Tag Archives: Biden


We live in interesting times… and dangerous.  Living in our nation are, incredibly, thousands of parents who managed either through active inculcation of an utter hatred of the United States by their children, or of white people, or of capitalism, or of Christianity or of anyone who is succeeding within our system… or of all these aspects of “Western civilization,” or through utter disregard of what their children were being taught by socialist, even Marxist teachers and/or college professors.  However the hate-filled mindset was acquired, it took a lot of work over many years of formative growth.

No one is born with such distorted emotions, ideas, hatreds.  Hatred takes a lot of energy – much more than love or even acceptance or tolerance.  It doesn’t get developed by accident.  Educating innocent children into modes of hatred needs planning and programming.  A single mistake or poor choice of words won’t cause virulent hatred.  One must be guided to belief of the worst possible injustices and that those who commit said injustices are going without punishment or “justice.”  Takes intentional work.

So to all you parents and educators (terms used loosely), you succeeded beyond your wildest dreams… or beyond your vapid ignorance.  Your offspring have become active, hate-filled “enemies of the state,” so to speak, and enemies of thousands of innocent individuals and businesses and those employed by or served by those businesses.  Some are arsonists or simple (term used accurately) thugs, rioters, vandals and racists of the worst order.  Congratulations.

Some of these knuckleheads think they are “Marxists.”  This single claim indicts their ignorance better than any litany of sociopathic acts.  Marx was a virulent racist and anti-Semite, and a Satanist of sorts, who hated religion – sound familiar?  Are your kids talking like this?  Are they caught up in “protesting” police brutality against hundreds of innocent, unarmed young black people?  Do you, parents, have the foggiest idea of what in Hell your own children are doing?  How unfortunately sad.

Some blacks have abandoned processes built into our legal and political systems.  They have also accumulated abundant hatreds for “white” society for, primarily, economic, welfare-fueled reasons.  These same are susceptible to the lying blandishments of Marxists, that the miracle of social justice may be realized only by destroying capitalism and the hated white power structure with it.  We can start with burning down local businesses.

At the same time, burn those hated police who are all racists ready at the drop of a hat to kill an innocent black man.  Seeking social justice will never succeed while police are defending the capitalist, white power structure.  We must defund police departments as we demoralize them and make them quit.  Concentrate on ultra-liberal cities where politicians already agree with us.

Failed parents of America, your sons and daughters, mostly white it turns out, are maximizing the useless college educations you sacrificed for, by helping Black Lives Matter tear down your standards of living, destroying the business you own or work for, if not your house, itself.  Sounds like a big fat “L” in the loss column.

A presidential election isn’t going to fix this racist, corrosive mindset – no election is.  But, an election, the very next and imminent one, can make it a Hell of a lot worse.  Your vote matters.

Joe Biden is not a candidate for president, nor is he a “shoo-in,” as some might hope, but he is a shoe-HORN, able to slip the actual next president – currently known as Vice-Presidential candidate, Kamala Harris – into office when she doesn’t actually fit very well.  If Biden, that erstwhile “moderate” bag of partial memories, does manage to win in November, a countdown will commence: how many weeks, if not days, until he is declared non-compos mentis and eased into retirement as a hero – the public servant who never gave up the fight for the average guy, the middle class, the working families.  Thanks, Joe, so sad to see it end this way; don’t let the iron gate onto West Executive Avenue hit your ass.  There are pools ready to start selling squares on November 4th.

Kamala Harris is not like the other children: she’s a communist at heart, and a nihilist, ready to tear down our democratic republic and all of the practices and ethics of western civilization.  Sound familiar?  She agrees with “Black Lives Matter,” the Marxist organization, not the lives of black people that matter as much as any other.  She is remarkably fluid in her stated beliefs, which is how she got to where her rock-hard beliefs could place her in the White House.  Your vote, and your innate suspicions, matter.  People don’t really like her fluid nature very much, as could be seen in her paltry support in the primaries for president.  George Soros likes her, and here we are.

Anyone who likes or accepts support from George Soros is anti-American and deserves a vote from no one who loves this country.  Lots of Democrats – and Antifa, and Black Lives Matter – solicit his financial support; they’re fellow travelers on the hate-America-train.  Soros is an international socialist, using his mysterious billions to foment anti-freedom movements in dozens of countries.  He never rests.  Like others on the left, including our strange Democrat bedfellows, he doesn’t recognize the legitimacy of a “NO!” from any plebiscite, election, ballot question or referendum; “NO!” simply means “later.”

Any democratic or judicial decision against the far left is simply an instruction as to how the same goal may be achieved with an alternate fight; any such decision in favor of the left, may never be questioned by anyone.  Heads, we win; tails, you lose.  Your vote matters.

Donald Trump and a relative handful of allies AND YOU, are the only patriots standing in the way of the most foul socialist takeover the world could experience.  There is no one to our west who will send troops to restore our freedom.


Impeachment.  An ugly term, certainly, but one so frivolously cast that it’s meaning and impact are widely misunderstood.  To impeach  means to indict.  “Well, like, ‘Duhh’ man.  What am I supposed to think, now?”

In simple terms, an indictment is just a charge levied against an individual, that is agreed to by a selected panel of citizens sworn to listen without bias to evidence supporting the charge, and to vote their consciences according to the applicable laws pertaining to the crime that the charge alleges.  How’s that?  Still a little unclear?  Perhaps an example will help.

A small business owner is awakened at night by a call from police informing him that there was a “break-in” at his building.  He throws on some clothes and rushes to his business to observe that, in fact, (real, or “solid” evidence) a windows was jimmied somehow, and other damage done to the window frame and to objects and materials inside the building.  There are no clear fingerprints or blood drops or other identifying foreign matter that could immediately identify  who did the observed damage.  A search is performed to see if something were stolen, and a police report filled out.

Eventually a person is arrested during a similar break-in, and the state, through the District Attorney’s office, brings him before a Grand Jury composed of that select panel of sworn citizens, and the charges are presented, including such evidence as has been gathered.  That evidence may be circumstantial or it may be direct evidence such as eye-witness accounts of the commission of the crime, or of the sale of items stolen from break-in victims, or even testimony from people who heard the accused talking about committing the crimes.  That panel, the Grand Jury, “hands up” an indictment  to the District Attorney, who will become the prosecutor  in the trial of the accused, and he or she files the case with the appropriate court.  The accused will be represented by his defense attorney, whom he has hired or whom the court (the state) has provided to him at taxpayer expense.  This is called “Due Process” in the United States.

Following a “just” trial according to the rules of jurisprudence, the accused, if convicted, may still appeal his conviction on various technicalities, including poor legal representation.

What has any of this to do with the impeachment show we are anticipating, now?

“Impeach” was a cry hurled toward Trump and toward anyone who would broadcast it, even before the brash, vulgar, non-Washington-molded President-elect was inaugurated.  “For what?” would be the response from his supporters.  “For “collusion” with Russians!”

That the charges  hurled against Trump were mirror images of the actions of the Clinton Campaign, the Clinton-dominated Democratic National Committee, AND of the nefarious elements of the F.B.I. and C.I.A. and of the Obama administration, itself, in no way mitigated the inflammatory calls for impeachment  that were hurled by politicians and elected office-holders throughout, so far, his first term as President.  Barely had the dust settled from the utter collapse of the collusion with Russians  construct, but new, nebulous charges have been leveled that are purported to justify… wait for it, impeachment!

The new charges stem from a phone call President Trump made to the new President of Ukraine in July of 2019.  Ostensibly, and it is strictly subjective, Trump threatened to withhold already approved military assistance unless President Zelenskey investigated apparent influence peddling by Joe Biden while Vice-President in the Obama administration.  So far, at least, there is no proof that a so-called, “quid pro quo” was actually required, but that is the crux of the impeachment  cries.  Mr. Trump deserves some recognition for not folding before the onslaught.

But, it may be instructive to consider the alleged “crime” of demanding something from the government of Ukraine in some sort of exchange for American largesse.

Ukraine has long been considered corrupt, inasmuch that numerous officials enrich themselves at the expense of the citizenry, including bribery to get anything actually done, including, amazingly, defending the integrity of the nation against Russian incursion and encouragement of civil war on behalf of the supposedly ethnic Russian minority.  The U. S. stood still while Russia separated Crimea from Ukraine, and virtually still as irregular Russian insurgents created a nearly autonomous region around Donetsk.  President Trump has finally begun to send armaments to Kiev for defensive purposes against the restive Russians.

Ukraine has last been independent for fewer than 30 years.  Upon the breakup of the Soviet Union, the new Republic of Ukraine inherited a bureaucracy of corrupt officials and apparatchiks  whose prior graft was tiny compared to the opportunities under a more open-market, open-for-business environment.  But Ukraine is also an example of the most unholy alliances our own government has made with international socialist organizations who, for 30 years have been undermining governments to install socialists.  George Soros is at the center of those efforts and our own tax monies have been funneled to his groups in multiple countries (Egypt, Macedonia, Ukraine, Chile, Somalia, Libya, and… wait for it, the United States!)

Bit by bit, President Trump and the relative handful of honest patriots who serve with him, have exposed the wholly un-American efforts of those who agree with international socialism and who actively support it with every form of subterfuge and disingenuousness true Americans can only imagine.  Mr. Obama was the most blatant socialist, ne’ communist, we have ever elected… and Mr. Trump is the antidote to his two terms of American decline.  Joe Biden thoroughly agrees with Obama’s work and his missions to Ukraine as Vice President, where Soros and U. S. efforts had taught young socialists how to topple a government in 2014, are perfectly legitimate areas of inquiry for an America-first president to follow.

The shady-looking insertion of Hunter Biden, a sketchy individual in his own right, into a corrupt gas company spawned by a corrupt Ukrainian oligarchy, in a country into which the U. S. was poised to pour several hundred millions of taxpayer monies, made the need to obtain some sort of clarity that the money wasn’t an example of good money after bad, a virtual duty.  The parallel issues of “Crowdstrike” actions to interfere with the 2016 elections simply accentuated the need to encourage the eradication of corruption before more money were turned over.  If Trump had NOT asked for a “quid pro quo” he should be judged a fool.

Now there is a form of “grand jury” attempting to , quite unfairly it appears, assess “evidence” against the accused President.  There isn’t much to the process so far that adheres to what we enjoy as “due process” in the matters of indictment and prosecution.  To date there has not been described a crime for the “grand jury” to evaluate the nature of any evidence for, yet they struggle onward, certain that the unpleasant America-firster, Donald Trump, is guilty of something – if not everything.

Eventually, and probably just as interest in the “historic” impeachment inquiry begins to fall off, the House of Representatives, that august and impartial grand jury, will vote to “impeach,” as in, they will “hand up” an indictment.  But the hand-up goes not to a prosecutor but to the Senate.  There a “trial” will be held, presided over by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts.  The once and future “grand jury” will take the responsibility of “prosecutor,” having filled the role of persecutor for three years to no avail.  They will employ various attorneys to make the House’s case in the Senate.  Should be a great show.