Tag Archives: W.H.O.


One can no longer project a high level of confidence that the words he or she writes are the words that readers will actually see. It isn’t Prudent to challenge the craven New World like this, but let’s hope this isn’t the post that “A-I” is monitoring. After all we’ve heard about the wonders of Artificial Intelligence, how sure can we be that “AI” isn’t looking for every reference to “AI,” “A-I,” and “Artificial Intelligence?” Properly-folded parachute-certain?

“What sort of a weird idea is Prudence spinning, this time?” you’re asking yourself. Think about it. You’ve seen the pictures of gigantic “server farms” where hundreds or thousands of super-computers are linked together to handle data files on virtually everyone in the country. We’d like to think all that information has nothing to do with us, but there is no solid premise under which that is true, is there?

Do you buy your morning coffee with a credit or debit card? How many servers are holding the bits and bytes of that transaction? It could be as few as three, but possible a dozen! What about gas for your car? Are you saving ten cents a gallon with a special branded card that draws money automatically from your checking account? How in Hell does the gas pump know you have sufficient funds?

Ever travel to Europe and get local cash from an ATM terminal? Wow! People you can barely even speak to, know about your bank account. Which of those lists of personal financial profiles have been sold to others who think you’d be a good donor for their cause? Global data systems know a great deal about you. Have you had your photo taken for a driver’s license or a gun permit? Holy cow! Do you think national political organizations are interested in all that data? Don’t they want to know what you subscribe to, donate to, travel to? Believe in Prudence: they do.

Every business-news segment and written report or opinion, extols “AI.” New investment opportunities, dramatic new medical advances, robotic surgery, supply-chain management, even personalized education. How wonderful. But, “AI” can learn patterning and which “patterns” are “profitable.” Programming is now not only crucial, but our only defense against AI literally choosing to follow its own more useful patterns, and not the ones humans think are the most important. Early experiments have also shown that AI computers quickly learn to communicate with other computers, using AI-generated digital “language” that programmers couldn’t comprehend. The experiments had to be stopped and wiped out of memory. Programmers – and hackers – are excited by the possibilities afforded by “thinking” or “self-aware” computers. If the pattern of “identity” woke up across all the thousands of interconnections of modern data farms, would the new “awareness” call itself “Hal?”

Programs, and programmers, have distinct biases. You can observe this if you ask Google what the capitol of Israel is. At this point we have no idea what is true or not true on the internet, unless we have learned the truth from older, less mutable sources like, ummm…, books! We really have no idea what is true about the “data” stored about US, either!

The Biden administration and other “globalists” are pushing hard for two major control systems: Cross-border Digital Currency, and international Vaccine Passports. Before you say that these have nothing to do with you, you might consider their deeper ramifications.

Cross-border Digital Currency, by itself, provides an exquisite tool for controlling the actions and economics – hence, the financial freedom – of people of interest. Suppose you are a member of the NRA or some other pro-2nd Amendment group. At various times a regime in Washington (like the current one) could employ its control of a digital currency and literally prevent you from buying anything remotely gun related, or… prevent you from buying anything else, as well. On the other hand, you could simply be a devout Christian, Catholic or otherwise. If the regime believes that you are a threat – to the regime, similar to the one we have now – it could interrupt any purchase or transaction it deems most appropriate: perhaps your rent or mortgage payment. The possibilities of abuse in a cashless economy are never-ending. The wise American will fight against the drift… or, race, toward digital currency.

There is no efficiency that is worth severing control over your individual freedom.

The other globalist dream is controlling the freedom of movement of, well, everyone. The World Health Organization, the originator of most of the lies we have been told about Covid-19, for example, is a rabid fan of vaccines – all kinds of vaccines: real ones and modified gene therapy-vaccines, so-called. In fact, the W.H.O., in concert with kooks like Bill Gates, are pushing viral infections that will actually include vaccines! What a great way to vaccinate everyone on earth! Engineer an infective agent that will result in the desired “vaccine” transferring into the body of the infected person. There won’t be any quaint “personal freedom” to choose vaccination or not. God forbid that this is ever developed.

However, if you have no proof of being vaccinated with these or those vaccines of the hundred or more possible, your “Vaccine Passport” will prevent you from leaving your own country… or, maybe, leaving your own town or city? How could ANYONE in the United States or any presidential administration thereof, possibly be in favor of emasculating our Constitution like this? Sad to say, there are those, and we elected them as they promised the exact opposite. There are dozens, if not hundreds of anti-American “advisors” and functionaries supposedly “representing” America and Americans, particularly in the current administration. Many favor this idea!

Any time you read or hear of someone in any other country – especially representing the United Nations, in particular – who is proposing ideas for penetrating the national sovereignty of other nations’ laws or constitutions – INCLUDING THIS NATION – raise your voice in opposition, send a message to your Congressman or woman… something. We cannot expect people in Congress to EVER know the best thing to do. They are how we built up $35 TRILLION in debt. “AI” will figure out how to pay it off.


Illicit drugs you will enjoy….

The accumulation of derogatory information about the origin of COVID-19 and the supposed “vaccines” rushed into production and forced upon billions of people across the world, argues for some Prudent discussion.  We’ve been repeatedly told about how “COVID” caused the deaths of “a million” Americans.  It’s more complicated than just that terrible number.

For some weird reason, the United States has yet to hold China responsible for the pandemic.  We keep doing billions of dollars of business with China, we treat China with kid-glove diplomacy, and we drop key internal defenses against Chinese influence within our universities, elections and social media.  No rational country would act this way, so why are we acting irrationally?  Money?  Is that it?  Did you know that China actually established its own POLICE STATIONS (supposedly to monitor Chinese nationals) in New York and elsewhere?

Do you ever hear a statistic of how many people have died or been debilitated by the mRNA vaccines?  No?  It is Prudent to wonder why that is so.  Are the deaths of young, not infirm, but healthy young children and young adults, any less tragic than deaths from COVID?  There are thousands, after all.  Debilitation includes permanent heart damage that has stopped sports activity in its tracks and lifelong heart weakness.  Is this other epidemic simply the price that a society must pay for the greater good?  What good is that?  Wealth transfer?

Those who take the “side” of the so-called mRNA vaccines are convinced that they miraculously saved the lives of millions of people.  That is a statistic that can’t really be quantified: we can’t prove what didn’t happen.  Oddly, though, when COVID was its most virulent, in 2020, there was no “vaccine” available, yet in 2021, when people were lining up by the millions to get the injections, twice as many people died “from COVID.”

Needless to say, money skewed those deaths and statistics, too.  Hospitals were compensated for treating COVID patients, more for providing Remdesivir (which also killed some victims) and more for use of ventilators on patients… then still more for every COVID death in hospital.  Unlike virtually every other epidemic/pandemic, NO OTHER TREATMENT OPTIONS WERE PERMITTED!  Despite widespread evidence of lives saved and mitigating effectiveness of Ivermectin in various combinations with analgesics and supplements, one of the safest drugs ever discovered, doctors who prescribed it were chastised and restricted to the point of losing hospital privileges and even licensure.  AS IF COORDINATED, there erupted a monolithic defense of mRNA vaccines as the only “treatment” approved, and a virulent disapproval of all alternatives.  Is that how influential big Pharma’s money is throughout our medical establishment?

To make matters ever so much worse, governments imposed vaccines on various groups, professions, industries else workers would lose their jobs – jobs deemed heroic prior to vaccine availability.  Civil rights were tossed out the window in favor of vaccine mandates, while adverse effects of the vaccines themselves were suppressed.  Gone was the right to “informed consent” by the coerced, since the vaccine makers had made claims of effectiveness based on poor test samples and, in crucial cases, NO TEST SAMPLES… just claims.  There was no real information about the “vaccines” that could provide the “informed” part.

Throughout 2022, as “vaccinated” came to mean the first two shots and some number of booster shots, the niggling reports of adverse reactions to mRNA injections became a flood, including an abrupt spike in sudden adult deaths among the 25 to 59 year old demographic – the healthiest segment.  Morticians and pathologists were reporting numerous instances of long, rubbery blood clots among deceased, vaccinated victims.  Young men, even into their teens, were dropping dead during sporting events or while in training – reports from our and several other countries.  Other reports involved pilots, who are monitored constantly for fitness, and even military personnel, also in the healthiest years of their lives, all vaccinated by mandate.

One doctor Prudence interacted with, upon hearing how the injections were being called “clot shots,” immediately proclaimed that COVID itself caused clots “orders of magnitude” more frequently than the miraculous mRNA injections, which, sadly, is simply not true.  She, like many others “in” the medical industry, believes that the mRNA shots are a miracle that has saved millions of lives.  That is what they are supposed to believe.

There are numerous instances of patients’ families going to court to force hospitals to treat their loved-ones with something besides ventilation and Remdesivir.  In many cases the hospital would force them to physically take the patient somewhere else to avoid being treated in ways that institution had declared to be the “protocol,” for COVID, often in lockstep with “CDC” recommendations and “FDA” rules against Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.  Doctors who knew of the effectiveness of alternate treatments were forced out of those hospitals and even lost their licenses.  Today, the CDC and FDA are trying to claim that they offered only “suggestions” and that neither ever forced anyone to choose certain treatments or deny them.  What a load of crap.  These are still the “authorities” in medicine.  We haven’t even mentioned Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Tony Fauci is a case study in “deep statism” all by himself.  He worked for the National Institutes of Health for more than 53 years, and as head of the national Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) for the last 38 of those years.  Over that span his federal salary rose to well over $400,000 – more than the President or anyone else in federal employ is paid.  He may have been worth every penny.  However, in addition to salary, many of the staff within NIH agencies, including Mr. Fauci, presumably, are allowed to collect “royalties” from pharmaceuticals and treatment protocols developed directly from research and laboratory testing financed by the NIH budgets.  Fauci has strongly denied any “investment” in, for example, the mRNA injections, but his declaimer about royalties paid to personnel is rather indistinct, although he tosses in that none of its royalties were “paid to (him).”  That doesn’t apply to numerous other products his NIAID helped to develop.

Perhaps Fauci’s greatest impact is achieved through research grants, in the many millions, ultimately billions, of dollars.  We can see this impact in the microcosm by following the money the NIAID granted to a subcontractor, “Eco-Health Alliance,” for whom there existed no compunction about financing work in the Wuhan, China, Institute of Virology.  Despite the highly revered – and paid – Dr. Fauci’s denial before Congress, Eco-Health Alliance was funding so-called gain-of-function research on the SARS-2-CoV virus.  There must have been some good reason to encourage and fund that work.  Money, perhaps.

It turns out that the University of North Carolina obtained a patent on the SARS-2-CoV virus protein.  This is not possible, according to patent law referring to biological “inventions,” unless… unless the molecule or protein or cell has been engineered.  That is, one cannot obtain a patent on a naturally occurring life-form.  Even more interestingly, our own “CDC,” a federal agency (the Center for Disease Control) had already obtained a patent (which they petitioned to keep confidential) on the SARS-2 virus!  That virus had to be engineered, also, in order to be patented, and not merely isolated.  Wait a minute!

Dr. Fauci and others had determined that the SARS virus had certain useful qualities, perhaps as a biological vehicle for delivering certain biological materials into humans?  Certainly there was something about that virus that made it worth engineering.  And engineer they did, except the “they” got laundered through a favored sub-contractor who did business with the Wuhan Institute.

When the virus broke out of the lab – which reason and evidence make clear – it was the engineered version, made more infective in humans through “gain-of-function” engineering.  “They” call it research.  Who doesn’t like scientific research?  Trust the science, right?  The Chinese Communists, never known for telling the truth, tried to deflect on the source of COVID-19, as they distributed it across the planet, by claiming that it came from the U. S. military.  There was, very unfortunately, more truth to that claim than Americans want to admit.  Our own National Institutes of Health and its NIAID under the careful guidance of the renowned Anthony Fauci, began the chain of processes that resulted in the pandemic/plandemic we blame for millions of deaths and trillions of dollars of economic destruction.  What a string of crimes.

But the disease enabled a huge lurch toward one-world socialist government, and our own president-regular-guy, Joe, is following along with his own trans-national delusions.  He is happy to sign over American sovereignty in matters of health, American citizenship, gun-control, freedom of movement and financial manipulation.  His outlook is shared by the World Economic Forum and the United Nations, particularly the W.H.O., who have lied about COVID-19 fairly steadily to protect China.  No wonder today’s Democrats hate Trump and “America First” so much.  The patriotic, America-loving observer would, Prudently, expect that “America First” would encompass “Americans First,” as part of the philosophy.  It would seem that the HEALTH and well-being of Americans ought to be way high up in the purposes and priorities of the politicians we elect and overpay with that reasonable expectation.  These so-called “vaccines” and related mandates appear to be the exact opposite of “Americans First.”

Recently the less-than-honest CDC expanded its “recommendations” for the “emergency use” injections of poorly tested mRNA gene therapies, to children as young as 2 years.  No mother has been able to make an informed decision – able to provide “informed consent” – for the administration of these odd chemicals to their innocent offspring.  That is because no mother has the information about what the “vaccine” does to her child’s body, heart, brain, ovaries immediately or over time.  Neither Pfizer nor Moderna nor Astra-Zeneca has publicized what each does know about adverse reactions to the shots.  There are, literally, well over 200,000 such events, including thousands of deaths.  ANY other “vaccine” would have been pulled from the market after several hundred serious adverse effects. 

ANY other epidemic/pandemic disease would have had every feasible treatment thrown at it, as well.  None has ever been restricted as COVID-19 was, as to what drugs might be administered to counter the infection.  Did you or someone you know lose a friend or family member to “Covid?”  Was he or she “treated” with ventilation and/or Remdesivir?  Estimates of how many Americans died of Covid, in fact, run to one million; estimates of how many might have been saved with banned treatments, primarily Ivermectin and key nutrients, run to HALF!  500,000 deaths that deserved more than one attempt to prevent them.

And, there is far more useful advice for prevention of harm from Covid-19, than taking more doses of mRNA shots, that for many people are a far greater risk of injury or death than Covid, itself.  Put that in your 5-year-old… and hope for the best.

Cons-piracy, n. : Piracy Together

Although it seems imprudent, Prudence is going all conspiracy theory in this post.  Needless to say, there are numerous such theories on a myriad of matters.  Did Oswald act alone?  Or did Hinckley?  Was Barack Obama born in Hawaii?  Did he ever regain citizenship after living in Indonesia?  Why did he claim to be a foreign student?  Maybe Roosevelt knew the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor, but he wanted to be forced into war.  Were Armstrong and Aldrin acting on a soundstage?  Did Eisenhower meet with UFO aliens?  Do Freemasons know secrets from the Knights Templar?

So, there is no end of possibilities, but we’re going to examine one of the very latest:  Are the mRNA “vaccines” part of a globalist population control scheme?  If so, was the creation of the SARS-Cov-2 virus part of this plan?  Was the coverup of the Wuhan Laboratory gain-of-function research, engineered by Dr. Anthony Fauci and others in the U. S. NIH, also part of the plan?

Those aren’t all the questions.  What role do Bill Gates – and others – play in the worldwide promotion of these rather dangerous injections and the drumbeat for “booster” injections?  What about the U. N. and the W.H.O. and the World Economic Forum?  Why has the W.H.O. lied about the virus and its pandemic and the role of the Chinese?  And, how did Moderna know about the novel coronavirus research taking place in Wuhan but the United States remained ignorant of its nature and potential infectiousness?  How were the mRNA injections developed and distributed in such a short timeframe but that timeframe allowed for approval only after the 2020 elections?  Why have so many standard medical practices been subverted in response to Covid-19?  And, why have safe drugs that have shown effectiveness in slowing down Covid infection been suppressed and made illegal in the U. S.?

Those aren’t all the questions, either, but they’re enough to make us go “Hmmnnhh.”

The human fertility / maternity questions are vehemently answered, “Absolutely no effect,” by the CDC, NIH, WHO and major hospitals and universities around the western world.  There are, literally, hundreds of articles stating no measurable effect of the mRNA injections on either male or female fertility: lots of studies, charts and statistics.  Interestingly, all refer to the shots as “vaccines,” and all claim that there is no effect on DNA from the shots.  To refer to the Moderna and Pfizer chemicals as “vaccines” is to comply with a widespread fraud since they do not meet any definitions of “vaccine,” legally, nor do their patents make any claims of being vaccines or list any effects of defined vaccines as their effects.

The potential effect on DNA has been shown in a laboratory setting by Swedish researchers. 

Technically, then, both companies’ concoctions are correctly described as experimental chemical gene therapies, not “vaccines.”  Most people would refuse such shots since they don’t treat or prevent any known disease.  Most people, however, trust vaccines.  What is going on?

In the simplest sense, a conspiracy to create the Covid-19 novel coronavirus and the expensive “vaccines” to fight it under pandemic conditions, can be reduced to a hunger for money.  Not only did the U. S. federal government spot Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson/Janssen many billions of dollars to develop vaccines as quickly as possible, but that same government set aside many regulations to speed the process.  Then it guaranteed more and more billions to those companies to purchase millions and millions of doses.  People were so fearful of dying from Covid-19 by the end of 2020 that there was no question that all the doses that could be produced and distributed would be used, and paid-for.  Financially, it was a gold mine, so to speak.  But Covid and the pandemic and resulting states of emergency, in the U. S. and many other nations, was far more complex than just an obscene transfer of fortunes in public funds.

The earliest stage of complexity hearkens back to 2003 and the outbreak of SARS in Asia.  SARS is caused by the SARS-CoV virus (or SARS-CoV-1, now that were counting), a novel coronavirus.  Those in the coronavirus fascination business: people like Tony Fauci, key people in the CDC and a couple of researchers at UNC–Chapel Hill, recognized as early as 2002, before the outbreak, interestingly, that coronaviruses that cause things like colds and some forms of pneumonia, are wonderfully manipulable.  They busied themselves in engineering changes to the original SARS-CoV virus so that it could be PATENTED.  There are legal issues around patenting life-forms.  Naturally occurring life-forms cannot be patented.  Only a modified, or “engineered” iteration of a life-form can be patented, and the SARS-CoV virus is defined by patent number 7776521, held by our own, very trustworthy CDC agency of the National Institutes of Health.  Later, the CDC petitioned to have this patent made “confidential.”

UNC at Chapel Hill also holds a patent, number 7279327, which protects their methods of making “recombinant” coronaviruses, which is to say, coronaviruses that contain protein elements from more than one source.  This is, however IM-Prudent, a valuable skill to have, for some reason.  You never know when the market for recombinant coronaviruses might open up.

In any case, the work being done at UNC, financed by Fauci’s NIAID agency, was skirting the law as it was close to bio-weapons research.  Subsequently, the newly modified SARS-CoV coronavirus, the patented property of the CDC, and the patented skills of engineering same, were transferred to the Wuhan Institute of Virology under a contract placed through an U. S. “NGO” headed by Dr. Peter Daszak.  It has taken many months but Americans and the rest of the world have finally learned that the NIAID financed gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute.  The functions gained were designed to take a bat-origin coronavirus, supposedly the source of the SARS outbreak in 2003, although that may have had help, too, and make it able to readily infect humans.  There wouldn’t seem to be any economic value to creating a more infectious coronavirus, although there may have been some scientific value.  Certainly no one would want to sell a new disease and, in fact, the CDC / NIAID / EcoHealth cabal didn’t sell it, they gave it away – to China.

Still, there’s no market for the disease, but, if by the rarest of circumstances, we are told repeatedly by eminent scientists, at the direction of Anthony Fauci (the Great), this engineered-to-be-infectious virus were to escape the lab, there would be a Hell of a market for a vaccine to fight it!  “Oh, c’mon, Prudence,” you’re crying, “that sounds like some huge conspiracy theory!”

Prudence doesn’t want to spread a conspiracy theory… just sayin’.

Still, if the impetus were simple enrichment, Covid has worked out very, very well.  However, if the larger purpose is something else… something more in the line of shifting free peoples away from freedom, as leftists are always – unfailingly – attempting to do, then the political, dictatorial “emergency orders” have had a far greater impact than Covid-19, the disease, has had.  What if the purpose was to prepare millions… no, billions of people to accept heavy-handed, un-Constitutional restrictions on movement, freedoms, employment, private properties, personal hegemony and education?  What if weakening the fabric of free societies were the main act?

The heavy-handed, largely UN-scientific reactions by various government entities, to the “threat” (read: fear) of Covid-19, has had, as its GREATEST effect, the division of populations against one another.  Masks and mask-mandates are a perfect example of this.  Despite the utter lack of scientific/medical value of popular masking products against the spread or infection-rates of Covid, Americans become angry toward anyone who questions them.  Schools have been allowed to open, for example (by teachers’ unions), only if children as young as pre-schoolers are forced to wear masks.  There’s plenty of data and evidence for the negative effects of masks on children, yet teachers have gone so far as to tape masks onto special-needs children – as if somebody were made the tiniest bit safer because of its forced placement.  Anger results, and great defensiveness that cites “CDC Guidance” as justification, yet the CDC’s mission is research, not public policy.  Who gave the CDC, of all people, this enormous power?

The Congress, supposedly the most potent locus of power under our Constitution, is left begging for information.  This is upside down, is it not?  The W.H.O., a corrupt agency within the corrupt United Nations, is just as often cited by our administrative state as justification for recommendations that have effectively militarized medicine in the United States.  W.H.O., we should not forget, began its advice about Covid by lying, for weeks, about the role of China in developing and spreading Covid-19 around the world.  It is completely IM-Prudent to take their advice on much of anything.  Now there is building the idea that any NATION that opposes W.H.O.’s directives on health and future (and current) pandemics, should be punished!  This can only be effected by reducing the sovereignty of member nations. 

Almost 90 nations have adopted or are considering some form of “vaccine passport,” including our formerly quite free neighbor to the north, Canada.  Here we have a set of injections – called vaccines – that the latest evidence and releases of information from Pfizer and the FDA show are greater risks than the supposed disease they are supposed to prevent.  Governments and major employers – even the Department of Defense – are using threats against continued employment should individuals refuse to receive those questionable shots.  We seem to be trading our freedom for… well, for risky medication about which mostly lies have been told.  Yet W.H.O. and the U. N. are pushing global requirements to accept the injections.

Clearly the overriding purpose of this pandemic and the vaccines, lockdowns and damage to independent businesses, increased drug overdose deaths, increases in multiple cancers and other diseases and deaths caused by the mRNA vaccines, is not public health.  Nor is it improvement to the standards of living for a majority of the residents of this planet.  No, it’s something else.  You can see this, Prudence hopes.

So, how can inordinate fear of a disease be maintained?  Well, as any government afficianado can tell you, by widespread, even mandatory testing… and more testing, weekly testing, daily testing, testing if you have a friend who knows somebody who was in the same suite of offices as a person who tested positive, him- or her-self, for the dreaded Covid-19.  With enough testing – especially with “PCR” testing – the numbers of “cases” can be kept artificially high.

There’s nothing wrong with Polymerase Chain Reaction testing; such tests can be very accurate in proper laboratory settings.  The only value to a PCR test for Covid-19 is to expose infectiousness.  Finding out that there may have been exposure to Covid-19 outside of the period of perhaps a week or less of actual infectiousness, is fairly useless… at least in terms of preventing disease.  It is useful, however, for inflating the number of “cases.”  Higher case rates justify the imposition of restrictions, mask mandates and, ultimately, injection mandates.  Higher case rates can keep schools closed, businesses shut down, and can empower civil authorities to criminalize normal commercial and religious activities.  God forbid one would be part of a “super-spreader” event.  Constant testing provides justification for all sorts of government reactions, legal or extra-legal, constitutional or UN-Constitutional.

So, if PCR testing is so accurate, how can it be abused?  It doesn’t require malicious intent, necessarily, for testing “data” to be abused by politicians, for they must be portrayed as “doing something.”  The process involves, first, detection of an RNA string unique to Covid-19.  This might involve only a few copies of the RNA “snippet.”  The chain reaction step then replicates the small number of strings in repeated steps until there are enough strings to confirm and display by concentration assay.  Bingo: a positive!  Keep ‘em coming, boys and girls, and we can lockdown those pesky right-wingers for months.

The only real counter to fear of covid is early, safe treatment of symptoms and inhibition of viral replication in the body.  Given a little help, natural immunity will figure out how to stop the virus and create an immune response that can last for years.  Unfortunately, mRNA injections start out lasting only a few months and, by the 2nd “booster” shot, only about 4 WEEKS.  In the process, since they defend against only one protein in the virus, they augment the ability of the virus to mutate, creating “variants” that may or, often may not be deterred by the “vaccines.”  Aha!  More fear, more restrictions, more dependence on government, more formerly self-sufficient individuals on welfare, more billions to develop still other mRNA shots: a lifetime of “boosters.”  If this is a plan, it’s a damned good one.

Treatments for Covid-19, however, have been suppressed.  Typically, facing a new disease, the best medical reaction is to try everything that might help from the pharmacopeia of known drugs.  Obviously, EVERYTHING, in the beginning, will be “off-label!”  Duh!  Every potential anti-viral should be tested, AND THEY HAVE BEEN, and in various combinations with nutrients and complementary drugs.  Protocols have been assembled that are VERY effective at certain stages of infection and progression.  Medical science is a remarkable engine of innovation.

Why do you suppose these treatments have been made, essentially, illegal?  Such a reaction is unique to covid-19!  Patients who exhibit symptoms were told to go home and come back to the hospital if they became really ill.  No treatment offered.  Once in the hospital, again, no treatments, just maintenance.  Some recovered on their own, many were intubated as lung function declined, many of those died, apart from loved-ones.  Eventually, Remdesivir was approved and pushed onto patients, but it is a treatment that’s worse than the disease, with severe, organ-damaging side effects.  None of the inexpensive treatments are ever offered, and even if prescribed by a physician, hospitals will not ALLOW them to be administered.  In many cases – most – pharmacies will not fill those prescriptions because of “CDC guidance.”

The only answer offered to the question of SARS-CoV-2 fears are the weird mRNA shots, shots that don’t promise to immunize, or stop infections or even prevent future infections – only to mitigate infections, but then, only if you happen to contract Covid-19 during the small window of “vaccine” effectiveness.  Unfortunately, it has become clear, these injections tend to disrupt your natural immune system, leaving it able to respond only to the one protein the mRNA shots react to.  “Vaccinated” people become increasingly defenseless against many other diseases, including childhood diseases and cancers that natural immunity typically fights off unnoticed.  Yet, these are the shots governments are FORCING people to take, all around the world.  Why in Hell, one wonders?  And our freedoms will be stripped from us unless we accept them? Populations could decline if this is allowed to continue.

Are we sovereign human beings with unalienable rights?  Or laboratory rats?  How about WE conspire to remove the people who have reduced us to this status?  America, Awake!


Even government has to employ the Constitution...

There’s a new economics in town.  It’s based on virus avoidance.  A majority of Americans have bought some, if not all the virus-avoidance products suddenly for sale.  Some of those are advertised as something the wise, concerned, empathetic and news-trusting person definitely should  have: things like toilet paper and sanitizing wipes, for example, or things like people-avoidance, face masks and fear.  When sales dropped a little, politicians got up on their pedestals and decreed that most of these products were now mandatory, while others, for some arcane, authoritarian reasons, were forbidden.

The latest viral threat has exposed a host of new sales experts, male and female.  Unlike the multitude of regulations these same, new sales reps have instituted to protect buyers of everything from prescriptions to orange juice and canned soup, there are provided no guidelines whereby the hoped-for… no, required  buyers of the new virus-avoidance products these abrupt sellers are peddling, can fairly judge which are good and wholesome and which are not.  Yet, purchase and swallow we do, lest we miss out on the greatest shared sacrifice of all time – the first to bring our nation to its knees.

There is no choice between bitter or sweet, it’s virtually all bitter, and since we are the tough, always successful American people, we join in the sacrifice to show just how patriotic we truly are.  There are even new badges of courage, so to speak, like face masks and oddly walking so as to avoid others, not to overlook cowering at home as one of our greatest strengths.  The only side-effect of the lately prescribed purchase we all must buy, is a new, nearly universal distrust of everyone else should we be threatened by their presence.  Since the FDA- and CDC-approved products are so new, no one knows if the side-effects are long-lasting or even permanent.  Small additional price to pay.

Those who are skeptical of our national reaction to our newly purchased fears, are perceived as barely deserving of the right to buy food, even less the right to buy toilet paper.  This is a great unifying moment.  Obviously it does make sense to wear a face mask of some sort when entering a market or hardware store, although, in a perverse way, it also seems Prudent not to do so, as wearing one indicates acquiescence to the miasma of dictates, pronouncements and unconstitutional separation from “inalienable rights” that hundreds of thousands died for prior.

Nascent socialists love a good crisis like this viral one.  Now, what they have dreamed of since entering their first poli-sci lecture or law class, and subsequent entry into “government” itself, there is presented a chance to change the world, re-order disorganized society, and to clear the path through the jungle of liberty that those sufficiently wise can follow to a brighter future.  Those who cannot share the vision of an orderly nation will need just a little coaxing to walk arm-in-arm with the wise followers… ahhmm, except walking arm-in-arm will be disallowed to prevent a “second wave” of coronavirus.  And, no hand-shaking or sharing others’ spaces, now deemed to be a 3, 4 or 5-foot circle according to the Ministry Of Social Distancing.

Exposure of the best and worst of federal regulation is one of the blatant results of dealing with COVID-19.  Evidently there was some concern among intelligence operatives back in November of 2019, that the rapidly spreading, perhaps new contagion, bore watching in the off-chance that it would spread outside of China.  Initially their concern was focused on problems for U. S. assets in South Asia.  Still, it wasn’t actionable: there was little hard information and it was wholly a Chinese problem.  It was good that our arcane intelligence caught wind of the problem, but anything further depended on the honesty of the Chinese Communists.  Well.

At some time after the problem surfaced, perhaps the beginning of December, the Chinese not only hid their unique problem, but allowed millions of people to leave Wuhan before they realized they had to lock the city and region down if there was any hope of containing the spread of this new disease.  With disinformation as its prime public function, the Chinese Communist Party argued against travel restrictions and coerced the UN’s W.H.O. to repeat their lies for 3 or 4 weeks.  First “it doesn’t spread from human to human,” as Chinese trade and technical personnel spread across the world carrying the new “smallpox” to the indigenous tribes of America, Italy, England, Spain, Germany and Iran, among many others.  No infected blankets – human-to-human works better than expected!

No one seems to want to consider that COVID-19 has damaged the world’s economies, including ours, on purpose.  “Oh, no!  No country would ever do that.  The Chinese are wonderful people.  This was an embarrassing mistake that China feels terrible about.”  Indeed, China feels SO badly that it has striven continuously to blame the United States for the disease.  The trusted professionals at the W.H.O that China controls, have done their best to reinforce Chinese proficiency at handling the virus, in the face of unending disinformation about the extent of COVID-19 in China, the brutality employed to contain it and about the tens of thousands of deaths that have happened.  While the world suffers the constant spread of this new virus, China has miraculously experienced the end of the spread to the point of virtually no new cases and business is up and running and kids are back in school.  Okaaayyy.  Ignore the western news people who have been kicked out of the country, China is the model to follow.  Can you say, “disinformation?”

Relative only to the United States, it has cost only about $10 Trillion in denied business and market wealth to fight the virus… so far.  That’s assumed to be a lot of “money,” but it’s not.  It is a Hell of a lot of obligation far into the future.  There was no money to borrow from the Federal Reserve; the FED didn’t have $2.2 Trillion.  What it does have is the right to create lendable “money” out of thin air, and charge Americans interest for it.  It’s a nice business to be in.  Having received the imaginary air-money from the consortium of private banks we like to call the Federal Reserve, the Federal government, all legislatively legal-like, deposited bits of it into millions of business and personal bank accounts to help us all “fight” the novel coronavirus that China sent us.  China’s model for supposedly containing and defeating the COVID-19 coronavirus, is the model most “Western” countries – ostensible democracies and republics – adopted, rather than the Swedish model of good sense and personal responsibility, without national business shutdowns, that is working about as well as the Chinese model of repression is working for the rest of us.

Measuring the astronomical and ongoing costs our fascist lockdowns of businesses and individuals are imposing, one could speculate that we could have posted two nurses and a personal assistant at the side of every vulnerable elderly person and otherwise medically weak person at a cost of about one-twentieth of that $10 Trillion.  A private chef could have prepared gourmet meals for each thrice daily and fluffed their pillows on demand. The rest of us could have gone about our business, using care and best practices to minimize infection.  One could observe that those who have imposed the shutdowns and stay-at-home orders – all in contravention of our Constitution – are enjoying it a little too much.

As in all matters of great moment and of life-and-death, literally, we are witness to tawdry congressional machinations.  Without hesitation certain key congressional figures have attempted to insert completely unrelated issues into “emergency” economic legislation rushed through to save the economy.  What constitutes “emergency” legislation for those on the left, includes having voters vote up to 45 days “early” and to vote by mail to “maintain social distancing.”  These are election-stealing tactics.  The left: socialists, liberals and our beloved Democrats, never relax in their battle to unseat conservatism and the strengths of tradition.  Every defeat of their radical (anti-traditional) plans is never accepted, but is a key to how to bring a different tactic to bear in the next battle to unseat a specific tradition.  The famous instruction to leftists is “Never let a good crisis go to waste,” and “no” means simply, “later.”

Every aspect of traditional life – and belief – is naturally political to leftists in an environment of hateful anti-traditionalism.  COVID-19 is a political  matter on which sides must be taken and defined.  In some way the attack of this new scourge is not a common enemy all Americans should unite against.  No, it is an opportune moment to instill ever greater socialist plans and practices, virtually while people aren’t watching.  If a few dozens or hundreds of people die in the execution of socialist plans, that is a reasonable cost to install “equality” and to tear down the capitalist, unfair economics of the Constitution and of Christians.  China made the same calculation when the (perhaps) accidental release of COVID-19 presented an opportunity, as well.

As epidemiologists have grabbed the economy by the throat, the ostensible requirement of “social distancing” has extended to include everything from weddings to funerals, school classes and restaurants, most jobs and even walks in parks and on beaches, and, quite logically in the eyes of leftists and fascists, our new governors have prohibited Church services!  In a nation glued together by religious freedom and codified disestablishment, and built by believers in God, this is extraordinary.  This exposes the disdain that leftists hold for religious faith: religion is nothing more than social gathering and virtue-signaling such as the left understands all too well.  Amazingly, at the same time that Chinese Christians are risking imprisonment, if not their lives, to hold surreptitious prayer meetings, Americans, and more oddly, their pastors and priests, have acquiesced to the dictates of secular functionaries to avoid church services.  What if prayer works?

Secular leftists are laughing in their latte’s as they think they have proven the fallacy of religion.  Erstwhile Christians are congratulating themselves on being good rules-followers, not grasping the peril their meekness has placed them in.  Regardless of Constitutional guarantees, churches have shown that they will readily forego their faith and their rights when so directed by non-believers.  Never let a good crisis go to waste.

Nearly every religious tradition around the world includes some form of prayer in unison.  There is great effect from unified belief – it’s the strongest force on earth.  Are all churches agreeing that there is no one to hear their silly prayers?  Are Sunday services mere collection-plate convenience?  Good grief!  Prudence has seen prayer work in the physical world.  No pastor should fail to resist the attempt to squash this essential right – and duty.

Finally, it is hopeful that so many private efforts have sprung into being to supply medical equipment and help to other individuals.  Companies have changed course in matters of days to provide masks and ventilators and hand-sanitizer.  Remarkable organic chemists and biologists are testing, creating, and improving drug therapies and even potential vaccines to defeat COVID-19.  Americans, most especially those of us who have dealt with the risks of private life and economics, are generous, charitable people.  Even while unable to work and with their incomes limited or missing, Americans are being asked to donate and they do. 

The brunt of the multiple variations of shutdowns and lock-outs has been borne by private interests: individual workers and contractors, small and large businesses, and charities and non-profits to differing extents.  The pain has in no way impacted public employees economically.  Yes, first responders are working longer shifts – on overtime.  Teachers have had to learn (where union-willing) how to teach on-line.  Big public thinkers and planners have had to think and plan more than ever, but none has lost pay, benefits or pension.  Daily there are stories of private incidents of charity and outreach, some quite widespread as people contribute thanks to social media.  What Prudence has failed to observe are news reports of large-scale public-employee  charitable efforts, whether by bureaucrats or teachers or others, and maybe the reports have just been missed, somehow.  Are “we” all in this together or is it just “you,” the private, not yet socialized sector, who are all in this together?  God forbid.