that he would “take care that the laws be faithfully executed,” among his other responsibilities and obligations, not least of which by any measure, is “to the best of (his) Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”  None of what he promised during that inauguration has been fulfilled: he lied, outright, to the American people.  In particular, on the matter of Immigration, Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution he has sworn to uphold, there is a clear directive to the “United States” nation, as follows:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Pertinent to the time of the writing of the Constitution, the term, “Invasion” applies exactly to the organized breaching of our defined borders, including the borders of States, by hordes of non-citizens who have NO LEGAL RIGHT TO OCCUPY any portion of those states.  Now, not only has Mr. Biden directed the Border Patrol and ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, to NOT ENFORCE the laws that define those agencies, but he has marshaled military and domestic transportation systems to distribute the flood of illegal aliens across the nation – without consultation with States’ governors – and, interestingly, significantly into states that typically vote Republican.  One is justified in wondering why that would be so.

Surely it wouldn’t be to distort the voting patterns in favor of Democrats, would it?  Despite the occasional admission of this being the purpose of rampant illegal entry, no real American, sworn to “uphold” the Constitution of the United States, would ever sink so low as to disrupt the rights, freedoms and safety of U. S. citizens, or steal their income and wealth as the result of illegal entry, would they?  Say it isn’t so.  You’d be lying.


The statue of Goddess Athene on the top of the famous Pallas-Athene-Brunnen
in front of the Austrian Parliament in Vienna. Built by Theophil Hansen 1898-1902.

For a free people, freedom becomes increasingly harder to realize or defend when knowledge is limited by twisted education (which is to say, by the government) and by outright, calculated lying by that same government.  To maintain control at the most fundamental levels, a government bent on Fascism will weaken the economic standing of most Americans and, equally as powerfully, create dependency upon the government for health care.  Nearly $30 Trillion debt clarifies the former; elevating Anthony Mussolini, errr… Fauci, to prevaricating pandemic potentate, makes obvious the latter.

To whom does a citizen turn to counter a government that lies?  Does he or she try to work more often with local or state government because they are more likely to tell the truth – no certainty, just greater likelihood – because he or she may know someone whose best friend has met someone working at that level?  Like all contracts and covenants, only the honesty and integrity of their guarantors can give them force or value.

“Official” lies have become more creative since the Viet-Nam War.  Viet-Nam exposed the mendacity of our well-respected military, whose veterans we have always revered.  That period also revealed the ease with which our “free press” could be co-opted to push a leftist agenda.  In the case of Viet-Nam this meant reportage of destruction and failure, terror and war-criminality, while beleaguered marines, soldiers, sailors and airmen are winning every battle of the conflict, an untold story.  Trust in officialdom began to crumble.

Governments lying about, obfuscating or withholding truths from those governed is nothing new.  History is a series of stories about conspiracy and secrecy within and between governments, not populations.  The U. S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence that gave it flight, formed a shift toward honesty between government and citizens, culminating in the Civil War, in which both sides were brutally, murderously honest about their purposes and positions.  It has been mostly downhill ever since, as the forces of tyranny, the more comfortable theory of governance for government-types, rubbed and abraded the notions of citizen sovereignty and bottom-up authority – liberty, itself.

The threshold events and actors are well-known: Teddy Roosevelt; Wilson; Hoover; FDR-Cordell Hull; Johnson-Humphrey-Rusk-McNamara; Nixon-Kissinger; Carter- Brzezinski; Bush the 2nd; Obama-Clinton-Kerry-Rice-Jarrett; Biden-Blinken-MIlley, and many of their hangers-on, of whom some were/are virtual if not avowed communists.  Numerous congressional leaders steadily pushed American government further and further left, now to an accelerating rate by Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer-Adam Schiff-Jerrold Nadler, A.O.C., Eric Swalwell, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and other fellow-travelers, many of whom literally seem to hate the United States.  Here we are in 2021.

Gently speaking, the only federal agency whose pronouncements are accepted as true is Amtrak when they inform erstwhile passengers that thus-and-such train will be late by some number of minutes or hours.  We also believe the Federal Aviation Administration is truthful, we hope.  But anything coming out of any Cabinet department or the White House, or the House or Senate, or the “Pentagon,” is now taken with so many grains of salt.  Since the phenomenal lies told during the Summer of Hate in 2020, and through the federal elections, there is very little that is trustworthy coming from any spoken or printed communication of the federal government.

Not a whole lot from state governments, either.

To whom does a law-abiding citizen turn when he or she is governed, cajoled or tyrannized by his or her government?  A church?  In a few cases, yes.  But even normal conversations are rare among ordinary civilians, in 2021.  Until one can discern or deduce what news sources a correspondent pays attention to, conversation is superficial at best.

Most Americans achieve respect for a politician who promises certain actions or efforts when running for office, and then does those very things.  Even in disagreement, honesty by an office-holder is respected.  Trump, for his braggadocio, embellishments and “mean tweets,” still pursued – and accomplished many of – the things he promised to do.  His fundamental philosophy of “America First” never wavered, and his foreign policy held true to his philosophy.  Americans learned to love “America First.”  Under the Biden regime, whomever is the leader of it, We have learned to hate “America Last.”

Biden and his strange, far-left crew, have realized one distinct accomplishment.  By reducing Americans’ expectations from the President and from any of his cabinet officers and functionaries, they are now meeting Americans’ expectations on a daily basis.  When the Press Secretary speaks, everyone expects her to lie on behalf of the Biden cabal and she never disappoints!  When Secretary of State Anthony Blinken testifies before Congress or holds a press conference, everyone, even including Congress, where most members are well adjusted to prevarication, expects him to avoid answering reasonable questions, to provide only partial scraps of information when he does answer, or to repeat lies that the regime has already spewed.  No one is disappointed!

If the reader thinks that “all politicians lie” and Joe Biden is just being a “politician,” then he or she should pay attention to the southern border, which has spawned lies so grotesque as to place political lies in a wholly separate category of simple mendacity.  Biden administration words, phrases, sentences and non-answers about the border and illegal immigration, are so crooked and twisted as to fold back upon the truth!  How is this possible?

It seems as though the military, Homeland Security, the President and the president’s spokeswoman stay up late – well, not the President – just thinking up how to explain or avoid explaining to the American people that what they are seeing and experiencing at the southern border with Mexico is actually NOT what they are seeing and experiencing.  Every action taken by the Biden regime regarding border protection, immigration policy, public health, “Homeland Security,” drug interdiction, human trafficking, child abuse and sexual slavery, makes clear how gross were the lies Mr. Biden told when he swore to uphold the Constitution and promised to faithfully execute the laws of the United States.  With nearly hourly disingenuousness from media sycophants (formerly known as fellow-travelers) Biden cruises along, seemingly oblivious to the conditions at the border.  When a question is tossed to him about “the border,” he turns his back and walks away.

Biden’s Secretary of “Homeland Security,” Alejandro Majorkas is in an impossible position… at least in terms of public relations.  He does face questions and is required to claim that “the border is closed” while the Border Patrol tries to keep count of 200,000 or more illegal entrants PER MONTH.  On the other hand, he has dropped the ultimate truth bomb: “…things are being handled according to plan,” or words to that effect.  The sad truth is, an open border and flooding the country with unskilled criminals IS the plan – a plan the most crass, cynical and hateful aspect of which is no more than to first make the U. S. a one-party nation and second to tear down the United States as a stumbling block to global communism.  Millions of Americans voted for these poop-heads, who claim that we “need” immigrants to fill jobs that are not getting done by citizens.  It’s as though they might actually expect most of our invited illegals to actually work.

Joe Biden has never been at a loss for some prevarication or another.  The first time he ran for president he contrived an elaborate story of his father’s mining career in Scranton, Pennsylvania.  Lunch-bucket Joe, father was a miner.  Unfortunately the story was untrue and, worse, had been “lifted” from a speech given by a British politician, Neil Kinnock, about HIS father.  It was such a good story and Joe’s mental capacity being so limited, even in his 40’s, that “borrowing” it for his own campaign just seemed the best path.  Rather odd, that.  But Biden was uninjured by what should be seen as a gross lack of honesty.  Somehow the father-was-a-miner whopper became part of the élan of Joe Biden.  “That’s just Joe being Joe.”  Well.

Joe was being Joe when he voted for the Iraq war and the Afghanistan invasion, but speaks forcefully against both actions, now.  He worked as Vice President to help Saudi Arabia fight Yemeni fundamentalists, but speaks against it now.  He advised Obama not to attempt to “get” Bin Laden in Pakistan, but he’s proud of it, now  He was opposed to busing in the 70’s and 80’s, even working with Jesse Helms on legislation, yet was offended when Kamala Harris called him out on it during the 2020 campaign.  Now, as Obama was, he is in favor of eliminating single-family zoning everywhere in the country.  Millions of Americans voted for this poop-head.  Now his title is POTUS: Poop-head Of The United States.

So, the fundamental question remains: To whom can a citizen turn in a supposedly Constitutionally limited Republic?  Federal agencies and officers, top congressional leaders and most states have been lying to Americans while generating irrational fears about the Chinese-spread pandemic of 2020-21, while denying use of effective treatments for Covid-19 infection, and while destroying small businesses in the name of “stopping” Covid-19.  Federal agencies, including the White House, and several state officials and agencies are colluding with media companies to censor news and opinions about alternatives to the “party line” on the pandemic, the “vaccines” and treatments, not to mention questions about vote fraud in the presidential election of 2020 – quite arguably in contravention of the First Amendment – and citizens are wondering where to turn for “redress of (their) grievances?”

What is a greater threat, lying outright or preventing the dissemination of truth?  Perhaps the President will set that straight for us.


A few Americans included.

And now we can turn the page, our experiment in culture-replacement having been soundly dissipated by coordinated, though relatively primitive fighters whose efforts to remove infidels from their land never wavered or converted to unrelated purposes.  The once-great American empire could learn a thing or two from our bearded, religious opponents.

For two decades American soldiers have sacrificed for a series of missions unrelated to the original, military task: destroying the ability of Taliban and Al Queda forces to fuel and train terrorist cells to fulfill their desires to kill Americans, if not America itself.  Orders have been followed, social services dispensed, friends made and abandoned, missions morphed into whatever new purposes, named and unnamed, to excuse or justify continuation of the United States’ most costly foreign foolishness ever.  Some $2 Trillion have been expended in military costs, mostly expended here, or distributed, there, into the most corrupt cesspool of governance in South Asia.

A military that prides itself, unceasingly, for its ability to justify militarily unrelated expenditures as vital, defense-of-the-homeland investments, managed to find the blackest financial hole it could, deeper, even, than Viet Nam.  Careers were enhanced, Stars and Bars added, and amazing new spin invented as be-ribboned military “experts” dissembled for most of those 20 years, telling Americans that their wonderful soldiers were making wonderful progress pacifying Afghanistan, education Afghanis, training the Afghan “Army” and teaching everyone but the Taliban holdouts that American democracy and republicanism was the best possible way to organize their nation.

In the past two months the lie has been put to all of it: the education, the social niceties, the friendships, the governance, the military successes – all of it.  Not the hardware and weaponry parts, no, those are definitely among the world’s best, and the Taliban holdouts who now run Afghanistan are suitably appreciative of the $80 Billion or so of our weapons and vehicles that we gifted to them.  They trusted us to fail and we trusted them to protect our withdrawal / retreat… whatever.  We certainly kept our side of the bargain, failing on schedule.  We’ll have to assess the murder rate to determine the upholding of the Taliban’s side of the deal.

What have we learned?  Perhaps we had not fully appreciated the lessons of Viet Nam, it having been only 26 years since the last helicopter left Saigon.  The lead-butted brass throughout our military-industrial complex, from the Pentagon on up, are nothing if not thorough in their careful evaluations of the most recent military conflict.  Unfortunately that was the air campaign against Serbia to free Kosovo.  There was no national interest or advantage for doing so, but by God we did it, and showed Muslims everywhere how dependable the United States is and what good friends we are.

Yet, our Muslim buds saw fit to attack us on 9-11-2001 before we had even begun to question whether we had done the best thing in the Balkans.  The “military” had yet to catch up to evaluating Kosovo when the Trade Center fell and that caused us to lose our minds a little bit.  Ultimately, after winning the only victories available in Afghanistan and Iraq, “we” decided that the worst punishment we could inflict on both nations was to make their politics more like our own – a system few Americans want, themselves!

For immediate – very immediate – past-President of Afghanistan, Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, once a member of the U. N. inspired Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor, who managed to slip away with $160 Million or more, the American attempts to transform Afghanistan to the tune of some $2 Trillion empowered at least one Afghani to cease being poor.  Chances are that a fair number of other “officials” and friends thereof have also managed to avoid impoverishment in the “fall” of their beloved nation.

It seems Prudent to anticipate the dribbling out of revelations about a large number of Americans who also skirted the depths of poverty by selling arms and ordnance to the U. S. military.  Those are they whose first thought when the news of how much terrific stuff was being left to the Taliban, was “Well, we’re going to need (to make, manufacture, sell) more of (those)…” and then, “Too bad about those poor bastards still stuck in country.  Shoud’a left sooner.”

We’re told, of course, that things went according to plan and were so well executed that the President can describe it only as “… an extraordinary success.”  Ol’ Joe loves to give credit where credit is due – it’s good management.  A few hundred Americans, families, individuals and students are more or less stuck, but we “… got every American out who wanted to leave.”  That statement is based upon… mired in, rather… a mixture of horse, cow, goat, sheep ‘doo,’ and excrement deposited by politicians.  On the other hand, and in keeping with the leftist slogan: “Never let a crisis go to waste,” the Biden administration saw a sweet opportunity to fulfill the larger objective of transforming the demographics of the United States by using the debacle in Afghanistan to relocate many thousands of Afghan Muslims whose history and status are unknown, into the U. S.  These are people whose cultural norms, ethics and core beliefs are as foreign to Americans’ as possible.  We have no plans or systems in place to acculturate them.  Many are relative savages, bound by Shari’a Law.  Many are criminal.  Who cares?  The left is not trying to create more patriotic Americans for our beautiful nation; they are most interested in displacing Christianity and the rights and responsibilities of our founding documents and principles so that the United States of America will, as soon as possible, cease to be a bastion of freedom and a stumbling block for global Communism… “…according to plan.”

There is no accidental explanation for how we left Afghanistan, or how we “saved” tens of thousands of Afghanis while abandoning hundreds of Americans and arming the most ruthless Muslim fundamentalists better than they have ever been.  There is no pro-American explanation for anything the Biden regime has done since taking control, domestically or internationally; no accidental one, there, either.

The explanation that remains when all other possibilities are eliminated, is sickening: TREASON.


Biden lied… people died.


To the best of the Biden Administration’s ability, the United States – the gullible third, anyway – is being pushed into a fear of Covid at least the equal of the preposterous terrors of 2020.  The Delta Variant, so-called, comes not only from India, a place of murky religions and filthy rivers, but also from… uhhhooh… South AFRICA – what could be worse?  Africa and India combined into a fearsome strain of a disease we never even heard of 20 months ago!

“Delta” will surely be followed up by the global-warming-enhanced, “I-Swelta Variant,” and then that by the Climate-Changed “I-Melta Variant.”  None will be as loathsome as the Albany, New York strain, the “I-Felta Variant.”  If the DNC and global Communism can hold things together long enough, these variants, alone, might keep the White House in the hands of the anal sphincters who control it now, in 2024.  If things seem to be heading “South” they can pull off another “victory” as breathtaking as the last one with the help of the BLM variant, “Helta-Skelta.”

These stages of control are all made possible by the national infection known as the Biden Variant.  Although we’ve had an infection in the federal bureaucracy (and state bureaucracies… and county, city and town bureaucracies) for decades, greatly accelerated during the depression, it’s an infection the only symptoms of which is shameless mendacity and personal wealth.  Since the Johnson administration the spoors of the disease have found fertile, manure-enriched soil in the Congress to the point, now, that there are hardly any anti-fungal treatments sitting in the House or the Senate that can look out for American constituencies who elect them and pay them very handsomely.  Worse, the houses of Congress – the wealthy long-termers and the freshmen –  have done their very best to become their own bureaucracy which is acting exactly as needed for the mendacity infection to spread and take deep root there.  The mushrooms are the same.

Biden will go down… in history, for elevating mendacity to a governing philosophy.  No more of that individual liberty jazz or stupid personal responsibility stuff – Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Durbin, Cortez, Tlaib, Omar and fellow travelers like Obama, Rice and some other enemies of the State, are determined to punish anyone who likes those quaint, racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, trans-phobic and genetic manipulation-phobic, science-denying errors in thinking.  Their best camouflage is “bi-partisanship.”  They need to show their own depraved souls that it’s not just they who believe the crap they’re espousing, but those 19 RINO’s accept the crap, also.  So, it must be valid.

In the Trump years the leftist “press” fact-checked every utterance he provided and, lo! … almost everything he said was a partial or complete lie, especially about Hydrochloroquine among other COVID treatments.  Everything he said about the “vaccines” we would have in a year or less was also not true. Even Kamala Harris said she wouldn’t trust any vaccine that Trump was involved with.  Well.  Trump’s promises made as a candidate were carried through to a remarkable degree, but whatever he said about them was all questioned.  His claims about the most robust economy and levels of employment participation in decades, despite the facts that bore him out, were put down as mere bragging and, mostly judged not true or ignored, lest some Democrat voters hear the truth about anything Trump had done.

Meanwhile the “Mueller” Report, that the namesake, himself, had probably not read, initiated on the falsest of false premises and abuse of the FISA process, produced lots of theatrical opinion, but no facts with which to besmirch Trump.  Then a proper and legitimate phone call with the Premiere of Ukraine spawned weeks of calumny and literal fake news as Democrats attempted to impeach Trump for doing what Joe Biden had so recently bragged about doing, himself: “quid pro quo.”  This all by the masters of quid pro quo in the Congress of the United States: “You repeat my bull-hockey and I’ll repeat yours.” 

Then, based on hatred, again, not evidence, the House impeached Trump a second time for “Inciting a riot” or, worse even than 9-11 or the Civil War, “Inciting an insurrection.”  The only evidence of Trump’s “incitement” were the opinions and accusations hurled against him.  The Capitol was certainly breached, but not by Trump’s rally-attendees, for he was still speaking to them near the White House when the breach occurred.  The federal assistance to protect the Capitol buildings that Trump had offered two days earlier having been refused by Speaker Pelosi, the under-manned Capitol Hill Police were unable to stem the flow of people, in most cases guiding them into the building to avoid confrontations.  There are few 3-hour periods in history that have spawned more fake news – some still repeated 8 months later – than this unarmed “insurrection.”

There has been no greater loss of civil liberties than the aftermath of January 6th, either.  Virtually every rioter caught burning or looting central cities in 2020, the “Socialist Spring” as it were, has been released, most with charges dropped.  Dozens of so-called “insurrectionists” still languish in federal jails without the option of bail, some in solitary confinement, those same 8 months later.  Frankly, with the serial mendacity spewing from the Congress for decades, there were plenty of very good reasons to storm the Capitol and unseat the entire population of its two houses, election theft be damned.

Enter the mildly, sometimes seriously, confused Mr. Biden, who has apparently agreed to take direction from some America-Last haters.  Nearly every action he has taken, starting with his stack of policy-reversing “Executive Orders,” has damaged the United States domestically, economically and internationally.  Yet he and his cohorts are happily prattling on about how the “border is closed,” massive unfunded spending will reduce inflation, and that he meant every word when he swore to faithfully execute the laws of the U. S. and when he swore to uphold the Constitution.  Thank goodness he promised to not raise taxes – not a dime – on anyone making less than $400,000 per year.

To their credit, his supporters in Big Tech and the leftward press have agreed to not fact-check Biden, else there would be no time to “dig for the truth” and report it to the American People.

Now the world is watching as the United States, mis-led by a President whose legitimacy in terms of electoral honesty is seriously in question, a president whose elected career is marked by not-very-creative lying, and whose views on virtually every foreign policy challenge we’ve encountered over the past 45 years or so are completely wrong, just as completely and utterly screws up a planned withdrawal from Afghanistan.  He claims to be president of the United States.  We have the capability, militarily and in terms of logistic support, to do virtually anything we decide to do.  Our intention to subdue a backward nation – even 8,000 miles away – may be physically effected if our decision-making matches our intentions.  Whatever waste, corruption and failure we effected during our occupation, must have fulfilled our actual policies: it was what we wanted to have happen!

Whatever tragic loss and stupid-seeming actions the U. S. has suffered and done in our “withdrawal,” are also exactly what people in charge wanted to happen!  Think about that.

Then let’s think about the plethora of disconnected lies our “President” has told about the withdrawal.  The biggest of all is that there was no other way to withdraw that wouldn’t have yielded chaos… and yielded abandonment of billions of dollars worth of armaments, including some of our latest technology in helicopters and other big hardware, one must suppose.  What a traitor he has proven to be.  Was this outcome a big accident… this arming of the Taliban and, soon, many other terrorist groups with superb weapons?  Was the automatic transfer of technology into the hands of the Chinese, Russians and Iranians also an accident?  That defies logic.  So many drastic, costly, traitorous errors including risks to the lives of thousands of Americans and tens of thousands of Afghan allies, would take careful planning!  It would require precise intention!  It would have value to those who executed them.  It would require absolute rejection of the best advice available from military and intelligence agencies – advice that we now know Biden received.  What a shit he has proven to be.

May God save us from ourselves.


Uncertain? Wear a mask.

The Biden administration, if that’s the name of it, “Soros Administration” being more likely, exposes its true nature daily, if not hourly, most exemplary in its attempts to prevent Cubans from fleeing Communism to enter the United States.  Combined with dozens of nation-weakening moves Biden has put his name and pen to, this one middle finger salute to the premise and promise of the United States, shows how historically blind and ignorant one 50-year suckling at the federal nipple can be.  It takes concerted effort to be so stupid.  To protect himself from even his own party, he has also chosen a running mate, now Vice-President, who is less intelligent and less competent even than himself in his addled, doddering state.  They will invoke the 25th Amendment before long, and then what?  President Harris?

It is difficult to discern the motivations of this gang of proto-tyrants, at least at first, but examining each of the members reveals a fuzzy, frightening shape to all of their actions, not the least of which is a 50-year-old crackhead finding a market for his odd artwork that would never see the light of day were he not the son of Joe Biden.  One wonders who cooked up (sorry) the scheme?  The crack-head?  If his “success” encourages numerous other drug-addicts to obtain space at other galleries, the crack-head art market could soften dramatically.  There is no other administration imaginable where such a scheme could even be tried, let alone be protected from inquiry.  Whatever else the Biden family dynamics may include, R. Hunter Biden has increased its net worth substantially through payments and bribes from oligarchs great and small, for years.  There may be a certain wisdom to “going domestic,” as it were.

In Weimar-Republic Germany, the National Socialist party with Adolph Hitler as its leader, was voted into power.  This might be an object lesson to those Americans, living and dead, who voted the Biden regime into power, but not too many parallels should be drawn, since the Nazis were much smarter than our erstwhile U. S. socialist tyrants.  Hitler, at least, partnered with capitalists to rebuild his nation, to no good end, but, still.  Biden is partnering with stateless oligarchs who give not a tinker’s dam about “their” nation; these are globalists who see national status as impediments to sales.  Non-monopoly capitalism and competition are anachronisms best left to die, in their views, nor do they care who actually is in charge so long as all markets are within reach.  “We don’t need no stinkin’ Constitution,” they may as well say.  There is a perverse cheering section for these (crap)-heads, who celebrate free shipping on all orders… to get vaccinated, for instance.

How could their parents let them grow up in that frame of mind?

Back in government-town, Biden is taking direction as best he can.  His first actions were to simply do the opposite of whatever President Trump had done.  There’s a difference between remaining ignorant of how the world works and purposely refusing to learn much of anything about it; it’s called stupid.  When what works is handed to you already working and you refuse to acknowledge the evidence surrounding you, it’s no longer a case of being stupid… it’s something else.  The guiding force behind willful ignorance of reality seems to be Barack Obama, 44th U. S. president and Biden’s former “boss” during those years.  President Obama promised – or threatened – to “transform” the United States of America.  His whole background had been comprised of finding fault with everything America represented and promised through its Constitutional “We, the people” model of self-government.

Obama placed his trust not in the success of the “American way” but in the failure of socialism.  His erstwhile protégé – perhaps puppet – the confused Mr. Biden, is hop-scotching as fast as his handlers can carry him into socialism without even knowing where he’s headed.  It certainly isn’t to “America first” –land.  God save us.


Volunteer “service” clubs are a crucial part of American exceptionalism.  Whoops, these days it is imPrudent to describe the United States of America as exceptional in any way, yet it IS Prudent to so describe it and us, that way.  Contrary to the outright lies and un-historic opinion contained in the “1619 Project,” the founding of our nation WAS exceptional compared to ALL other forms of greater-than-tribal governance ever tried in all of history.  We were, upon our founding, an exception.  Service clubs are not exceptional in and of themselves, but the American style of such voluntary assemblies is unique if, for no other reason, because of patriotism.

The United States was founded as an extension of the will of the God of Abraham, and of Christianity: the “New Jerusalem.”  Carefully delineated in Ezekiel, the simple understanding of the new temple, the Holy of Holies and the city around it, was “Where the Lord God is.”  Subject to Masonic interpretation, the much-sullied Jerusalem, stained by the conquest by Islamic armies, needed replacement on Earth and the “new world” of America looked to be the “clean” location for the New Jerusalem, ostensibly defined in the District of Columbia. 

Distinction from Europe, and from England following the Treaty of Paris, led the “Founding Fathers” to create an exceptional set of premises to define the first populist, Constitutionally limited government.  It was and is exceptional.  Only fools and communists cannot admit the truth of that statement.  That it was flawed cannot be argued, nor can the fact that the new structure of distributed powers contained the tools to correct those flaws.

Obviously those flaws, most intensely, that of slavery, neither faded away nor were resolved quickly enough.  Yet, to keep its moral word, The United States took sides on the question of slavery at the most serious possible level: life or death… of the nation and of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and citizens.  No nation, anywhere or at any time, has paid such a high price to adjust relations between races, ie. to end racial injustice.  No nation.  Lately, however, as leftists are wont to do, we have been rubbing salt in old, old wounds, racial and pseudo-racial, attempting to exhume the guilt of past generations so as to gain dominance over current ones.  What a rotten process it is.

Those seeking political – or military – advantage, love conflict.  Those are they for whom the suffering, even deaths of those enmeshed in conflict are of no moral or humane concern.  For those, there is always some nebulous, overarching and much greater morality that magically forgives all injustices on the path to victory or revolution.  The presence of conflict implies an eventual resolution of that conflict, wherein all the opportunities for drastic change resides.  What sort of drastic change might be needed?

For those who have been busy tearing down our heritage, our Constitution, historical statues and election laws, the drastic change leads only to destruction of this democratic republic and its replacement with a fundamentally communist-socialist regime in concert with International Communism, but dominated by black and brown people.

For those of us who are not sold on that end result, what changes should we make and insist upon from OUR government?  Should we insist on only truth being taught in our schools?  All of them?  This would eliminate race and racialism as “curricula.”  There is enough negative, and positive, in TRUTH, to show the wrongness of slavery and racial discrimination, while showing the exceptional nature of the American model.  Perhaps we could insist on the strengths of smaller government as part of “civics” education.  Could we learn to be individually moral and responsible citizens rather than haters of one another?  That would be a nation-strengthening change.

Could we create a plan to ease people OFF of welfare?  The worst aspect of socialism is dependency and lack of growth as an individual.  What sort of rotten philosophy would guide anyone toward that end?  After 60 years of federalized welfare we have accomplished nothing as successfully as the destruction of the nuclear family, particularly of black and brown peoples.  Who could be proud of that?  Who could possibly proclaim that “accomplishment” as a reason to be granted more elected power?  Who would “fall” for it?

What the past 60 years have done is prepare a failing nation for Communism, and 2020 is the year the Communists among us believed their time to pounce had come, and pounce they did.  COVID-19 was their major ally whose only worldwide beneficiary was Communist China and a handful of multi-billionaire oligarchs for whom borders are mere address indicia.  The longer we fail to recognize the source of COVID’s international spread, the sooner we will fall to China for lack of preparatory defense.  Shame on us and on “our” media for whom facts are mere props or weapons in the battle to hide the truth.

During the COVID attack, Americans of all sorts were taught to follow the somewhat whimsical dictates of public “servants,” for whom Constitutional rights took a back seat, every time, to the fears mongered by elected and non-elected experts who, it turns out, were involved in the CREATION of the monster known as COVID-19, and, worse, creation in collaboration with Communist China’s military-dominated virology laboratory in Wuhan.  Little by little we are learning about the fraudulent nature of how the COVID epidemic was being handled in the United States, largely by the deep state and the collusion between “big Pharma” and the CDC and NIH bureaucracies.  Supporting their mis-directions were the cruel and mainly ignorant reactions of governors and mayors as they locked down economic and other activities on the premise of “slowing” the spread of the virus.  It is far from clear that any of the lockdown actions were particularly effective except to ruin the best economy in the world.

Oddly, the same period of economic lockdown and breakdown was chosen for coordinated rioting and violent, even murderous protests of ostensible “systemic” racism.  “BLM” and “Antifa” and most Democrats running large cities purveyed a grand lie of the historic upset over the death of George Floyd as adequate justification for destroying businesses and other properties, looting and violent attacks on municipal and federal buildings – particularly police/law-enforcement related.  Immediately, national leaders had to explain away (lie about) the threat of COVID among irresponsible rioters while locking down churches, schools and a host of other business types and activities like weddings, funerals and graduations.

Amazingly, the state and federal politicians who forced unconstitutional changes in voting procedures across the country, and who lied about the nature and consequences of multiple protests and riots, are the same who charge anyone, particularly Trump, who might question the results of the oddest election in our history, an election replete with an incredible set of vote-pattern anomalies made astronomically less likely to be innocent by virtue of their simultaneous manifestation at a single historic point… all favoring the least-competent candidate to ever win a major-party nomination, with telling lies.  We are still told that only that party can be telling the truth about the weird 2020 electoral processes.

Maybe a change we might demand would be honesty.  Perhaps we could strengthen our body politic and our “united” peoples (“e pluribus unum”) by telling the truth about the nature of communist/Marxist front groups who led the riots of 2020.  Maybe we could demand honesty from Congress about our budgets.  If budget honesty is too much to ask, maybe we can get just the truth about January 6th and the involvement of undercover federal law-enforcement personnel on that day and the days leading up to the breach of the capitol.

Maybe we could change how we identify ourselves, not by discarding precise pronouns in favor of those that somehow validate self-declared, non-empirical feelings, but by celebrating the exceptional quality of citizenship in the United States of America.  Maybe we could change the relative application of Constitutional rights to only U. S. citizens, relegating non-citizens to somewhat lesser advantage when residing in the U. S.  Another change might be to relegate non-citizens who enter our nation illegally, to the most temporary residency status, including comfortable transportation back to their countries of origin, assuming they have completed their prison terms, if so disposed.

The “New Jerusalem” is a concept, not a place; a means of fulfilling a philosophy, not a myth.  Jerusalem is “where the Lord God is,” which is to say, “Where the surrender to God’s will is.”  To Masons, Jerusalem is expressible in a sacred geometry: sequences of geometric ratios and relationships that outpicture divine mathematics.  Washington, D. C. is laid out in partial fulfillment of those divine patterns.  The Constitution and other founding “scriptures” are laid out to enable religious men and women to fulfill their own divine geometries, as they fulfill the divine plan of America.  It is not all an accident of architecture, but an intensely purposeful architecture.  God is the Divine Architect in both physical form of the Universe, and in the spiritual design of His Laws for mankind: each fits and complements the other.  The Universe for testing man’s mettle and faith; the Law for testing man’s faith and mettle.

The imperfect but perfectible architecture of the United States was entrusted to future generations.  Our democratic republic was deemed suitable only to a moral and religious people, being inadequate to any other.  To the best of its ability, the global, socialist movement to unseat God has inexorably pursued the removal of God, Christianity and (our) divine architecture of freedom and free will that is essential for the evolution of souls and the defeat of evil.  That architecture was entrusted across the ages to the fledgling United States.  Since the end of the Civil War Americans have done their best to shuck off this holy responsibility as we have shucked off holiness, itself.  The left perceived and employed our weaknesses and struck in 2020.  The hopeless Mr. Biden, ostensible president of the people to whom America, the “New Jerusalem” was entrusted, is our reward and his plans – or someone’s plans – are well underway to completing the undermining of the two architectures.  Just read H.R. 5.

Biden’s Billingsgate

Who was that masked man? Why, he’s grown stranger…

President Biden is proposing to exceed the THIRTY TRILLION dollar debt level.  What he suggests is not only partisan and disingenuous, but includes multiple effects that restrict and undercut capitalism.  If he ever understood the relationship between debt, productive surplus and growth, he has forgotten it… along with Constitutional provisions and any semblance of American exceptionalism: down the memory hole.

Under his and other socialists’ direction, American will be exceptional again:  among all industrialized nations we will lead the world in our concerted, legislated efforts to destroy our hard-won success and relinquish our sovereignty.  Biden wants to “go big” – biggest fool, perhaps.

The only system that can both destroy debt and increase freedom, is free-enterprise capitalism.  That is, NOT monopoly capitalism OR globalism, both of which concentrate money and power OUT of the hands of free citizens and OUT of the hands of their elected representatives – although not out of their pockets in many cases.  Those must be stopped before it’s too late.  Some serious trust-busting is essential to restoring America.

Practically, a clear course-correction would be to limit the level of corporate net-worths or levels of gross revenues that may donate ANY money to candidates or PAC’s – ANY money.  Perhaps companies with $50 millions in assets or $25 millions in revenue or LESS, may donate, not larger.  Also, companies that have government or military contracts may not donate.  Then trust-busting could proceed.

Already we’ve experienced reduction in job and business growth – returning to pre-Covid levels – because excessive, socialist, “rescue” or “stimulous” payments are keeping people from returning to work!  Work… where guided labor produces things, including taxes.  We know where idiots… umm, ignore that… “progressives” think economic growth comes from: unemployment checks.  Nancy Pelosi said so.  Only as employment increases will freedom, independence and tax revenues increase.

People earning their own livings strengthen both responsibility and financial freedom.  Having more taxpayers increases political freedom.  2020 has shown that weakening election laws weakens political freedom, and it disenfranchises citizens from our most fundamental and hard-won civil rights.  Adding greater responsibility to the exercise of the franchise will clarify honesty in elections – a fundament of the American promise.

Back to what Biden has forgotten… if he ever knew it.  Debt is a superb tool for growth, but not for maintenance – period.

Imagine a factory producing, say, refrigerators.  Its lines are operating, workers are working and every unit that comes off the line is sold within days.  In fact, there is a shortage of refrigerators; people are forced to devise meals for their families without foods that need refrigeration.  People are denied good nutrition for lack of a high-enough rate of refrigerator production.  Even if the government passed a law requiring more refrigerators to be made, only so many can be.

To upgrade the factory and machinery to produce a third more – a 33% increase – will cost $100 Million.  Because the refrigerator company has made a profit over the past 15 years, of $30 Million after all expenses, cost of goods sold and payroll… and taxes, it is able to borrow, or gain a debt of $70 Million.  They’ll be able to make a productive surplus of not $3 million, but $4 million per year at 133% of current production, since all costs won’t increase proportionately.  Each refrigerator will cost a little less to produce with the new machinery and facility improvements.  The $70 Million loan, combined with investment out of increased operating profits, will be paid back with interest to the lender, in less than 20 years.

The earning of profits – creation of productive surplus – enables “Refrigerators, Inc.” to become more productive and efficient, able to modernize, hire trainees who can become highly paid refrigerator builders, and pay taxes to support our civic institutions and even donate money to charitable causes.  Productive surplus also enables the company to destroy debt – make it disappear – while increasing production, the only purpose of investment.  That’s it.  It’s NOT an investment to provide living expenses for people who do not work enough to support themselves or their families; it’s an emergency… it’s charity, not a way of life.

Meanwhile, everyone who wants a refrigerator can buy one – or, contrary to socialist dogma – go to work to earn enough to buy one.

Capitalism is the only process that can destroy debt or, in fact, make investments at all.  All other bills incurred by a society that is complex, are paid, or financed, by the productive surplus of profitable, capitalist enterprises.  All of government: schools, police fire departments, hospitals, military, public works… everything, is paid for from tax revenues that derive only from productive surplus in a profit-making economy.

The growing tragedy – growing weakness – is our habit of borrowing for current expenses from generations into the future, now to the tune of $28 Trillion.  About one-third of our annual federal “budget” is borrowed, not paid from current revenues.  This part of economics Joe Biden has not forgotten, even embraced: the lie of modern politics.

For a long time the U. S. borrowed real money… from banks, individuals and even other countries.  The Treasury sold bonds: saving bonds, Treasury notes (“Treasuries”) of different maturities and yields.  Investors used real money to “invest” in U. S. debt – one step removed from investing in future productive surplus, itself.  This was bad enough; we lived beyond our means but we could afford the interest on those debts, not so much affording repayment of the loan principals.

Unfortunately we have worn out our welcome among real investors.  Now we “borrow” from the Federal Reserve. 


The “FED” is a private bank consortium that can legally “lend” us money they do not have – $Trillions of it.  So, they lend us “air” and we pretend it’s money and pay interest on it.  Oddly, the Federal Reserve is also granted power to set interest rates, which for a long time have been near 1%, God bless their charitable hearts.  What will we do when they decide the rate should be 3%?  On $10 Trillion?  That’s $300 Billion in real money.  That’s a lot of Meals on Wheels.

Wait a minute… wait a minute.  Did I say, “$10 Trillion?”  I meant $30 Trillion, if we fulfill Biden’s plans.  Why, that would be $900 Billion… a YEAR… close to a $Trillion, itself – just interest!  That’s a lot of everything, including our own defense.  We literally cannot afford more multi-$Trillion spending plans; they are actually taxing plans. 

Many in government believe these “air-debts” never have to be paid back!  “We owe them to ourselves,” they think.  Ooookaaaay… aren’t the UFO people going to usher in a new era of no worries?  Oh, absolutely.  And, Joe Biden is going to unite the country, end racism and borrow us into prosperity.  And equity.

Say it ain’t so, joe!

When Barack Hussein Obama entered the White House, millions of Americans were hopeful that a new chapter of the American story was being written: our first “black” president and his wonderful opportunities to heal old racial divisions and wounds.  It didn’t work, obviously, but the hope was there.  Obama’s foreign policy was sold as “minimalist,” or the harder to comprehend, “leading from behind.”  The operating theme, though, throughout the West Wing, was summed up as “Don’t do stupid shit.”

Obama thought the war in Iraq, for example, was stupid, as were other actions in Syria, Afghanistan and Yemen, among others.  One might speculate if his concerns were national or Islamic, but the directive applied: Don’t do stupid (stuff).

As cute as it sounded in its simplistic wisdom, the directive didn’t seem to take, generally.  If the admonition were backed by real intent, it might be assumed that the new administrators were well-advised to not do stupid stuff anywhere, foreign or domestic.  Yet, within a few months the somewhat narcissistic new President felt compelled to opine on the arrest of his friend, Louis Gates, in Cambridge, Mass.  Although proper police procedures had been followed, including asking Mr. Gates to leave the house, a potential crime scene, Gates resisted sufficiently that he was taken into custody until facts could be ascertained.  To some, particularly Gates, a Harvard professor, the arrest was racially motivated: white cop, black suspect.  Obama, when queried by a reporter, declared that it was racial and that the “police had acted stupidly.”

Don’t do stupid (stuff), Mr. President.  Hadn’t you heard that directive?  Obama’s very thin veneer of racial healer dissolved, if it ever really existed in the heart of someone who didn’t respect the U. S. Constitution, to which defense he had so recently sworn.  Along with dozens of Cabinet and other appointments, like Eric Holder as Attorney General, the ability of the chief administrator to do stupid (shit) was never again in question.  From the A. C. A., to opening the southern border, gifting the Queen of England with a DVD of his own speeches, passing “stimulus” legislation to finance “shovel-ready jobs,” to making Hillary Clinton a Secretary of State, even his selection of Joe Biden as V. P., stupid stuff became the hallmark – if not the bulwark – of the Obama administration.  The Paris “accords” and the illegal Iran Nuclear Agreement, never mind removing Muhammar Qaddafi from Libya, the “Arab Spring” and Benghazi, are levels of stupidity that we need not plumb to confirm our Prudent assessment.

Joe Biden’s only flirtation with executive authority was his eight years as Vice President with Obama.  Contrary to the 2009 directive, Biden absorbed the active experiences of the Obama administration: do all the stupid stuff you can if it irritates Republicans and bitter clingers to guns and Bibles.

The miraculous victory of the Biden-Harris ticket in 2020, against all odds and voter registration statistics, simply unleashed a later version of the Barack Obama administration: Communism on the cheap, one could say.  The utter stupidity pattern is freshly released upon an hopeful public, ready for a non-abrasive, non-Tweeting, insider-friendly, nearly non-verbal President.  A few mistakes are expected of every new administration; signing 40 stupid, somewhat illegal Executive Orders is right in line with what millions of people were taught that Donald Trump had done.  Hey, it’s old Lunch-bucket Joe’s turn to be stupid – he and Kamala “won” the election – or the certifications, at least – and “elections have consequences,” as Biden’s Constitutional Professor of Stupid once declared during an earlier Republican irritability phase.  Joe has paid his dues, Democrats think, we think, for nearly 50 years, and he’s always wanted to be president, after all.  So, it’s like, his turn.  “C’mon, man.”

Given the inherent competition among politicians, there seems to be a race between Good Ol’ Joe and his nearly black benefactor of eight years’ duration.  So long as invisible Rasputins keep placing executive orders beneath the Presidential pen in 2021, Joe will win the stupid-shit race he imagines he’s in.  Among the 40 or so executive actions he’s already signed, Biden has reversed well over 100 policies that president Trump had put in place – policies that were working well and enabling a phenomenally dynamic economic expansion, while increasing national security: “America first.”  There are barely enough electrons available to catalog the “stupids” that Ol’ Joe managed to effect in only two months.  Congratulations, Joe!  Looks like you won another election.

Just winning, however, is never enough for “progressives:” they have a need to rub their opponents noses in the stupid (stuff) they do.  For his part, Joe is never to be outdone.  Indeed, he has decided to lie about the stupid stuff he does, even if he’s not completely certain what that is.  Do you suppose it’s his opinion that we’re ALL stupid?  Maybe.  Surely he wouldn’t appoint people to tell him to lie about stupid shit they talked him into, would he?  After all, if HE believes what he says is true it can’t actually be a lie, can it?

Say it ain’t so, Joe!  Say it ain’t so…


U.S. President-elect Joe Biden removes his face mask to speak about the U.S. economy after attending a briefing in Wilmington, Delaware, U.S., November 16, 2020. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

Disappointing even to most of his “supporters,” Joe Biden’s administration has undertaken to separate Americans from our heritage and founding – even the founding principles – at  a rate that frightens every non-communist, which is to say, most of us.  Communism and other shades of leftism never rests.  It has a single enemy as old as time, God, and with equal enmity the left fights a single permutation of God, manifested in Jesus Christ: Freedom.  To the left – many democrats included – freedom is achievable only by “freeing” ourselves FROM God.  It’s a twisted belief, but an obvious one.

Biden, himself, Ol’ Lunch-Bucket Joe – father was a miner from hard-scrabble Scranton, PA (which he wasn’t despite Joe’s campaign speech to that effect in his first try for President) – that Joe, fancies himself a Catholic… like the Pope.  He could be right about that, although Joe lies for a living and Pope Francis, one hopes, is merely confused about socialism and Jesus’ teachings.  Yet President Joe signs “executive orders” willy-nilly and endorses legislation that is as anti-religious, specifically anti-Christian, as one might imagine.  His handlers in the White House close Joe’s fingers around the pen and place documents before him and, like a lifetime Capitol Hill parasite who has never been particularly responsible for the consequences of bills he’s voted for, he signs them and smiles as someone arrives to guide him to the most appropriate doorway.

Fortunately, President Biden hasn’t wet his pants in public, yet, but one can sense that inevitability.  On the other hand, he may have access to official “Depends” undergarments with the Presidential Seal on them.

Joe’s friends and supporters don’t like Christians.  They see them as potential insurrectionists and racists, homophobes and science-deniers.  On the other hand, his people have a high tolerance for fallen Catholics like Joe and Nancy Pelosi and many, many others who have swallowed the grand lies of abortion as a Constitutional right, and sermons as potential hate-speech.  The Bible is about how to live and protect life as the chalice of the soul, suggesting appropriate punishments for those who take life or damage it.  Erasing new life hasn’t any connection to God’s Word… or to His Son.  Like Saint John Lennon sang, “All you need is love, love…” – a song best appreciated after a couple of soul-numbing tokes.

Joe is big on solutions to the BIG problems, like Covid-19 and vaccinations and face masks and lock-downs.  He couldn’t give a tinker’s dam about peaceful protests, fires, looting, assaults, murders, destroyed businesses or businesses lost due to ineffective lockdowns, especially lockdowns of church services.  The issue is stopping Covid at literally every cost.  Tearing down statues of historically significant personages, including Jesus, Mary, priests and abolitionists is nothing to the greatest vote-getter in American history.  Besides it’s anti-racist, so there.

We are watching an unprecedented – not to mention un-Presidented – tragic-comic play on the Washington stage.  It’s comic because of the frequent gaffs and mental lapses evinced by our erstwhile 46th president.  Watching it play out one quickly transcends the sense of comedy to one of shame at having made fun of a senile old man; then one begins to sympathize, if not pity, the circumstances of this poor individual, as he is propped up for purposes too dark to contemplate, by a relative handful of people placed in positions of influence not so much by Biden, himself, but by someone else attempting to guide the direction of the entire United States: tragedy. 

And we have all been part of this intense weakening of the United States, for shame.  In the immediate sense the voters – and election officials – of Georgia, have the most to answer for.  Donald Trump shares their blame for the very questionable loss of the last two Senate seats of the 2020 elections.  It is hard to imagine that the fate of the “free” world lay in the hands of just two flawed Senate candidates whose election would have formed a bulwark against Communism and the death of a nation.  Two scoundrels were elected, instead.  Trump irritated Republicans who may have provided enough votes to overcome the voting-fraud machine of Stacey Abrams and the host of her confederates who employed the same criminal election thievery they’d employed in the general election.   Shame on all of us for not fighting the impending thievery long before November 3rd.

In any case, we are now staring into the barrel of an anti-Christian cannon loaded with explosive ideas from the pits of Marxism, which is to say, Satanism.  Sadly, the cannon is loaded and aimed by our own government… the one the justifying documents of which promises We the People  religious freedom, freedom to assemble, a free press and freedom of speech, along with a host of other rights and freedoms in a document replete with  “negative freedoms,”  as so-called “Constitutional professor,” Barack Obama referred to them.  He was lamenting the fact that our constitution failed to promise gifts from the government, mainly because his viewpoint was twisted by Communism at an early age.  Then “we” elected him president, sworn to uphold that same Constitution, twice.  That he didn’t uphold it, particularly, we let slide, since his skin was the most approved shade.

So many disappointments, so few ways for Americans to control the course of freedom.  Fixing our system that now injects tyranny as the solution to every named problem, names limited only by the imagination of assholes, becomes more complex by the hour.  Mildly courageous Republicans think we can “fix” our election processes so that they can’t be stolen.  The rest of them will accept any system that keeps them in comfortable positions.  Democrats have figured out how complicated it can be to undo a stolen election and they are filing legislation to make theft of elections the “law of the land.”

Meanwhile, haters have taken over our public schools, displaying their hatred by refusing to work anyplace that might not be pristine enough for their fragile butts.  Damn the lot of them.  Yet no one has had the strength to de-certify the teacher union that’s got the public by the throat in their town.  It would be Prudent to fire them all, institute an America-loving curriculum, teach kids to read, write and calculate, along with fair and thorough history, and open up the teaching positions to any non-abuser who knows or loves a subject area.  If necessary, the municipality could deputize gun owners to stand guard against ANY authority, including courts, that would attempt to force the town to back down on decently educating its children.  Fat chance, but it would be nice.

Finally, what do we do about the interlopers now squatting in the White House?  The “election” should be reversed.  Egregious thievery cannot be rewarded, although our gutless “Supreme” Court is afraid to say so, even on clear Constitutional questions.  Who can kick them out?  All the ceremonies in the world can’t change the underlying dishonesty of the Biden gang’s claim of presidential authority.  Do we have to accept this fraud?  If the miracle occurs, what would be the status of any actions “President” Biden has taken?  Does America have to accept fraud-based decision-making and live under changes we didn’t legitimately vote for?  Are we a Republic of Thieves?

Poor Joe Biden and his cruel wife have about 2 to 3 months to go before he “retires” for health reasons.  Communists will say he is a hero of the Revolution; Black Lives Matter will spit on his legacy because way back the Robinette family owned slaves.  Then, since we had a ceremony that claimed Joe was a real president, Kamala Harris will claim to be a real President, too.  One might advise that we should “hold on to our freedoms” when that happens, but we don’t seem interested any longer.  God save America.